Dark CIA Psy Ops Stuff and a Woman I've Never Met

Dark CIA Psy Ops and a Woman I've Never Met

Let's start this blog post slowly with a story about a woman I never met and then roll up into some very dark and nasty places that the CIA wanted to take me as they attempted to manipulate me into becoming a presidential assassination attempt patsy.

Marina Terentieva, Georgia

A woman I've never met.  I recall getting her facebook friend request.  A woman living in Georgia with a Russian name.  Back then I easily accepted facebook friend requests thinking maybe someday that other person and I might meet, and who knows?  Perhaps something good would come of it.

Having learned that I am 'targeted' and now aware that I live a life under corrupt police surveillance, these things have changed my point of view on facebook friend requests from people I've never met.  I mostly don't accept them now.

So why did this woman, this Marina, all the way from somewhere in Georgia (the country not the state) reach out to me?  

Facebook has a function called 'on this day'.  Earlier this week I used this function and noticed a video sent to me in June of 2010 by this woman unknown, this Marina, featuring a small child, a girl dancing.   I don't recall seeing it when it arrived though I have little doubt that I at least saw that she had sent this video to me via facebook.

I didn't think about it and wrote it off to the behavior of someone I didn't know, had never seen or met.  And therefore I didn't pretend to understand or care why she had sent me this video of a dancing child.

Seeing this video pop up in my facebook 'on this day' stream earlier this week, I thought about why 9 years ago on this month, June, in 2010, this Marina sent me a video of a dancing prepubescent girl.  My gut churned as I collated this data point with others gathered since then and even earlier.

Psy Ops.  2014.  Lessons from NCIS and ex-CIA agent Doug Boyce.  Discussions on NLP and 'active measures'.  How simply showing a target an image, a photo, might provoke a reaction.  The Will Smith movie 'Focus' describes some of these methodologies in manner entertaining.  

I'll give an example before we delve deeper into darkness.  6 years ago this month it was 2013 and I was in Thailand having decided not to return to Russia.  

There in Russia, I had been poisoned in August 2011, shedding 35 pounds in 4 weeks due to my ingesting a substance still unknown in a beer offered me by a Russian I had then just met, Alexander Tregubov.  

There, in Russia, I had been divorced in the fall of 2012.  It had felt like a bad movie, somehow artificial, with a script followed by my Russian wife, Russian girlfriend, both former prostitutes, and a number of my expatriate 'friends' in Russia.

There in Russia there was something really, really wrong in my relationship with a Russian girl who for a time I was intent upon saving from life as a whore in a bordello with a pimp boyfriend who intended to profit from her misery.  Her name was and remains Genya Kosheleva.  She had gone back to Angren, Uzbekistan for the summer.  

In those days I didn't know such terms as 'street theater', 'directed conversations', 'gangstalking'.  I learned.  

I had been contracted to provide training in Australia for Cisco and Telstra by a UK company.  On the way back I had a layover in Bangkok and an air ticket with an adjustable return date.  

After much weirdness in Russia as described above and more, captured and expressed in other blogs here, and having had my first ever customer complaint for my performance as a trainer, my mood was low, and I felt something needed to change. 

David Fleming, New Zealand

After Australia, I visited New Zealand and a man with whom I had worked for 3 years in Russia, David Fleming. I had liked David very much.  David had been the owner's representative while I had been CEO of the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  Together we worked to make the business profitable and together with the owners to sale to Swedish investors for US$23M.  That was in 2008.  

David had returned home to New Zealand and had reportedly spent some months day trading foreign currencies.  He told me he had lost some money, had a lost cocaine weekend, and decided to get 'a real job' by getting involved in the New Zealand home health care industry. 

The NZ home health care industry was by the regulator being forced to consolidate so as to improve performance and to reduce the bad press provided by poor and sometimes corrupt nurses in smaller companies.

David bought into a failing home health care business, Careoncall.co.nz from the owner for chump change.  From there he began to buy other home health care companies to merge them with the one he already owned, drive efficiencies of scale, standardize training, and quality of service with the idea being to sell at a high price to a potential investor a national home health care operator.  

David knew mergers and acquisitions from his time as an auditor at Swiss concern SGS and was quite able to do these things described.

David made it clear to me that he would not leave NZ as he had two young daughters and a wife, Kristina, whose acquaintance I had been led to believe he had made at the 2006 wedding in Saint Petersburg, Russia of multimillionaire August Meyer to brunette vixen Inna Inik.  

Later in 2014, David made clear that wasn't the case as he revealed that he too like so many expats I had met in Russia was actually a gangstalker and that we had never been friends.  And for a while in 2014/2015 that hurt, but as with most pain, has passed with time.  

Back to 2013.  NZ.  David offered that we might again work together if I wanted to start a home health care business in the US, using his brand, procedures, and practices, or in any nearby Far Eastern nation, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia.  The upside would be that as with Yellow Pages we could sell a larger company, one that operated not only in NZ but elsewhere which would drive up the price.  I was sold.  

To return to Russia meant to see again Svetlana my ex-wife and perhaps Genya my on again off again girlfriend.  The vibes from both of them so harmful.  Not for another year would I learn that the vibes I felt were real, the gals intent upon evil as they were both Russian FSB trained honeypot traps, and had been for some years playing their roles in what would turn out to be a CIA organized conspiracy to assassinate Obama, install Biden and blame me in 2014.  The conspiracy failed.  

I'll never forget that date of June 20, 2014 when Svetlana confessed all to me in a long distance call.  I've described in other blog posts the content of that call most horrific and illuminating.  

David told me Id have to use my own capital, my own money, but I would have at no cost, access to the brand, policies and procedures, and later we could sell together these businesses.  He caught my imagination, for we had as described above made money, about a million each selling the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  What reason would I have not to believe in my dear friend David Fleming?  

I arrived in Bangkok and decided to stay and at least do research on the ground into the local home health care industry.  I would be busy, free of whatever had happened in Russia, might earn a fortune yet again.  

The only thing that bothered me was that my son Nicholas then 12 was under the guardianship of his mother.  I told myself he'll come find me when he is 18.  After all I am his father.

Bangkok was Bangkok.  I interviewed a few women who worked in the home health care industry, I had some massages, met a bar girl named Win, went to see the famous 'Bridge on the River Kwai'.  I also spent some days in Pattaya, and recall seeing the latest DC superhero movie, 'Man of Steel' in a Thai movie hall complete with the pre-movie 'all hail the King of Thailand brain washing video'.  That was interesting.

And then it happened.  Svetlana, my Russian ex-wife, did something she never does.  She posted a picture on a social network, it was either Facebook or the Russian version vkontakte.  My son, 12, in the kitchen of the apartment of which she now owned 50%, with his cat Jessica.  

This was unusual.  I can't say this strongly enough.  She never posted on social networks.  On this day she did.  And that night as I slept I dreamt.  I dreamed of my son speaking English with an accent I didnt understand.  The psychological push was huge.  I had to get back to him and be his father, Russian madness and badness be damned.  

And in 2 days I was back in Russia, arriving in Moscow just as Ed Snowden was enjoying a several day stay at that same airport, Sheryemetyevo, as he gained sanctuary.  

I had just experienced the power of psy ops.  I would not know that this is what that was until a full year later, when ex-CIA agent Doug Boyce explained it to me.  

I had sworn never to return to Russia, saw a photo of my son, and in 2 days made a life changing reversal.  

This example is but one of a number of instances when CIA and intelligence agents of other countries have used psy ops against me.  They had some success I admit, for I was an unknowing target.  

Valeriy Loginov, Russia

I recall my time as CEO of Pan Motors with my now passed security director, Valeriy Loginov.  That was 2010.  Pan Motors had been a start up business in Russia by the same fellows I had worked with at Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  We had shut it down due in part to the world wide financial crisis and mostly as Russia had changed her import tariffs for used American trucks upon whose sale the business had largely been based upon.  

I recall sitting in Valeriy's office one day, actually on a few days, and each time on his computer screen he had vKontakte running with several small windows running gay porn.  I recall thinking, how odd, and thought, well thats his business, Russians so weird.  In retrospect, another psy ops push.  Creepy as f***. 

Mark Seidenfeld, Singapore

And later in 2014, on August 7th, another expat I had met while in Russia, a dual national, US-Israeli, Mark Seidenfeld sent me the oddest and most unexpected of e-mails.  Donald duck smoking from a bong.  I asked why he had sent this as we had no habit of sending each other cartoons by email.  His answer seemed unconvincing.  Mark now works for Google in Singapore, and unless I miss my guess he is likely CIA.  The cartoon sent as a psy op nudge towards narcotics.  By then I was suspicious having had:

1. NCIS agent Doug Boyce tell me he had been CIA when we met in Russia in 1999, 

2. having heard my Russian ex-wife Svetlana's confession, 

3. having hear Egish Kharchatrian tell me "Rick we will make you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too.", 

4. having had an American, likely CIA, I had met in Russia, Jason Smolek, tell me unasked the significance of the date, May 29, 2009, of a mysterious Notre Dame like roof fire in my Russian home at Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 in Saint Petersburg -  JFK's birthday, and

5. having been chased, harassed, gangstalked by up to 40 unmarked cars through Virginia, North Carolina, all the way up to the home I once owned in Victor NY

Mark's email with Donald Duck smoking from a bong seemed at best disingenuine and his response by email weak.  This was yet another attempt of the dark art of psy ops manipulation.  

While in Thailand I was offered sex with children.  I declined.  Years earlier I had been offered that same awful opportunity in Manila just as I left the hotel.  I recall the Philippino man, out of place, as though he were waiting for me as the hotel was upscale and but for him no one was around.  I refused, was disgusted and thought nothing of it at the time for that was early 90s, years before.  

I recalled Moscow in 2001 when a very young brunette, perhaps all of 14 approached me out of the blue on a metro escalator asking would I be interested to have her services as my girlfriend.  I refused, smiling, thinking how weird.  

I recalled the fall of 2011 when in Massachusetts at the time of my mother's death, a month after I'd been poisoned in Russia by Alexander Tregubov, Adam Stanhope had introduced me to MDPV and his 'partner' from Iron River, Wisconsin, Mark Brady had introduced me to MDMA.  Adam kept showing me pictures of ladyboys while telling me what nice people they were, and Mark, Mark showed me images of little girls made up as women, telling me these images produced in Ukraine.  The girls were dressed, so this wasn't child porn, but I thought it odd, disturbing, suspicious.  

And so Marina, a woman I'd never met, sending me a video of a little girl jumping this way and that.  

My take away, my analysis, is that CIA wanted to make me as dark as dark could be so as to create the perfect back story for their presidential assassination patsy.  

All that sex in Russia.  The hashish.  The speed.  The prostitutes.  The gangbangs.  The sex videos.  

Albina Taptiga, Russia

Suddenly the message sent to me by ex-prostitute Albina Taptiga just after I left Russia under fraudulent death threat made more sense.  Albina had invited me back to Russia to live with her and a 16 year old girl I'd never met.  The offer was clear, Albina, hashish, speed, and a 16 year old.  Or was it just a psy ops push to the unthinkable?  I wasn't about to return to Russia and I was not about to cohabitate with Albina again as she had in October 2013 revealed herself as a police informant gangstalker whose task it had been to lead me into the use of amphetamine sulfate.  

They wanted me to cross one more line.  Unthinkable, unbelievable, unreal.  CIA had hoped I would take the decision prompted by psy ops to become a child molester.  OMG.  

The analyst in me takes the matter further.  Clearly CIA has few rules and is engaged along with FBI in using Stasi like tactics of gangstalking and psy ops to create lone shooters, assassins.  

How many of those school shooters in the US did they manipulate, push and pull?  

McVeigh, Kazinskiy, Myron May, Lee Harvey Oswald and so many more perhaps.

Terror/assassination researcher Ole Dammegard has it right.  All these events, JFK, 9/11, the Las Vegas shooting, the recent NZ shooting and so much more are false flag events orchestrated by our security services.  And at that head table CIA.  


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