CIA and FBI Gangstalkers, Police Informants, Psy Ops, Targeting, Street Theater, Parallel Construction

Police Informants, 
Psy Ops, Targeting, 
Street Theater, 
Parallel Construction

Ex-CIA NCIS Agent Doug Boyce
313 Sage Road, Virginia Beach, VA
Government Gangstalker

During my first 49 years on this planet we call Earth, I knew nothing of these terms or of the worlds in which they operate.

I've learned a fair amount about these topics, people, over the past few years, especially since receiving lessons in 'Psy Ops' and 'Targeting' from ex-CIA NCIS agent Douglas Boyce in his beautiful Virginia Beach home in 2014.  I learned that I am a 'targeted individual'.

Let me tell you, that took some getting used to, it took time to wrap my head around it.  'Targeted individual'.  Wow.  Time and of course experience.  And thank God for the Internet.

I sometimes wonder had Lee Harvey Oswald had the Internet might he have understood he was being set up as a 'patsy' as I was, before his televised murder, gut shot.

If you read my blog you know that I have had some experiences let's call them, a little divergent from 'middle of the road'.

Russian spy Anna Chapman coming on to me in Moscow in 2008 and so much more.

On my journey of self discovery I found that the mass media provides zero, absolutely no useful information, about being 'targeted' as I was and likely remain.

Mass media derides the phenomenon, calling the over 10,000 who claim to be 'targeted' and have reached out online to build meager communities, these infiltrated by more 'gangstalkers', these ones specialized called 'perps' and 'shills'.

I met a whistle blower Karen Melton Stewart online.  Karen is former NSA.  I believe her and her story about being harassed, targeted, and gangstalked.  In the early 90s I worked for a company whose largest customer had been the NSA and I liked the folk I had met as a result.  The company, now bought, sold and no more, Watkins-Johnson Company.  Famous for making the receiver used by the Watergate burglars.

I met Canadian actor Stephen Shellenberger, also online, he played in the Robert Redford film, 'A River Runs Through It' and he at his own expense made a film about the horrors of discovering that he was and remains gangstalked.  The film 'The Spark' available on Vimeo and worth watching, well made, and as educational as it is horrifying.

I had to watch it in pieces as it brought up those emotions now buried made vibrant as I learned day by day I was and am a 'gangstalked' 'targeted individual'.

'The Spark' Film on Vimeo

I met Thomas McFarlan online.  He wrote a number of excellent articles on surveillance and gangstalking.  The driving force behind these articles was learning that he is surveilled and gangstalked. My favorite of his articles is in this link below.

Thomas McFarlan Article on Surveillance and Targeting 

There are some good articles on the Internet that try to dimension how many police informers, Gangstalkers are currently operational in the US.  1,000,000 law enforcement officers, and if each with eight informants, 8,000,000 out of 300,000,000.  If only six, 6,000,000.  Interesting.  Hmmm.

I read one article about the KGB and the Soviet Union wherein one in six people were reportedly informing on their neighbors.  I don't recall the current US stats and must look up that article again.

As touched on above, I recall an article saying that each police officer has six to eight informants, as part of Fusion center-led 'community policing'.  I'd be more honest and call it 'gangstalking'.  But that's me.  I'm funny like that.

I recall late 2016 in Las Vegas with my then 16 year old son.  We had been living in Denver under pretty advanced FBI surveillance.  I took him out of state, out of school, enrolled him in an online high school, Penn Foster, reportedly the largest of such institutions, so as to maintain conformity with local education law, in late November to reduce the possibility of another arrest induced by my son as he had done in September 2015 in Victor, NY by growing, against my will and verbal instruction, 30 small pot plants, in Colorado.  That tale is covered in an earlier blog post.

The Denver location?  Skyline1801 Apartments.  Address?  1801 Arapahoe Street at the corner of 18th and Arapahoe Street in downtown Denver just across from the Ritz Carlton.

I recall the day one of the property management staff, an attractive Black girl with ample cleavage named Andre'a whose last name escapes me, told me that there was video surveillance in each apartment.  I was surprised to hear this.

I was told later by another of the apartment complex staff, Samantha Corente, that there was no video monitoring in the hallways or public areas, only in the apartments.   It all sounded very Orwellian to me.

The reason I asked about the hallways was I was told one morning that I had slept walked from my apartment 205 to 705.

Samantha Corente of Denver, Colorado may be found on LinkedIn, Facebook.  I noticed her criminal justice degree and recall her behavior and would say she is either undercover FBI or a police informant.

In either case Samantha Corente is a 'gangstalker'.

I recall waking up in apartment 705 embarrassed.  What had happened wasn't sleep walking.  I have absolutely no history of sleep walking.  And I recall the events of that evening which ended with me laying head to pillow in my bedroom in apartent 205 that night.

My conclusion?  The FBI had come in to my apartment and physically removed me.

How could they do this without waking me?

And why had Coy Ebell, a likley FBI undercover agent posing as a Trump campaigner and Stewart Devine, US State Department Diplomat in Residence, Rocky Mountain Region reached out to me in those desperate days of late 2016?  I have added in this blog posts describing both men and how and why we became acquainted.  Again all pointing to FBI, and a hotter than hot desire on someone's part high up to shut me up, to shut me down.

My 16 year old son Nicholas Macy had received oddly and unpaid for in the mail 'research chemicals' and I, determined to know what was going on between him, his Russian mother Svetlana Macy far away in St. Petersburg, Russia, my sister Susan Macy also at a distance in Salisbury, NH, and the police, decided to use myself as bait, to be oddly like Spenser the detective of the Robert B. Parker novels I had loved in my youth.  Their terse minimalistic descriptions of events, of actions taken by this fictional hero inspiring still.

I had put a 30 day stop order at the local Denver post office.  In 3 days it was returned with more packages of 'research chemicals' semi legal variants of weed and speed.  The return of the stop order in 3 days revealed the involvement of an agency to which the US postal office would listen: FBI.

I asked my son not to order these things as I had already one run in with the law for his errant behavior (captured in an earlier blog) and was not interested in jail.  He refused.  I asked how he was paying for these items as he had no job, no money.  He lied and said from my bank account.  I said he hadn't as I checked my bank account and there were no mysterious unknown payments.  His semi smile was a giveaway, a tell.

And in a few days I found the chat between him and his Russian mother which fully made real my theory that she had sent him to me in America as a weapon.

When I asked both him and his mother Svetlana if and how they communicated during their two years apart from December 4, 2014 to December 26, 2016, they both lied and said they hadn't.

And so I consumed some of these white powders of unknown origin, marked not for human consumption.

Were I under honest apartment management and thereby police surveillance, they'd have to come rescue me from these poisons.

If they didn't, well that meant something else entirely was going on.

They didn't.

I was quite high and went to bed.  I had effectively knocked myself out chemically with lord knows what.

What a man must do to get to the truth...

Why had they moved me to apartment 705?  Still trying to figure that one out.

This reported episode of 'sleepwalking' was false for were it true the management of Skyline1801 apartment complex would have shown me the video of me leaving apartment 205 and entering 705.  They this refused with some discomfort.

The resident of 705 and I spoke by phone.  Me all apologies, him with a military like tone, but accomodating.  He told me how I entered their apartment and was speaking with them eloquently and rationally, while they remained calm with me as an uninvited stranger on their couch.

I wonder their rationale for moving me physically as they did.  I still don't have a strong conclusion on that episode.  I wonder still.

This episode and the chat I found between my son Nick and his mother were warning signs.  I knew they, the corrupt FBI had only another month to complete their cover-up, to arrest me, causing me to violate my plea deal with the Victor, NY court (described in other blog posts here), placing me in jail for 12 months, no questions asked, to be shanked, executed, and my story made silent.

I had dodged and weaved and these circumstances called for more.  We packed bags and left Colorado.  We visited the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Arizona, Four Cornerw, New Mexico, California, Salt Lake City,  Las Vegas, and finally a night time drive through Southern Wyoming, back to Denver, arriving the day after the completion of my 12 month plea deal.

All along the way during the weeks of that trip, I would meet gangstalker after gangstalker as the FBI had eyes on a national scale.  This I had learned in my three year adventure in the United States from October 2013 to December 2016, bouncing from Pembroke, Massachusetts, to Portland, Maine, to Levant Maine, to Manhattan, to Virginia Beach, Virginia, to Asheville, North Carolina, back to Virginia Beach, and from there after a night spent in the driveway of NCIS agent buddy pal Doug Boyce being gangstalked by 40 FBI undercover vehicles, up through Maryland, through Pennsylvania, to Victor, New York to the home I once owned at 1235 Honeysuckle Pass.

Throughout those days, weeks, months, and years, I had met so many people, informants, fed the file of 'parallel construction' constructed with help of CIA and FSB that told the tale of a drug addled, sex crazed pervert on the run, this enough to motivate these low level folk against me, and against my version of events.

It was true, I had taken the drugs, had enjoyed the sex, but since my visit to NCIS agent Doug Boyce in Virginia Beach at his home at 313 Sage Road, any further dabbling in those areas was with intent to detect, to reveal, to uncover, to learn who were my antagonists. And boy did I learn who was after me, CIA, and for how long, from birth.

And yes, I know how that sounds.  Read all my blog posts and make your own conclusion.  I can only point the way, you, like me, have to decide to go down the rabbit hole, take the red pill, or stay in the matrix.

Am I a sex crazed, drug addled man on the edge of criminal perversion?

Or am a CIA programmed manchurian candidate upon whom MK Ultra technologies, psy ops, street theater, and more were applied with evil intent?

NCIS agent Doug Boyce poised several times the following question, "What Juice Is worth the Squeeze?" as I confided in him that which happened to me in Russia with Svetlana, who Doug knew socially, with Adam Stanhope, Silk Road drug dealer NAWLINS in Pembroke, Ma, and my subsequent pursuit by cars, by so many cars in Virginia commencing on June 21st, 2014, the day after Svetlana admitted to me her guilt in my fraudulent divorce.

That question was answered on September 19th, 2014 when troubled veteran Omar Gonzalez scrambled over a fence and into the White House.

I knew why only some weeks earlier Egish Khachatrian yelled at me from Russia to Virginia on an international call that I initiated, "Rick, we will make you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald!  We will get you and Obama too!"

Egish Khachatrian

I knew why an American I had met in Russia in the 2000s, Jason Smolek, told me unasked, that JFK's birthday was May 29th, 2009 when the roof burned over my head at my home in Saint Petersburg, Russia at Kamennokstrovskiy Prospekt 35.  Jason, like Doug, though unadmitted, CIA.

I knew why Doug Boyce of the NCIS had told me he was CIA when we met in Russia in 1999.

I recall in Las Vegas stopping for dental work, and the dentists telling me stories about Russia that I'll detail in a later blog post that demonstrates detailed FBI gangstalking.

The vibe back at Skyline1801 was different, somewhat more relaxed.  They knew, without me telling them, that I had reconciled with my Russian ex-wife Svetlana and would be leaving Denver with my son heading a world away to Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Since we moved back to Russia on December 26, 2016, son and wife, in Charlie Tan of Pittsford NY (Google him) put on 'street theater' and I interceded.  The result?  My son picked up a knife laid there by my wife and stabbed me laying open the artery in my left arm.

I almost bled out.  It's funny, having been to the edge of death.  You learn a bit about uourself that can not be taught, cannot be learned in any other manner.  I was calm.  No fear.  I took a tie from the closet and made a tourniquet.  My son helped me put on my sneakers with that red life juice dripping past the tourniquet.

My Left Arm Showing Scar from 
January 24th, 2017 Life Saving Operation in
 Which I was Likely 'Chipped' with
 15600 Hz Tone Generator 

My wife and I made it to the hospital and I had an operation, knocked out, stitched up, arm kept.  Since that date I also have reason to believe I was implanted with a device, perhaps the term is 'chipped'.

One man said I was 'biohacked'.

In any case, since that date of January 24, 2017, when I awoke in that Russian hospital intensive care unit, naked as a newborn, arm all wrapped up with a tube to allow drippings a way out, I have heard continuously 24/7 for over 2 years now a 15600 hz tone just above the ambient sound in any room, be it Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Denver, Phuket, Doha, or woods far from the first 3 cities in this list or on that beautiful Thai beach just South of Phuket airport.

Not only I hear this tone.  So does my cheap Samsung tablet running a 99 cent audio analysis app.  So did an Apple Ipad running similar software at a Saint Petersburg music studio located at Gallernaya 20.  Yes, I checked my hearing, found that I my ears work as advertised, perceiving sound up to 20,000 hz.  I've also recorded the ambient sound in a quiet room, sent it to an audio engineer online who confirmed the presence of a 15 hz wide narrow band continuous wave tone.

15600 Hz Tone Captured by
 Audio Signal Analysis Apps

If curious to know what I listen to non-stop for over 2 years now, try this 15600 hz audio sample on YouTube.  It sounds exactly like what I hear only louder.

15600 Hz Audio Sample from YouTube 

I learned back on June 20, 2014 that my bride (we remarried, yes I am either a glutton for punishment, a fellow who sees things through to the end, or perhaps I love her )) was a Russian FSB trained honeypot trap.  Also called a 'sparrow' in the literature.  This knowledge gained via a long distance phone call described in several other of my blog posts.

If to be honest, and mostly I am, painstakingly, as this is perhaps my one advantage over gangstalkers like NCIS agent Doug Boyce who have to lie about the story I lived, uncovered day by day.

I learned why the man who poisoned me in Russia in August 2011, Alexander Valerievich Tregubov, told me once I learned that his death threat against me in October of 2013 was 'street theater', that then ex-wife Svetlana Macy had a plan to gain my US assets.  Alexander told me this at about the same time NCIS agent Doug Boyce told me that he had been CIA when we met in Russia in 1999.

Alexander had also told Evgeniya Kosheleva, the other Russian FSB trained honey pot trap or 'sparrow', the girl I mistakenly decided to save from life as a prostitute living in a Russian bordello back in the fall of 2011 that I would be arrested in the US.  This he told her in the fall of 2013, two years into our on again, off again fraudulent affair that led to me fraudulent fall 2012 divorce.

That begged the question who was this Alexander Tregubov who had introduced himself as a mere Russian construction manager and part time pimp?  Why would he say such things?  That Svetlana had a plan to get my US assets and that I would be arrested were I to return to the states.

The answer is as complex as it is mindboggling.  Svetlana smiling asked me in our first Skype video call in a long time in December 2015 "Rick didnt you know that 80% of your expat friends in Russia were actually intelligence agents?"

And through that awful summer of 2012 prior to divorce, me not knowing that my wife and Alexander Tregubov had been lovers in Nizhniy Novgorod before she and I ever met, and were conspiring with the aid of this waif like girl Genya Kosheleva of Angren, Uzbekistan to whirl me through depression and divorce.  They were as heartless as they were mean.

Only in spring 2014, a year and a half after our divorce, did I know I had been set up.  Two witnesses, Albina Taptiga and the older half brother of Genya Kosheleva, Vladimir Soloviev, told me after my departure from Russia that they had witnessed Svetlana and Tregubov arm in arm in my apartment plotting.  How foul.

Then Alexander confirmed this by telling me that Svetlana had a plan to get my US assets, and finally Svetlana herself admitted her relationship with my poisoner of August 2011, Alexander Tregubov.

Further, as to my poisoning, NCIS agent Doug Boyce confirmed via mutual acquaintance (and also CIA gangstalker) Dan Mead, Head of Security at Marsh and McClellan, London office and his contacts with the Saint Petersburg, Russia Police Department, Crimes Against Foreigners Department that indeed Alexander Tregubov did poison me in August 2011.

What Doug failed to reveal directly was my poisoning, like so much in my life had been organized, mandated by CIA in order to create a back story they would use to mindf*** the public in the event they had succeeded in manipulating me via gangstalking and psy ops into being their 'patsy' in a presidential assassination attempt on America's first Black president in 2014.  Failing that, pushing my buttons via my poisoning, kidnapping of my son, pursuit by 40 unmarked cars, introduction of stimulants both legal and less so, making me relatively rich, to make me into a Myron May like lone shooter/terrorist.

More fodder for the false paradigm of the troubled individual, lone shooter.

My experience being gangstalked as described in this blog begs a question.  Maybe a few.

If CIA and FBI worked using their skills and knowledge to entrap me as it appears they did, what about the Lee Harvey Oswalds, Ted Kazinskis, Timothy McVeighs, Myron Mays, Omar Gonzalezes, all these high school shooters?  Were their buttons pushed as mine were?  Did they not figure it out?  Why was I so fortunate to figure it out when others perhaps didn't?

Ole Dammegard says that based upon his real world research that CIA, FBI and sister National Intelligence Agencies are making terrorists, lone shooters.  Ole's presentation on YouTube 'Terror Are You Kidding Me?' is consistent with what I experienced and presents the paradigm to which I now hold.

Ole Dammegard 'Terror Are You Kidding Me?' from YouTube


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