Policies, Police Lies

In the spring of 2014 I was houseguest of NCIS Special Agent Douglas Boyce.

Doug has a lovely home at 313 Sage Road in the upscale neighborhood of Sandbridge.  She of Virginia Beach.  In conversation one night Doug calmly told me how police will falsify evidence if it serves their goals.  Medical tests I mostly recall.

In 2015 my son was experimenting with drugs. I admit to being liberal in this aspect of our lives.  I had smoked pot in high school.  Still made over $1,000,000, so there take that conventional thinking.  ))

I made him go to school on a day after his experiments.  And wouldn't you know it I got Doug's affirmation that the police will lie and entrap an innocent.

They said he popped positive for pot which I knew.

Here comes the wind up and the pitch, he popped positive for PCP of which I knew he had none.

Doug Boyce' prediction true.  Police lie as part of the whole corrupt 'criminal justice' system.

PCP chosen to ruin my son's reputation.  And my own.  Victor, NY is a small town.  And so we moved to the big city, Denver, from Western New York to start anew.

I wanted my son to have the father I rarely had.  Mine was always gone.  As was I all too often.  I wanted to be there for him and repair the damage his 14 months alone with his mother had inflicted and a bevy of schools that just never took.

With the false PCP test result, I realized then that I had earlier in Russia being similarly set up.  I went for my annual health and drug test. 

And this must have been 2008 to 2010.  Don't recall. The Dr. asked had I taken Amphetamine Sulfate. I replied not only know but that I had no idea what it was.

The Dr. let me retake the test in a month and I passed.  Didn't think much of it until I understood how deep targeting can go.  Decades.  Generations.  This according to Adrian Terris likely MI6 in Russia.  

And it clicked just as the unsolved roof fire at my home in Russia on JFK's birthday May 29 in 2009.

This fire and failed drug test were intended to help paint a simple picture keeping with the CIA fed table of the 'disturbed individual'.  

Examples include:

Tim McVeigh
Lee Harvey Oswald
Sirhan Sirhan
The guy that shot  Lennon.  The supposed Las Vegas shooter.

All set ups brought to you by your local and national police.

The cops then planted drugs in the home I owned in Victor NY, crack, and a year later meth in my downtown Denver apartment called Skyline1801.  Luckily I disposed of them the day I discovered them.

While my son and I resided at Skyline1801 from April to December of 2016 I kept getting these too friendly vibes from residents.  Coy Ebell comes to mind, undercover FBI pretending to be a Trump campaigner.  He had announced to me his furious intent to get into the Colorado Congress.  

All 'street theater'.  Coy works in a Denver located high tech company.  Wonder who he is spying on? Do they know or even suspect they are targeted by FBI so corrupt.

Back to fall 2014, after being pursued by up to 40 undercover FBI vehicles in the summer of 2014 I left VA which wasn't in their interest.  Back up plan, poor Omar Gonzalez got beat up by FBI high tech to clamber over the White House fence, hearing voices.

And I escaped tactically going old school with paper maps as FBI had my GPS dancing all over the screen and my positioning icon turned on my phone remotely though I had shut it down. 

So I knew too much.  I knew Biden lied?  How.  He's a career politician who lies as easily as he breathes when he said his reason for not running in 2016 was the death of his son. This was a lie.  A politician's lie.

Biden hadn't expected to have to run.  The CIA would JFK Obama, install Biden a la LBJ and make me, and I quote "We will turn you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too."  This from Russian Armenian Egish Khachatrian who had posed as a human trafficker.  Scared the shit out of me.  Then as now.  I had called back to Russia with new confidence to pursue those two clowns who fraudulently threatened my life in October 2013, Alexander Valerievich Tregubov and Egish Khachatrian.  Surprisingly Egish answered made his declaration and me shocked hung up that Virginia phone line.

I was to be a fall guy, a patsy but figured it out.

Yes I am targeted and was sent for mental evaluations.  My Russian doctor approved status 'normal but with extreme tendencies'.

Were you targeted by corrupted law officers and lived my tale perhaps this 'extreme tendencies' makes sense to you.  Perhaps it doesn't as you have been programmed as I was,  by tv and media expressing that cops are good guys and the FBI and CIA are even better.

Liars.  Damn liars.

I kept my head down and learned how statistically impossible for 19 Skyline1801 apartments to clear out in a day after son and I left for Russia to reunite with his gangstalking mother.  And yes I choose to love her.  Lennon was right.  We later remarried on 9/11 last year.

So the 19 agents were to coverup that which I learned in the fall of 2014.  And they failed.


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