THE POST film and life under surveillance


Good movie. Good actors. Horrifying story.

Recall the Gulf of Tonkin.

Recall the assassination of JFK.

When will a similar actor to Daniel Ellsburg determine that 9/11, etc. was nothing but a lie most convoluted intent on propping up our defense industry, enrich those already wealthy, etc.

Being targeted by CIA and their subcontractors changed my life. Their intent ignoble, criminal even. My story depends on one thing only, me, well that and my memory, and ability to write a narrative easy enough to follow, yet complex enough to capture and to present the salient points.

Google Ole Dammegard, watch his YouTube videos. He learned some time ago that which I experienced, I was to be part of a world changing event, perhaps not too dissimilar from that of the Las Vegas shooter, who oddly enough is not around to defend himself. Funny that.

Not funny actually. Murder never is.

And the murder that failed for which I was too be a patsy would have been world changing, with me a footnote, much like Lee Harvey Oswald. Poor guy. Imagine how he felt when the realization hit him he was to be the patsy in that JFK assassination. He didn't have long I admit to feel thereafter.

I should get back to my movie, living here in this Russian apartment under continual Russian Police surveillance (Do I bore you boys, guess that is part of your gig, your fate), but a final story for those interested.  

My story includes redheaded Russian spy Anna Chapman coming on to me in Moscow in 2008, 2 years prior to her being found out, arrested, and deported.

On May 29, 2009, JFK's birthday a mysterious roof fire occured in my building in Russia at Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35.  I later determined that this fire had likely been planted by Russian security services in agreement with the CIA, to be blamed on me had the assassination attempt been a success and me a dead patsy.  

Further, in 2014 senior NCIS agent Doug Boyce admitted to me that he had been an American spy when we became acquainted in Russia in 1999 and that I was the target of this advanced and dark psy op.  Later in 2014 Armenian human trafficker Egish Kharchatrian, told me on a long distance call in a voice most threatening, "Rick we will turn you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too!"  I had fled Russia in October of 2013 to the US and by 2014 was in Virginia fearing for my life, as both he and the Russian pimp, Alexander Valerievich Tregubov, who poisoned my beer when we met in a sauna in 2011.  I lost 40 pounds as a result the next month.  Agent Boyce confirmed that Tregubov had indeed poisoned me in an attempt to gain my confidence.  

The assassination attempt failed though our American security services used black ops to push Omar Gonzalez into the White House in the fall of 2014.

Now to 2020. I use What's App to communicate mostly with son and wife and a few others. My son sends me voice recordings from time to time.

In my last day in December 2019 while on a Russian visa trip at a Manhattan airbnb a recording from my son's WhatsApp account, had not a moment of my son's voice in it.  In its place was a recording of my host speaking with another.   I didn't listen.  The point had been made.  I was under surveillance while in NYC. Not a surprise. I didn't mention this to my host as I saw no purpose and had deleted the file so had no proof in any case.

And I remain under surveillance to this very day.  


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