She put me away in a Russian Mental Hospital again.

Since our divorce in 2012 Svetlana, now remarried to me, has always wanted two things without me, while divorced.   Our teen son and our Russian flat.  Apparently she wasn't so keen on me but as a means to an end.  She admitted this as we were divorced in 2012, her idea not mine, for we had an impressionable teen son that divorce would only complicate his then 12- 13 year old life. 

I recall begging Svetlana not to do it for his sake.  She refused.  She, unknown to me, had a whole cast of characters set up using 'street theater' to lead me to divorce and had little or no choice.

For I was to become, in the transatlantic words of Egish Kharchatrian something most unexpected, "Rick you will become this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald!", he sceamed, following up with, "we will get Obama too!"

Freaked out, I hung up the phone and gained another awkward, honestly unwanted, puzzle piece to the story of my life.

I recall Svetlana's admission.  A June day in 2014, the 14th. I had been calling her for several days, she not answering her phone, this after she threatened extortion.  I.e. give me your half of the apartment (the half she hadn't achieved in divorce) or I, Svetlana will disappear with your son into the wilds of Russia never to be seen by you again.  My son wanted his father, and more importantly to be where I was, in America.  I saw this for what it was, a bluff.  He arrived December 4, 2014 and I had the pleasure of being single dad for two years.

She tried extortion again threatening me to send copies of those naked pictures of that she had taken years earlier to my colleagues in a furtive attempt to embarrass me.  I refused saying I was in the light at long last and she in the dark.  If she did this thing I adviced her Karma was real as evidenced by early deaths of those which I was acquainted, had had friendships with.  Going back to the day after our divorce she handed me disks assuring me these were the last copies of those photos.  Later I learned she had lied.  Who was this girl, this woman?

On that day in June my pursuit by unmarked cars began.  Now I know them to be undercover FBI as they worked to entrap me.  It was the 20th.  10 cars the first day, 20 the second.  An unfathomable 40 the third.  Unbelievable.  Could I put the pieces together.  That would take time and is described in other of these blog posts.

Back to June 20, 2014.  Surprisingly Svetlana answered the phone.  She hadn't for days avoiding my meager attempts at reconciliation.  She told me that she never loved, was with as I could give her child, whereas the man Alexander Tregubov, unable to father children (he unexpectedly revealed this to me excitedly and unasked when we met at my surreptitious poisoning in mid August 2011) and an economic standing far better than she on her own would endure.  She also added that I had been under their complete surveillance since moving to Russia in 1996.  A clue, for only spy agencies have this ability most arcane.  She also admitted that which I already knew, learned some months after my exodus from Russia in October 2013.  She had been involved in the fraudulent death plot.  This was to have featured my kidnapping, torturing me until I gave up my savings, my apartment, then bleed to death like a pig.  Knife across the throat.  This a lie, but I took it seriously enough to retreat to the USA, finding the oddest people in my airline seats as though waiting for me with poor excuses as to how they happened into a seat not theirs.  Took me back to Russian spy redhead buxom gal Anna Chapman.  She who came on to me in Moscow two years before the FBI arrested her for being a spy.

But bigger fish were frying as I learned in an overseas call I placed to her in Russia from Virginia in early summer 2014 attempting to reconcile for Nick's betterment.  Little did I know she broke the law, endangered a child, a minor, by showing him naked pictures of me his father that she had taken years before as she introduced him to the world of debauchery.

In that June 20, 2014 call, she admitted her affection for my poisoner, this Tregubov and also claimed he could not father the children she so desperately wanted whereas I could.  He was so overtly and unnaturally telling a thing most would find private, to me, a complete stranger.

She, a former whore, was quite relaxed about sex, this unlike me, inviting a former coworker, Irina over for vodka and sex.  She repeated this twice more with Russian gals.  And admittedly I was thrilled and took part.  She even let me have a Thai working girl while vacation with us both in the room, she observing, me partaking.  Her attitude towards sex was easier than mine.  She commented once that sex and money combined, those together an aphrodisiac to be sure.

My poisoning resulted in me losing 35 pounds in a month.

Her recent use of Russian law 323 resulted in a 40 day visit to a Russian psychiatric hospital where I was released with a diagnosis being 'normal'.

Oh the places you'll go...


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