Email to My Family Gangstalkers
My Family Gangstalkers, and me the brave 'Targeted Individual' who uncovered my siblings horrific betrayal me To & 2 more Show more Apr 29 at 8:55 PM Hi Sue, I enjoyed connecting as we did. Too bad it took Coronavirus to get us to behave in a manner that might indicate we actually care about each other. Since 2014/5/6 I have learned that I am what is called in the terminology a 'targeted individual'. This makes you a gangstalker employed by police to try to get close and should that happen, to lie, to gaslight me and worse. For this the police pay you. How? I don't know. I hear Walmart cards are popular. It explains much, you and Heather easily dumping the $18,000 I worked hard for in the bankruptcy court with nary a word from either or you. Makes sense now, in retrospect. I strongly suspect you and Heather had a good laugh at my expense, both literally aand figuratively. Apparently, neither of y...