Ever see an American CIA agent in Russia?

Ever see an American spy in Russia?

Me leaning forward.  CIA Jeff Letino in purple shirt on my left.  My son is on my right.  

I have.  Seems I've seen more than one.  Those of you who follow my facebook page know that NCIS special agent Douglas Boyce told me face to face in the privacy of his lovely Virginia Beach home, that he had been in the employ of the American intelligence services when we met in Russia in 1999.

Now for something completely different...))

Meet my pal Jeff Letino.  He is sitting to my right as you look into these 2 photos.  If from my perspective within the photo he is sitting on my left.  The fellow on my other side is my son who was more than a little bored at this Moscow conference.

These shots are from two years ago today.

Got a couple of stories about Jeff-o to augment this post in a bit.  Stay tuned.   I know you will.  ))

Here we go...

Jeff is an American who served in the US Navy as an enlisted man.  He served on submarines.  Today Jeff calls Russia home and has for several years.  We met sometime around 2000 or so in Russia, likely Moscow, though I don't recall.  I do recall that he made a positive impression and I think know we knew some of the same people.

Let's fast forward to the summer of 2014.  In October of 2013, I had been persuaded by my Russian ex wife Svetlana and my supposed Russian girlfriend, Evgeniya Viktorovna Kosheleva, that I was under a death threats by two Russian nationals, Alexander Valerievich Tregubov and Egish Khachatrian.  I left Russia for the US, flying to Boston Logan airport where I would be met by family friend, Adam Stanhope.   My relationship with Adam is a story unto itself, so let's move forward to the subject of this post, Jeff Letino.

By the summer of 2014 my ex wife had tried to extort from me the half of my Russian apartment she had not received as part of our 2012 divorce settlement.  When we met in 1995, Svetlana had been working, as many Russian girls did at that time, in the world's oldest profession.  Only in 2014 would I learn that she was also an FSB honeypot trap.  She introduced me in her own way to group sex.  Photos of me engaged in such activities existed and were in her possession.  She threatened to email everyone I knew these pornographic images if I did not comply.  I refused.  She then threatened to kidnap our 13 year old son Nicholas, saying they would disappear into the wilds of Russia, if I refused.  I refused, and they disappeared.   I learned later she took him to Malta in an attempt to move there unbeknownst to me.

I reported Svetlana as a child kidnapper to the US State Department.  She reappeared in early September in time for Nick our son to get back to school.  Her attempts at extortion failed.

In that time while she to me was missing, two American expats whom I had met in Russia offered to assist me in locating my exwife and son.  Their names are Jason Smolek and Jeff Letino.

Jason Smolek is notable as he is the man who made me aware of the significance of the date of a mysterious roof fire on Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35, Saint Petersburg, Russia on May 29, 2009.  May 29, Jason Smolek told me was the birthday of JFK.  And Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 is where I own with my then exwife, now wife, apartment number 7.

Jason is not the subject of this post.  That honor, if one might call it that, goes to Jeff Letino.  So let's get back to Jeff Letino, although I hope you'd agree with me that Jason Smolek is certainly of interest to those like me interested in 2014's failed Obama assassination attempt in which I was to have the dubious role of patsy.  This according to the aforementioned Egish Khachatrian who told me on the phone in that summer of 2014, "Rick we will turn you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too."

Jeff Letino reached out and offered via his contacts in a Russian security company upon whose board he served then as now to locate Svetlana.  Jeff Letino offered that we meet at his home in Asheville, North Carolina.  Distraught as my son was missing and as I had learned on June 20th of 2014 in a long distance call to Russia that my then exwife Svetlana had participated in the aforementioned death threats and fraud resulting in our divorce, I was grateful to Jeff Letino and readily agreed to meet.

I looked forward to the drive from Virginia Beach to Asheville, North Carolina, and I had high hopes, that Jeff Letino, much like another American expat I had met in Russia, Doug Boyce, would help me find my wife and son, and perhaps assist me in getting Russian police to arrest and incarcerate Alexander Tregubov for both his fraudulent death threats and my poisoning in August 2011.  Alexander Tregubov had poisoned a beer he offered to me, blamed that poisoning on Evgeniya Kosheleva, but later confirmed by Doug via mutual acquaintance Daniel Mead via his contacts in the Russian police that Tregubov had indeed poisoned me in that summer of 2011.

And so knowing that my then exwife Svetlana had a long term relationship with this Tregubov who had poisoned me, and a long term role which at that point was unclear to me in a strange plot which had achieved a short term goal of getting me to the US in a state of confusion and fear, and being pursued by a number of unmarked vehicles that I would later recognize as undercover FBI, I got in my late model gray Hyundai Sonata, advised Doug Boyce that I was off to meet Jeff Letino and headed South to Asheville, North Carolina.

All along my drive I was pursued by unmarked FBI vehicles, though at the time I had little reason to suspect that.

I arrived at the Mountaineer motel in Asheville, North Carolina after two days on the road. This was approximately July 13th 2014.  It was already late, approximately 11 pm, already dark, and I was lucky to find a place to stay as popular performer Beck was playing a concert in that college town.

What I do recall is after having gotten a room and having parked my car in front of my room, I sat in front of the room outside in a cheap plastic chair.   I sat and I watched.  Why?

That morning I had received on my cellphone a strange call from person unknown siting an awareness that I was on the road to meet Jeff.  This call unnerved me, but my son was missing, my ex wife had threatened extortion, and I had left Russia some months earlier under a death threat I would in time learn was fraudulent, and so kept going.

I believed at that time I had resources and connections to rectify this situation most unpleasant.  I had no idea that I was being played or the degree to which I was being played.

That morning as I made my way to my car, a homeless man approached me most agressively.  He wore glasses and was unshaven, in a ratty blue t-shirt.  His photo is attached to this post.

I had parked my car behind the hotel away from the other cars so as to allow myself an unobstructed view of whatever might occur due to cars unknown pursuing me immediately after my ex wife's confession of June 20th 2014.

He came closer, and his walk, his manner seemed nefarious at best and perhaps worse.  I pulled out my tablet and turned the video camera upon him.  This he saw and seeing this he retreated.  I caught up with him once I started my car and inquired in voice not soft why he had approached me so.  He responded not so much menacingly though certainly uncooperatively with nonsense, speaking at random about Steve Jobs and JFK.  I understood that I would get nowhere with this street bum and got on the highway for my planned weekend meeting with Jeff Letino.

And so I sat that evening in front of my Mountaineer motel room door.  A couple pulled up next to me and took a nearby room.  I got a weird vibe as the two of them seemed an unlikely pair, a Generation Xer man in his early 20s and a black woman who may well have been in her 50s.  They went into their room and closed the door.

I watched further.

Then a van pulled into the parking lot which was fairly wide open and sat between the motel and the road.  Out of the van came two preppy looking individuals.  A man and a woman perhaps in their late 20s, early 30s.  Clean cut.  A decent looking couple.  And as they slowly approached me, manner different and more subtle than the bum of the morning, she began to pour from a small bottle some sort of liquid into a rag.  This exercise took both of her hands.

They continued their approach and it seemed clear to me their destination was me.  That was enough for me.  I retreated to my room, closed the door, gathered my bag which I had yet to unpack, left the room, got into my car and drove away, my sole interest to put space between myself and these two people with their liquid soaked rag and unmarked van.

I drove north into the night.  Cars followed.  I was afraid, though believing these cars tailing me were in some way connected with whatever happened in Russia that earlier fall, I felt I had a trump card embodied by my expat friends like NCIS special agent Doug Boyce.

Only much later would I learn how wrong I was.

Only much later would I learn of the paradigm of gamgstalking and targeted individuals.

Only much later would I learn of the good work done by Danish researcher Ole Dammegard on how our corrupt security services manufacture terror events/assassinations.

Only much later would I understand the relevance of an international phone call I had made a few days earlier that summer to Tregubov's supposed common law wife Irina Klimova in Russia with intent to advise her that I planned on returning to Russia and with the assistance of Russian police to pursue legal action against Alexander Tregubov.

The call was unexpectedly answered by Egish Khachatrian who raised his voice and told me in manner most threatening, "Rick we will turn you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too".

I sent a detailed email from my rm00035@yahoo.com account to Jeff Letino explaining that I would not make our meeting.  I reread that email recently and it burgeons with detail.  Later I learned I was intuitively doing just what someone should do when subject of police entrapment, and that is and was to document, document, document.

I wasn't sure what mattered and what didn't in terms of all that I was experiencing in that summer of 2014.  I learned in time that when the FBI has its sights on you, the amount of resources they are able to pour in to confound a target like myself is impressive even astounding.

In time I sorted wheat from chaff and recognized the importance of Anna Chapman coming on to me a few years earlier in Moscow, Doug Boyce telling me that he had been an American spy in Russia in 1999/2000, May 29th, the date of a mysterious roof fire at Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, being JFK's birthday and more.

I returned to Russia in December 2016 and in manner deniable to which is what I have learned those in the employ of our 'noble' spy services aspire, Jeff and I met first at a business conference in Moscow to which I had been unexpectedly invited (and provided free entry for self and son) and a few days later again in Saint Petersburg when Jeff invited myself and my son to attend with him and his two sons a Russian basketball game.

The vibe I got from Jeff Letino in both cities was odd and notable.  I had learned to pay attention to such feelings having been gaslighted in Victor, New York and in Denver, Colorado.  I had learned that these unpleasant vibes were usually in concert with the person giving the vibe gaslighting me.  Examples included my Victor, NY tenants Alice Calabrese and Dylan Chase, my realtors Sue Nerwin and Nick Glamack, drug dealer Adam Stanhope and his employees Michael and Andrew Chandler, among others.  Later I learned the reason was a complex FBI led bit of gangstalking aimed to entrap me.  I can tell you this education sucked.  Having gained such a unique education, it's nice when I can put it to use and to share it with others.  Maybe some will benefit learning what I experienced.

In Denver in the fall of 2016, the most notable gaslighter was a young man named Coy Ebell  who presented himself as an earnest Trump campaigner though in reality he was likely an undercover FBI agent intent on entrapping me as part of the cover up for what I had learned was a failed presidential assassination attempt again with me in a supporting, even starring role as 'patsy'.

My email to Jeff Letino as to cancelling the Asheville, NC meeting as a result of being gangstalked by FBI:

Hi Jeff,

I visited Asheville yesterday after spending a day in Fayetteville upon leaving Sandbridge as my landlady and her roommate demonstrated a whole bunch of deception and appear to be in cooperation with the fellow 'Tregubov' who apparently is with my wife and son. I am currently in Springfield VA after having had two close calls, one in Fayetteville as I checked out of the hotel I overnighted at (a white trash sort of fellow came at me aggressively as I got into my car which I had parked purposefully so as to eliminate 'randomness' as I expected something like this might happen. I videoed him with my iPad and he quickly reversed himself. I got in my car and pursued him in the parking lot, and videoed the result and began rambling craziness (similar to the deception that my landlady in Sandbridge had pursued to hide her intelligence, until it became apparent that she was also a fraudster). 

I arrived in Ashville late last night and learned that a Beck concert had filled most of the downtown hotels. I ended up getting a room at the 'Mountaineer Inn' around 11 pm thinking I would enjoy discovering the mountainous and beautiful area that surrounds Asheville prior to meeting up with you. But an odd car parked next to mine with a couple (older, say late 40s black woman who appeared rough in a way that continuous drug use might account for and a very young man, perhaps 19 with one of one beards some hipsters wear that only grow under ones chin and not on ones face) that seemed oddly similar to my former landlady and male roommate (she was 50, he 34, both white). 

The room provided me was said to be the last one on the front side of the Inn - room 131. I was offered a discount to $64 with tax as it was a smoking room and a light was out. Their room was above mine and to the left as you face the motel front. The young man went to their room while the black woman sat in the car, speaking on her cell. I made a video with my iPad and she appeared quite aware although I feigned to be reading content, as the iPad mini was directed directly towards her at a distance if perhaps ten to twelve feet. She lit a cigarette and rolled down her window and continued to speak. The conversation felt odd, but she finished and got out of the car and asked how I was doing. I got to my feet and kept my car between us and replied that I was tired and went to my trunk. She went upstairs. 

Oddly the free wifi in my room did not work, so I went to the main office where the wifi did work. The 90 year old Sicilian owner (according to the fat 30ish girl who rented me the room) and an old woman who appeared to be his wife asked me to leave as it was midnight and they were closing the office. I agreed of course and stood outside the office to get my email and to send the video I had just taken to a few people so as to ensure it would not be lost were I to lose my iPad, etc. at 12:30 or so another car pulled up and what I thought was a rather yuppiesh white couple (man and woman) pulled up on the right side of the main office as you face the 'Mountaineer Inn' and they simultaneously placed what appeared to be white hand towels over their hands and they began to advance towards me. Having been threatened recently in similar situations (that morning in Fayetteville), by my landlady, Shari Faller, on July 5th and earlier still while living in Virginia Beach the evening of June 19th in a roadside motel similar in some ways to the 'Mountaineer Inn'. 

Also, the morning that I left Fayetteville when I was approached by the white trash man in the parking lot, I received a call on the line I used to speak with you from a 757 number by a man who identified himself as 'Ronnie', 'Jeff's brother'. You and I spoke the night before on that line as I had with only two or three others whom I thought were worthy of trust. One, upon reflection, a naval academy grad with whom I reconnected after an absence of over twenty years was likely the one I ought not to have trusted.

So does this report stimulate any thoughts? Also, I do not believe this iPad to be secure so keep that in mind as should you respond by email. I can drive back to Asheville, and would be pleased to see you, however, perhaps a skype call would be sufficient as I have concerns for my personal safety of late. I will have new phones again tomorrow but will send you by separate email later this evening the phone number I currently have although I do not believe it to be secure. Please keep that in mind should we speak via that number. 

Except for the unpleasantness surrounding my late night visit to Asheville, it seemed a very pretty place with its hills and local charm. 




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