My Death, a Ruse of Sorts, planned by Corrupt Wife and Corrupt Russian Cops

My Russian wife Sveta, patient and evil, loaded the flat with narcotics.  This under corrupt Russian police guidance.

I expect the Russian police this morning.  It will be my last day she will, as my poisoner, Alexander Tregubov told me in Dec 2104, rather , she has a plan.

In 2014 she used my son as a weapon, my willingness to use self as bait to determine where therse narcotics were coming from.  After my death expected later today, she will have  my apartment, my son, my shares, my life.  Russian mafia.  And no one will know.  And I will no longer be abong the living to tell the tale.  Bravo Sveta.

Update April 25th.  Survived the set up, blocked for a bit on fb.  Long story as to wife and the narcotics and police.  Might write about it at some point.  Seems they play for keeps as apparently do I.  Oh boy.  


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