Facebook post June 1 2017 while in Sochi on CIA plot to kill Obama, etc.

So let's recap. 

I came to Russia 22 years ago to pursue a girl.  Nothing too odd in that but for the part about me leaving 1st wife, quitting job, moving to Siberia, and shacking up with former working girl, a KGB, er make that FSB 'honeypot trap'. 

A few other 'honeypot traps' (and there are of these many, take it from me as i know) came on to me over the years since that move, most notably Russian redhead Anna Chapman.  Google her if you don't get out much. 

My 'honeypoy trap' Svetlana has boyfriend/ sponser named Alexander Valerievich Tregubov.  He can't impregnate her.  I can.  Another story, another time. 

I do.  We have son most amazing.  I name him Nicholas James Macy on my own though I open topic for debate.  She baptizes him Russian Orthodox with no notification similar to how she withdrew IUD.  Ok, so far so good though more than a little creepy.  I imagine it would have been awkward to invite me to baptism where her pal Mr. Tregubov was also likely in attendance.  Though living with me, sleeping with me, taking trips with me, all good.  Again a bit creepy.

Anyway fast forward from then to 2011.  The year that it is all on, and I mean all on.  By then I have earned enough money not to work for some time having risen from sales guy to CEO and packing it away like a squirrel.  She is unhappy as am I as I perceive her as super selfish and she perceives me as....  ....actually you need to ask her.  I'll not speak for her as that strikes me as more than a bit presumptuous.

Suffice it to say it was time to lower the boom on your pal Rick.  August 2011 - I meet her pal Alexander Tregubov who presents himself fraudulently as pimp and bf of a young lady named Genya to whom I had taken a fancy. 

Alexander brags how easy it is to kill a person.  He can barely contain his joy.  Creepy?  Yes.  But I think him a goofball and I want to enjoy Genya as that had been the plan.  And me then as now all goal oriented and such. 

We engage in a 'menage-a-trois' and he offers me a spiked beer. 

Spiked with a poison that causes me to lose 35 pounds in a month.  Nasty business.  This poisononing later confirmed via pal Doug and his pal Dan who enjoy relations with head of Saint Petersburg police. 

My mom has COPD and gets infected with C-dif while in hospital in Weymouth, MA and dies as I hold her hand the next month, September.

Mom shows me what lays ahead and I react in cowardly fashion leading me to act heroically though absurdly deciding after drugged by family friend Adam Stanhope to save Genya and her son unseen from the brutalities of this world.  (Iater I reported Adam to DEA when FBI faked his death and shuffled him off to Thailand where he resides comfortably in home purchased with gains from sale of www.bangkok.com under his Thai wife Wichan's name.  I forget the name of that Thai town though could dig it up if pressed.


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