The First Events that Caused Me to Learn I Was Targeted, Events Include Meeting Russian Spy Anna Chapman


The following is my high level summary sent to a very good man, Jason Goodman, who runs CROWDSOURCETHETRUTH which is available on Youtube, Patreon, Twitter and Facebook.  I reached out to Jason with my tale, my experiences, and he interviewed me and the resulting video is available on Youtube.  Simply google youtube jason goodman rick macy to find it.  I am a bit nervous in the interview and I hope that doesn't make viewing difficult.

What I think is helpful should you have interest in this topic and my story, the high level salient points of why I concluded that the CIA plotted to assassinate Obama, install Biden, and make me the patsy.  Keep in mind that the CIA is really good at what they do, what they achieve, have not only institutional knowledge on setting up assassinations, but generational.  Most of us have been brain washed, conditioned to see the world in a certain way, which, based on lies, causes us to believe the 'official story' for events like the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, and so many others, terror plots like the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, the burning of Notre Dame, the NZ shootings, and so much more.  So if what I present seems unbelievable, just as I thought and didn't want to believe how I have been targeted and manipulated by the good folk at Langley likely from birth, consider your own beliefs, your own paradigms, and ask yourself why it is you have that worldview.  Cogitive dissonance is something so many of us feel, knowing the TV has lied to us since its inception for the benefit of the elites and those in the security and spy agencies to the detriment of the larger population, the rest of us.

Again, my story unbelievable due to our conditioning.  Open your eyes, escape the matrix if you dare and learn about that which I learned.  Uncomfortable?  Absolutely.  Important?  Even moreso.

May 2006 I am hired to the position as COO of Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  In 6 months I am promoted to CEO.  My direct boss is Antony Czura, former CEO of SGS, a 100 year old Swiss company with annual revenues in excess of $4 billion.  I am introduced to Mr. Czura by Adrian Terris.  Adrian and I worked together for Metromedia International Telecommunications from 2000 to 2003 in Saint Petersburg.  Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages has been money losing for 4 years.  Mr. Czura fires Adrian and hires me to replace him.  We raise prices, cut costs and make the business profitable.

2008 CzuraThornton Private Investment sells the now profitable Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages via a holding company in Cyprus, YPI International to a Swedish investment group Kontakt East backed by the wealthy Lundin family.  Kontakt East merges the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages with their Moscow Yellow Pages to create Yellow Pages Russia.  I am retained as CEO and merge the two operations.  I hold 7% of YPI and earn just over $1,000,000 from the sale.

2008 Anna Chapman came on to me in Moscow when I worked as CEO of Yellow Pages Russia.  I was by then quite jaded by or with Russian women  and shrugged her off.

May 29, 2009.  A mysterious and as yet unsolved fire is set in the roof of Kamennostrovskiy Prospekt 35, Saint Petersburg, Russia where I own apartment 7 bought in 2006 from multi-millionaire August Meyer.  My then wife Svetlana is quite relaxed in our 5th floor apartment as the fire rages 2 floors over our heads. I race out of our apartment with our 9 year old son while she sits in the apartment for another 20 minutes.  In 2014 American expat whom I had met in Russia tells me this is JFK's birthday.

August 2011 I drink a poisoned beer offered to me by Russian Alexander Valerievich Tregubov in a banya.  I lose 35 pounds in a month and wonder if I am dying.  In summer 2014 NCIS agent Douglas Boyce contacts, via head of security of the London office of Marsh and McClellan (MMC) Dan Mead, the head of the Saint Petersburg, Russia Crimes against Foreigners Department of the Police and confirms that Tregubov poisoned me in August 2011.  Alexander brags how easy it is to kill a man and oddly tells me that he is sterile.

September 2011 my mother Catherine Macy dies in a Massachusetts ICU as I hold her hand.

September 2011 Adam Stanhope (a neighborhood friend of my brothers, a local drug dealer who will by 2013 become the darkweb Silk Road's highest rated seller of MDPV, a 'bath salt' under the login NAWLINS) of Pembroke MA gets me to unknowingly try MDPV, a synthetic cathinone then legal, now not.

December 2011 a girl I was seeing on the side who lived and worked in a Russian bordello is reported to me as having been beaten by Alexander Valerievich Tregubov.  Her name is Evgeniya Viktorovna Kosheleva.  I decide I will save her, this an emotional response to my mother's passing 3 months earlier.

May 2012 my wife Svetlana meets Evgeniya.  They put on 'street theater' arguing over me.  I learn in my 2014 they knew each other and had conspired with Tregubov and Kharchatrian to get me to divorce.

Fall 2012 I got divorced by my Russian wife Svetlana Macy. 

October 2013.  Exwife Svetlana Macy tells me she received a phone call from Alexander Valerievich Tregubov in which he promised to kill me.

October 2013.  I retreat from Russia to Massachusetts believing the death threat is real.  I later learn it was a fraud.

October 2013 Adam Stanhope picks me up at Logansport airport in Boston and invites me to stay at his father's home at 113 Oldham Road, Pembroke MA.  Adam pitches me on the idea of investing in his illegal Silk Road drug vending business.  I pass.  I ask him how does he sleep at night, what about the police?  Adam says if the police come for him he will fake his death and move to Thailand and live in a house that he bought in his wife Wichan's name with the profit he made selling the domain name.  As I leave the Stanhope residence having been swindled out of $800 for a scale and thinking enough is enough Adam tells me, "What did you expect Rick?  I am a criminal."

November 2013, I am houseguest of Chuck and Randee Jensen in Levant, ME.  Unasked Chuck shows me a 'reptilians' YouTube video.  I learn that Chuck is Facebook friends with Russian Elena Boyce.

May 2014 I am houseguest of Douglas and Elena Boyce at 313 Sage Road, Virginia Beach.  Douglas tells me he was an American  spy when we knew each other in Russia in 2000.  Douglas tells me how as a spy he and others use psy ops, 'active measures', 'street theater', 'managed aggression' against targeted individuals to get them to act against their self interest.

I tell Douglas about my experience with Adam Stanhope and ask how best to advise the authorities about Adam's online drug dealing.  Douglas advises me to cut letters and words from newspapers a  magazines and using glue to create a letter and to send this to the local Pembroke, MA police.  I thank him and do nothing.  This advice felt weird.  I had expected perhaps an introduction to a local DEA agent.  In a years time I would use the DEA online tip line to report Adam Stanhope as NAWLINS.

June 2014 I rent a room a few blocks from the Boyce's at 3205 Sandfiddler Road, Virginia Beach from a disabled woman named Shari Faller.  I ask if there are any drugs on the premises.  She assures me there are none.  After I move in I learn she had knowingly lied as her downstairs tenant John Pouliot Jr, an Army veteran with a degree in Psychology is selling marijuana, clonopin, adderall, and LSD from his apartment.  I buy marijuana from John.  John and I become friends.  We speak of starting a business together.  I tell him he has to stop dealing drugs for this to happen.

June 2014.  Two Russian witnesses tell me via skype they saw my wife Svetlana in the company of Alexander Tregubov in 2012.  I accuse her of conspiring with him to get my Russian apartment and son.  Tregubov tells me that Svetlana has a plan to get my UAS assets.  Svetlana admits to having relationship with Tregubov and confesses to only having been with me as I could impregnate her where he could not and I could afford her a desirable lifestyle in which to raise her son.

June 2014.  Egish Kharchatrian tells me by phone, "Rick you will be this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too."  Egish portrayed himself as a human trafficker who had brought Evgeniya Kosheleva from Angren, Uzbekistan to Saint Petersburg, Russia while Alexander Tregubov portrayed himself as her boyfriend and pimp.

I am in constant contact with my pal NCIS agent Douglas Boyce and share with him all these details.  Douglas poses the question,  "What juice is worth the squeeze?" as we discuss my divorce and the apparent Russian conspiracy to gain my apartment and son.

July 2014.  After Svetlana admits to knowing Tregubov and telling me that they had somehow monitored all my phone calls, internet access, emails since 1997 I noticed approximately 10 cars following me in the Virginia Beach area.

The next day this increases to 20 cars.

The next day this increases to 40 cars.  I am in constant communication with Douglas Boyce on this matter as he is a senior agent at the NCIS, and I believe he will use his police contacts to protect me.

July 2014, an American expat I met in Russia Jeff Latino offers to use his contacts in Russia to help locate my son and exwife.   He suggests we meet in Asheville, NC.  I agree.  I leave Virginia Beach for Asheville, overnight ingredients the first night in Fayetteville.

Shari Faller asks me to open a simple folding chair in the living room.  I refuse.  She then cleans the chair and the spot it rested upon with cleaner.  I misinterpret this to think she attempted to poison me with some sort of contact poison. Later I think this was a psy ops ruse to upset me.

I leave 3205 Sandfiddler after accusing Shari of working with Russians.

I overnight in North Carolina, in Fayetteville.  The next morning a bum, a homeless man, aggressively approached me turning away only when I began to take a video of him.  I get a mysterious phone call from an unknown caller.

I drive to Asheville and get a room at the Mountaineer Inn as I am a day early for my meeting with Jeff Letino.

A light colored van pulled into the parking lot and two yuppie-ish people, a man and a woman approached me.  She held a bottle containing I know not what and began to douse a rag with whatever was in the bottle.  They proceeded closer.  She handed the rag now wet to her male compatriot and began to wet another.

That was all I needed.  I quickly rose to my feet went back into the room, gathered my things, and got in my car driving away frightened beyond measure into the North Carolina night.   My meeting with Jeff Letino would have to wait.

I return to the Virginia Beach area and rent for a week a mobile home at Outdoor Resorts at 3665 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach.  I get a taste of 'street theater' and 'managed aggression' as a exmilitary looking man comes to my door and asks if he can look around.  I refuse and frightened get in my car and leave in haste.  This results in a call to local police making a complaint against my driving in excess of the 5 mph limit.  Nothing comes of it.

I am harassed by cars and am doing as directed by Douglas Boyce.  Drive fast, take left turns, take pictures and email them to him for his analysis.  The RV camp is full of the cars that were harrassing me.  I park in Douglas Boyce' driveway believing these cars are somehow connected with Russia and my exwife's fraud.  I can't make sense of it.  I spend the night in Douglas Boyce's driveway as mysterious people and cars slowly drive by as if to scare or rouse me.  Douglas and I are texting all night.  Douglas texts me that he will call in a bit and that he has a funny story for me.

Douglas calls.  His tone is strange and upsetting to me.  He starts by telling me that he is a policeman.  He says that he analyzed all the car pictures I sent him and that no two were the same and that I wasn't being followed.  He then told me that I had misperceived much in my life and that I should get a place to live with good internet access.  I begin to conclude that Douglas is working for the Russians.  My mind is blown.  I can't wrap my mind around what is happening.

I return to 3205 Sandfiddler Road.  I overhear Shari Faller speaking on the phone to an unknown party, "The tenant has returned" which struck me as strange as I was one of 3 tenants.  Why had she use the term 'the tenant'?

One evening Shari asked me to disconnect the oven.  This oven was digital and would get stuck at 400 degrees F.  a

It was stuck yet again at 400 degrees farenheit.  I obliged her pulling it from the wall and jerking it's thick cable from the outlet.  In an hour or so I went to reconnect it and to push it back to its place, and there stuffed into the exhaust vent was a bunch of scrunched up paper.  Had I not paid attention, a fire would have likely ensued.  Who had stuffed this paper into the exhaust duct?  I was scared.  This sort of stuff only happened in very bad movies.

I leave that night for the property I owned at 1235 Honeysuckle Pass, Victor NY.  I am followed by 40 cars all night from Virginia Beach to Western New York.  Their headlights are unusually bright giving them away.  I learn later this is a psy ops technique to intimidate.

As I make my way to the tunnel out of the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area a neon traffic advisory sign states that the tunnel is closed due to a car accident?  Should I turn back?  My gut says no.  I drive on and the tunnel is clear, no accident in sight.  I learn.

I arrive to find my home damaged by tenants Alice Calabrese and Dylan Chase.  In a few days I give them a vacate order.  While I wait 30 days for the notice period to expire I reside at the Royal Inn motel in Victor NY.  3 policeman come to my door saying they were checking on me due to a complaint from my tenants.  I had not told my tenants where I was residing.  I later got a copy of that police report where the complainant was identified as my sister Susan Macy, address unknown in New Hampshire.  Similarly I had not told Susan about my whereabouts.

August 2014.  And as I resided at the Royal Inn Omar Gonzalez scrambled over the White house fence.  I gasped and understood the answer to the question Douglas Boyce had posed, "What juice is worth the squeeze?"

After my tenants vacated the property and I moved in a man came to issue me a court summons for nonpayment of child support for those months that my exwife had disappeared with our son.  This man kept shouting "I know you're in there even though my car was in the garage with the door shut and my blinds closed.  Finally he left after tacking the summons to my door.  Later I would learn my exwife had disappeared to Malta as she attempted to extort from me the remaining 50% of the Russian apartment I owned or she would post pictures of me naked having sex on the Internet.  I called her bluff though she would show these images to our son in an effort to turn him against me.

Jason, I'll stop here for now and hope you digest this detail.  The story is not simple....  I'll continue if you retain interest.  As you can see getting from A to B to C is complicated.  And think about it, were you the CIA and FBI setting up lone gunmen using psy ops and gangstalking, it wouldn't be a simple story.


Sent from my Galaxy Tab® A

-------- Original message --------
From: Jason Goodman <>
Date: 3/22/19 12:09 AM (GMT+03:00)
To: Rick Macy <>
Subject: Re: 'Rick Macy CV in Saint Petersburg

I definitely do and thank you for following up.  I cannot focus on this right. Ow but let’s talk tonight or tomorrow 

On Mar 21, 2019, at 4:50 PM, Rick Macy <> wrote:
Hi Jason,

I know you're busy especially with this NZ false flag.  I wanted to touch base to see if you still have interest to do a program on the failed false flag of 2014, when Omar Gonzalez made his way I to the White House and I learned I was intended to fill that or similar role as gangstalked patsy.

Please let me know.

And again, I know you are super busy.  Just feel this story needs exposure with all this false flag stuff going on around us.  How to blunt it?


Rick Macy

On Monday, March 11, 2019, Jason Goodman <> wrote:
Got it, thank you


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