Henning Pentz Pedersen, Norwegian MFA and Norwegian Intelligence Service

Henning Pentz Pedersen

I met Norwegian diplomat Henning Pedersen in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

I didn't know that Henning also worked for Norwegian Intelligence.  Took me a few years to figure that out.

He was the #2 at the Norwegian consulate in Saint Petersburg when we met back around 2010 though it might have been 2011 or even 2012.  Not sure.

I knew one of his predecessors Per Tollefson  (sp?) a somewhat overweight Norwegian diplomat whose phone services were provided by an American owned Russian phone company where I was employed as commercial director from 1998 to 2001.

Norway had in 1995-1996 been one of my sales territories, so I'd been to and had a fondness for Oslo and the Navy base city of Haakonsvern.  I'd been there in 1987 as part of a NATO cruise when I served on a guided missile frigate as a radar technician.

When I met Henning and the exact circumstance I don't recall, might have been purely social, at a bar perhaps.  He was new in Russia and as I had been in this magic land by then for many years I felt a sense of pity as he was divorced, didn't speak Russian, and he seemed out of sorts in a gloomy manner.

Only in 2017 would I learn this was for show, street theater to gain my confidence and to make me perhaps feel superior in some arcane manner.

I had liked Henning as they knew I would.  We had some things in common.  Both foreigners in Russia and he like I had served in the Navy.  In time I'd learn he was divorced, with 2 daughters and a mother who had committed suicide.  These factors also played roles in our relationship.  I felt empathy, sympathy.  That was me in those days.  Now I keep those feelings a bit more under lock and key.  NCIS agent and also earlier CIA as blogged about here Doug Boyce taught me in the summer of 2014 how spy agencies manipulate the target's emotions, my emotions.

In 2017 after my dramatic return to Russia via Helsinki with my then 17 year old son I had already learned I was a manchurian candidate upon whom CIA and sister agencies from other countries had applied their MK Ultra techniques upon me - these are called psy ops

Henning used a bit of dark psy ops as shown in this facebook post from today in 2011.  He enthusiastically posts his comment 'suck it man'.  He doesnt mean the cigar.

Henning and I met in a bar in the center of Saint Petersburg, a popular street called Rubenshtein where long ago I once lived in the late 90s.  I saw it in his eyes, it wasn't as easy as with James Beatty or Aaron Bogott.  I had learned at this spy game culture plays a role, provides a certain shielding of 'tells' of emotions.  Henning was harder to read though not impossible.

Also Henning with his pale blue eyes is only finally human and he wanted to let me know.  Like Jack Nicholson with Tom Cruise in 'A Few Good Men', Henning wanted to tell the truth and to tell it to me.  He found his round about way when he asked me a question as to why he currently holds a very senior position in Oslo at the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  He told me then that his superiors informed him that the reason for his promotions was that he followed orders, carried them out.  And as he told me this his eyes gleamed.  And finally I saw Henning for what he was.  A spy.  Perhaps a monster depending on one's definition.  Never a friend, certainly not mine.

Interestingly not long after that meeting with no cause given he blacklisted me on both social networks where we had earlier been 'friends', had chatted.  Facebook and Russian vKontakte.   It's just as well as had he not done this I would have.  And just like that Henning was exposed and added to the list of conspirators in the failed 2014 attempt of the CIA to assassinate America's first Black president, Barack Obama.  Just like Doug Boyce, Anna Chapman, Stephen Gardner, Christian Courbois, James Beatty, Aaron Bogott, August Meyer, David Meetkatz, Steve Wayne, Tanya Dick, Darrin Stock.

Conspiracies do happen.  I found out.  You can too.



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