Day 671 from December 2018

Day 671 of hearing a high pitched 15600 hz tone, slightly louder in my left ear than in my right.  This likely the result of being chipped while I laid knocked out in a Russian hospital on February 24, 2017 by nefarious folk on behalf of CIA sorts like corrupt NCIS agent Douglas Boyce. 

Oh and before you say 'tinnitus' check out the screen shot below from my tablet running a cheap audio app picking up exactly the frequency that I hear now for nearly 2 years.  If it were 'tinnitus' the tablet wouldn't hear it.  Make sense? 

Why 'chip' me in such manner ignoble? 

Simple, I am a 'targeted individual' who was being programmed and 'gangstalked' to be a presidential assassination patsy who figured it out and put most of the pieces together.  And I choose to write about it.

Google Ole Dammegard and YouTube for the bigger picture on state run assassination/mass shootings/terror plots.  Lots of false flag stuff going on.


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