Email to Doug Valentine author of 'CIA as Organized Crime'


It is the very, very least I could do.  In some ways your work perhaps saved my life by replacing the paradigm we are brainwashed by in our 'modern pop culture' as to the 'heroes' of our CIA.

I learned much to my dismay that you, that Ole Dammegard are closer to the truth, a more accurate paradigm.  They are criminals, well place, connected, and protected.

I am on my own and make the most of the days I have remaining.  The Matrix was comfortable and I thought I had my place in it, middle class as it was, it suited.  Then I got that glimpse behind the curtain and see how boys like Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, Tim McVeigh, Ted Kazinski, were gangstalked, had buttons pushed and levers pulled, crossed lines, took bait and ended up dead or worse.  All the while CIA fucks like Doug Boyce now at NCIS, Paul Leonard, up to mischief in Canada, Dan Mead head of security in London at McClellan and Marsh.  

Again I heartily apologize for copying you on my email to Doug Boyce.  Thoughtless of me.

Should it ever be of interest you are welcome to my blog.  I wonder how long it will take them to delete that.  I am banned from fb for my 8th time, this time no reason given, but that they knew I would go on a brief vacation to Turkey from where I double thumb type you this missive.

Again I am ever grateful for your work and I heartily apologize for copying you on that earlier email.  Emotion got the best of me.  I don't think you know what it is like to be targeted and gangstalked by our CIA overseas, and FBI domestically and hope you never will.  There is no James Bond, let me tell you, another fairytale meant to confuse the masses of which I was once.

Funnily, and this might entertain you or not, Twitter banned me twice for simply expressing the point of view that the recent NZ shooting was false flag.  I saw the now banned video the day of the event, and see why they banned it.  We sheep are not allowed to think critically nor problem solve.  Our task is to give up our guns and be used as raw material in a factory.

They killed JFK, pulled off 9/11 (what balls, what technical acumen, what a lie to promote as Orwell pointed out, continuous war), lied about Gulf of Tonkin and so much more.  Funny this coming from me, a 6 year Navy veteran, honor recruit, top of my class in all my Navy electronics schools, even got my BS with a 4.0 GPA at night while serving as others chased pussy and drank.  I see now this, my targeting, and my unusual motivation, all goes back to my dad in OSS, flying in Operation Flying Carpet saving Jews in Yemen and Ethiopia in the late 40s as a C46 pilot.  CIA confirmed this at a Marriott in Utah in December 2016.  Another story for another time.  And of course they confirmed in quite deniably, for they are experts in that field.

My dad told me a few interesting things just before I left for the service in April 1984.  He told me how he killed a man, an attacker in an Arab alleyway.  My dad, then in his 20s was carrying a lead handled walking stick.  He struck his assailant in the head, and poof, dead.  

Years later, while visiting NCIS agent, ex CIA Doug Boyce, he explained to me in terrain unfamiliar it was standard procedure to carry a weapon that could not be identified as such.  Doug's preference, a baseball bat.  My dad, that lead handled  walking stick.  I suspect that inadvertent murder is the reason for my targeting, all quite biblical, God, Isaac and Abraham, if you recall the tale.

My dad also told me 'every generation must have it's war'.  Unusual for a man who flew 727s for American Airlines for nearly 30 years.  Hell of a man.  3 wives.  7 kids.  Served on the local planning board.  I suspect CIA killed him at 65 and my mother at 79 so as to push me this way and that, in manner most deniable of course, and my buttons so thoroughly pushed.  

For reasons i'll not go into here, I suspect my parents knew.  My mom would load me up with unwanted detective novels with each of my visits to push me in that direction.  One stuck.  Robert B. Parker, he of 'Spenser' fame.  His methodology, was to use self as bait to expose the bad guys.  I did similar things and learned oh so much.  I even met Mr. Parker once.  We shook hands.  He was shorter than I had expected.

CIA.  Bastards.  

I was poisoned in August 2011 by my Russian FSB honeypot trap wife's lover/handler Alexander Valerievich Tregubov.  A beer.  In a month I lost 35 pounds.  Thought I was dying, by then I had rejected relations with my wife and had taken to whores, and why not, she was once one as well.  Third eye stuff.  Slept with about 400 women.  Not Wilt Chamberland like figures, but there you go.  Checked myself for Aids.   That wasn't the culprit.  A month later, in September 2011, I held my mother's hand for the 4 hours it took her to pass.  Talk about a psy op.  And during that visit a family friend, Adam Stanhope introduced me to a then legal stimulant, now illegal, MDPV to help push me over the edge.  Then a dose of MDMA.  That was educational, and me ever the explorer, like my dad.

I retained my ground and returned to fatherhood such as it was in Russia though Adam begged me to stay and start a business with him.  By 2013, post divorce, I learned of the business he started, a Silk Road drug dealing business selling obscure narcotics lime MDPV, Xanax, JWH-018 and more.  I recall asking him how he slept at night and what would he do when the cops came knocking as they in time no doubt would do.  

Without missing beat, he replied he would fake his death and move to Thailand, there to live in a house in his Thai wife Wichan's name, bought with the proceeds of the domain name he once owned, those proceeds never taxed by IRS, for he kept it all off shore and never reported his gains.  I suspect he had FBI protection, as when I reported him to DEA via their online tip service in the fall of 2014, in a week he was reported dead and cremated.  And I never told him, so the coincidence is mighty.  Either he lives in Thailand or the boys he worked for terminated him with prejudice.  I don't know, but suspect he lives in Thailand as his facebook page from that time makes it appear he never returned to Pembroke, Massachusetts, his domicile in his father's home at 113 Oldham Road.  

I had no suspicion at that point as to CIA involvement, for that is crazy, right?  I came home to Russia damaged and depressed due to mother's passing.  Decided as I was unlikely to save self or son, due to my former prostitute's influence, to 'save' the most at risk whore I was seeing at the time, a Russian girl from Angren.  She was 19 or 20 with a 4 or 5 year old son Andrei.  I thought her a hero of sorts, sending money back so as to care for her son.  Quite the fool I.

In retrospect, all quite psychological, the child I attempted to save was self and not a 5 year old boy I had never seen, in the faraway land of Angren, Uzbekistan.  

In a few months Genya and wife met, this organized by FSB, and in some months more I was divorced.  Long story, but I have the time here on vacation in Turkey.  Whether you read all this is up to you, not me.  

And in December 2015, in our first skype video call in over a year, ex-wife Svetlana, we have since remarried, for better or worse, asked me smiling, "Rick didn't you know that 80% of your expat friends in Russia were intelligence agents?"

This I did not know but suspected a number were.

By then I knew many were, Stephen Gardner, Jonathan Sparrow (head of Cisco in Russia), Jim Hitch (Head of Baker and McKenzie in Russia, then Ukraine), and many more.  They are listed with photos in my blog.  I am sure I missed a few.

Your earlier email seemed prescient to acknowledge the depths to which CIA has penetrated American and world society.  And they work closely with the 5 eyes, and NATO Gladio members.  And even with the Russians on a project by project basis.  

A senior Norwegian MFA boy, Henning Pedersen, worked on this project befriending me nudging me as they all did towards debauchery.  Three New Zealanders as well, former director of Swiss concern SGS, Antony Michael Czura, his head of M&A, Nicholas Thornton, and an auditor in the M&A department, David Fleming (noe CEO of a Kiwi home health care biz, what a world.  We ran and had joint ownership of the Yellow Pages of Russia, a business we since sold to Swede Filip Engelbert, one of two founders of the Russian version of e-bay,  Filip sold and is now worth in excess of $200 million.  God bless capitalism.  I could always feel that dishonest vibe from Filip, as he bought our Yellow Pages fro $23 million, and within a few years gave it away to the remaining employees, for such is the fate of printed directories in this time of online directories presented by Google and Russian Yandex.  

As they failed to turn me into a presidential assassination patsy, or barring that, a shooter, a la Las Vegas, while I was in Virginia in that horrific summer of 2014, as house guest of NCIS agent Doug Boyce, FBI moved into coverup mode attempting to entrap me with narcotics, first in Victor, NY (they put crack in my house) where I once owned a home and between April to December 2016 in Denver, (there they placed meth in my apartment, these boys do not fuck about) where I hoped to give my then 15 year old son a brand new life, an escape if you will from our past so dark.  In this I was incorrect. 

I went through paradigm after paradigm, first thinking Doug and Dan corrupted by the Russians, later thinking this bit of US corruption limited to East Coast as I saw in the fall of 2014 Omar Gonzalez, another veteran 'pushed' over the White House fence.  

Funny how he made it so far.  And with all targeted individuals who survive, now under doctors care, fed antipsychotics, to ensure difficulty thinking, and to brand him, well, one 'of those', for such is how our society works.

Having made it to Denver in short order I learned FBI had rented 19 flats to surveil me.  How did I come to this knowledge?  I left for Russia in December 2016 though my lease ran to April 2017.  I returned to Denver to finish cleaning out the small downtown flat across from the Ritz Carlton on the corner of 18th and Arapahoe.  The security guard, a twll black man named Tommy shared with me as soon as my son and I left, 19 apartments were simultaneously vacated, odd for such a boom town as Denver in those days.  Statistically improbable I think you'd agree.

One undercover FBI boy, Coy Ebell, reached out oh so friendly in our elevator offering I join him as a Trump campaigner.  He professed to seek to become a congressman and to turn Colorado from Blue to Red.  His vibe was off the charts, and his stewardess wife just too friendly to a man she only just met in an elevator.  Our rent was $2000/month.   Coy was unpaid.  My mother had been a stewardess.  Seems unlikely Coy's wife afforded that rent without assistance.  I kept my distance and refused his 'kind' offer.  Kept to myself.  Too much weirdness.  Having been twice a CEO (Yellow Pages Russia and another gig) and before that a successful telecoms sales and marketing director, it had been my plan to start anew for who retires at 47?  But circumstance ensured I remained at home in seclusion, watching intently what happened next, drivng my boy to school.  Retiring was never my plan.

Thanks to internet and brave souls like yourself, Ole Dammegard, Karen Melton Stewart, Thomas MacFarlan, and few others, I learned of such things as 'parallel construction', 'gangstalking', 'targeted individuals', 'directed conversation', 'street theater' and more.  The world is indeed a corrupt place, more than we are lied into believing.  Makes me sad sometimes, though never fearful, as I cannot afford that indulgence.  And fear as stated by authour Frank herbert in his 'Dune' series is the mind killer.  In this he is correct.  Rational though so required when targeted, hounded, harassed and gangstalked.  Fear has little use.  

I wish you success with your new book and treasure 'CIA as Organized Crime'.  In part you saved my life and I am ever grateful.

Your admirer,

Rick Macy

Sent from my Galaxy Tab® A


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