I Like Writing Though Few Are Likely to Read My Words

I recall when blogging became a thing.  I recall scoffing at the very notion, 'what to write something that in most likelyhood gets read by few or none?'

Time, circumstances, getting kicked off facebook, these things pushed me into this corner of a blog.  Read by at last count over 26,000, 2 comments, and an unflattering email that vanished as soon as it appeared.  That last one likely a psy op from the boys at Langley or their subcontractors.

I find writing invigorating, the process, call it artistry if you like, and the result.  Some have said that I write well.  I tend to agree, ego not withstanding.

Funnily enough, I posted a blog yesterday and the most immediate result was being unable to login to of all things, Twitter.  

Apparently someone relented and again I have access to my just over 1,000 subs, none of whom I've met which makes it qualitatively different than my defunct Facebook account.

I have posted over 200 times, at first each a result of a 30 day block from Facebook.  Later as thoughts inspired by memories horrifying as bright now as they were then in my tumultuous years of 2013 to 2017 with accent on 2014, the year a supposed 'friend' I had met in Russia 20 years prior revealed to me unasked that he at that time had been an American spy.  His name is Douglas Boyce and now a senior agent at the NCIS giving, at least to me, credibility to his seemingly out of the ordinary claim.  Doug taught me much in that spring and following summer of 2014.  The lessons not fading with time.

To be a Targeted Individual and to realize that especially since 9/11, the Patriot Act, the Snowden revelations, how the CIA is running Ops in the good old US of A via FBI, Fusion Centers, and at the lowest rung, gangstalkers, the world is indeed not as it appears or said better, how big media portrays it.

I find false flag events with possibly nearly the same frequency as Danish terror event/false flag researcher Ole Dammegard.  He, like me, also targeted.  Check him out on YouTube or his Patreon channel.  He has been and is far more vocal than I on these dark matters.

As compared to those who targeted Ole, I have a slight advantage as 2 to date have been revealed as government spies.  As stated above and by his own admission, NCIS senior agent Doug Boyce and FBI arrested Russian spy redhead Anna Chapman, she the one traded for Sergei Skrivopal.  Him poisoned by Novichok, our Russian colleagues painting in broad strokes seemingly uncaring of being caught.  If it were the Russians...  Another can of worms I'll not look into.

Anna Chapman (Google her if unfamiliar) had come on to me in Moscow in 2008, two years prior to her American arrest, while I was CEO of the Yellow Pages of Russia. Her vibe so intense and negative.  I have learned to better trust my gut in such and other matters and I kept a respectful distance.  Dodged that bullet.

Another matter related though in manner disjointed, was a May 29th, 2009 mysterious fire on the roof of the building where I reside in Russia.  May 29th is auspicious as it is the birthday of CIA assassinated US President John F. Kennedy.  This date revealed to me in that summer of 2014 by another likely CIA asset, Jason Smolek.  This fire likely to have been blamed on me had the false flag terror event about which I post had succeeded with me much like Lee Harvey Oswald, dead patsy.

My story has much more detail, hence the over 200 posts, which I leave to your discretion to read or not.

A few weeks later that summer I was given some icing on this cake most indigestable in the form of an international phone call I placed from Virginia Beach to Saint Petersburg, Russia.  On the other end was an unexpected Egish Khachatrian an Armenian I had met in a bordello in Russia.  Without allowing me to speak he shouted across the ocean, "We will turn you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald!  We will get you and Obama too!"

This some days before being harassed and pursued by approximately 40 undercover FBI agent vehicles in that late summer of 2014.

Ever wonder why Biden didn't run back in 2016?  I don't.  Seems he didn't think he'd have to.

Damn them all.


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