From My Misdemeanor Arrest of Sept 2015

From my arrest in Victor, NY on the misdemeanor charge of child endangerment of September 2015.  This charge discharged December 2016.

This call from the Victor town police was as a result of a call to 911 that I did not make.  Indeed the dispatcher called me while I was in a Walmart parking lot in Victor, NY to ask had I made the call, and did I need police assistance.  I assured her that I did not.

What was interesting was that in somewhat over a years time I would find a chat between my teen son and Russian mother full of venom and hatred towards me that explained what I had suspected, that they were conspiring to get me arrested and worse.

Since arriving in America on December 4, 2014, Nick, our teen son, had expressed an out of the ordinary, in my opinion, interest in narcotics.

To wit in September 2015, he grew 30 small marijuana plants in our home in Victor, NY.  I instructed him to get rid of the plants. Instead he moved them to the kitchen and opened the drapery from our backyard sliding glass door to make these small plants visible to the police for that day of the unknown 911 call.

I was arrested for child endangerment.

I went to court.

They offered parole for a year.

I said, let's go to court.  Maybe I could expose the whole large conspiracy...

They said just get four weeks of counseling, stay our of trouble and we will discharge the charge.

I paused.

I thought about it a lot.  Here was the opportunity for which I was looking, how to expose this conspiracy to assassinate Obama and use me at patsy?  I thought about it.  I realized they controlled the courts.  I felt that the cops had already broken traditional rules and had met with and put pressure on he man who was my attorney, Mark Hannan.  I surmised my chances of success close to nil.  I accepted the plea bargain.

The police had lied about the state of the house and finding a concentrate of THC.  They had lied about the state of my house.  There was trash in the garage though no where else.  Why had they lied?  The same reason they had made the call.  Someone had told them to.

I decided it made more sense to me to be a father and to f*** the world.  I would not have the opportunity to let the world know about Russian spy Anna Chapman coming on to me in Moscow in 2008 or about corrupt NCIS agent Doug Boyce telling me he had been a spy in Russia in 1999/2000.  Not would I have the opportunity to present my theory as to why a fire had been set in the roof of our home on JFK's birthday on May 29, 2009.

I learned a lot.  In April 2016, I sold the place in Victor, NY and moved self and son to Denver CO where we lived under FBI surveillance for 9 months.  That sucked but I learned a lot.  After we left Denver for Russia,19 apartments from the Skyline1801 apartment complex located at Arapahoe and 18th were suddenly vacated.  So strange in that high end market of a Denver, most likely FBI agents moving on to entrap the next sorry bastard.

And the charge for which I was arrested was discharged in December 2016 and my record remains 'clean'.

I can imagine the stack of paperwork in my file.  Surveillance for years.  Ask Coy Ebell of Denver Colorado if you want to know more.  Coy is an undercover FBI agent.


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