Well the Mrs and her corrupt cop friends planted stimulants less than legal, in our kitchen sometime before 3 am.  I woke Sveta a bit later asking what she knew of these narcotics planted in our kitchen.  She played dumb, but her body language and eyes averted gave her away.

This sort of set up often resulting in a 14 year stint in a Russian jail.  So like Mel Gibson crying 'freedom' as the horses tore him apart, I grabbed knife and decided to take appropriate measures.  In retrospect I miscalculated, wife wamted me to use these narcotics, lose my mind for a bit, then she would call the medical cops as she has done twice before in 2019, each time resulting in a 30 day stay in a Russian psych hospital, and each time resulting in a diagnosis that I am 'normal'.  I overreacted as the blood spurt from my arms.  She hadn't expected that I would in turn take such final measures. 

Svetlana had just left moments before I opened the knife drawer, claiming to be going out for cigarettes, of which she had plenty, ignoring the stimulants in view most plain on kitchen counter and for which she never goes out at 6:30 am for these cancer sticks, her favorite Kent.  She usually gets up after 10 a.m. 

She was going for cops, and came back with them in 3 minutes just as I was getting good at self demolition.   That is an amazing response time, suggesting these cops were in on it.   They broke down doors, beat me with these odd flexing sticks and I stopped in pain, they rushed me to hospital for stiches, and having done that back to the psych hospjtal.  Another 30 days.  Another judgment of 'normal'.

Sveta was pissed from her vodka fueled fight with our son some days earlier.  Left for 3 days to lord knows where to see lord knows whom.  Upon her return she learned from the cops who surveil us that I let son smoke some pot while she was away. 

Her response? 

Set me up.  Her intent, not jail, simply a 30 day stay in the Psychiatric Hospital to let me know clearly of what she was capable.  I miscalculated, concluding jail.  My bloodied arms a result of this miscalculation.  Oops.  She got a lesson as well, were she to try to put me in Russian jail, I intend to leave this mortal plain, leaving her to lie to son forever more a widow.  These games we play frpm 1995 on dangerous, revealed in 2014.  Hoped put behind us in 2017.  I gambled, lost, was implanted while I slept in Russian hospital, nearly dying from blood loss.  This apparent chip wailing at 15600 hz 24/7 slightly louder in my left ear than right and audible to my tablet running a cheap 99 cent audio analysis app.

My Google Play Audio App Seeing the 15600 hz Signal I Hear 4/7 since
 January 4, 2017

The scar on my left arm where the 
noise making chip was likely implanted.

And send son again to a program doomed to fail, a 12 step program that lasts from 6 to 9 months.


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