Blogger, where to begin?

As in Victor NY where my home was broken into in early 2015 leaving a porno and later cocaine, a similar occurrence  happened in Denver, this time meth.

By then I had grown accustomed to being targeted, ever since senior NCIS agent Doug Boyce turned my world upside down letting me know that it was not the Russians after me, solely though they played their role subservient to CIA. 
Russians who had made fraudulent death threat against but US government agents, FBI mostly.  

I determined this the day after Svetlana admitted her role in the plot leading to my divorce and departure from Russia.  That was June 20, 2014.

The next day ten cars began following and harassing me.  The next day twenty and the day after forty.  Goverment vehicles ex-SF types as drivers each in sunglasses leering at me in manner most unfriendly.  A psy op I would learn.  Unbelievable.   The stuff of bad spy movies.
I relayed this back to Doug Boyce who advised drive fast, make sudden left turn to see who follows.

CIA agents Jeff Letino and Jason Smolek tried to gain my confidence offering assistance of this sort or that.

Small contradictions betrayed them.  Smolek unasked relayed the significance of the date of the mysterious fire, May 29, 2009, at our Russian home as JFK's birthday, while Jeff offered to meet mid July at his Asheville, NC home where from his position on a Russian security firm to help locate my teen son absconded with my Russian then ex-wife Svetlana.  She had threatened I would never see him again were I not to present to her the half of the Russian apartment I retained post divorce.  I refused and reported her as a child kidnapper to the US Department of State. 

Not that this would have great effect given the nature of US-Russian relations in 2014.

While appearing in Asheville a day early and securing a room at the Mountaineer Inn, at about midnight a non description van pulled up, disgorging two preppy looking types headed my way.  A man and a woman.  She busily filling a rag with material unknown, passing this to her colleague, while preparing herself the same.  Seeing this as a threat I gathered my things and vacated the Mountaineer.

I drove all night, explaining to Jeff we would be unable to meet as a result and headed North, again pursued by what I was beginning to perceive as undercover FBI vehicles.

I led them a merry chase heading to Springfield VA where I had once been employed by GE.  I knew those roads well, made my way to Maryland and with no where else to go headed back to Sandbridge, VA renting a motor home for a week.

I returned to landlady and FBI gangstalker Shari Faller at 3205 Sandfiddler lane.  And there late in the evening she asked my assistance unplugging a defective stove/oven combo unit which had the poor habit at sticking at 400 degrees F.  I dislodged the unit, unplugged, so as to wait for it to cool down.

In some time she cooled off and as I worked to reconnect her noticed someone had stuffed dry papers in the exhaust.

This was enough to likely being set up on a false arson charge, and that night I departed for the home I once owned in the hilly terrain of Victor, NY, where forty cars would stick out like a sore thumb.

I grew more convinced my harrassers were Federal agents as both my gps began to dance and a sign was posted on the lone tunnel north that it was closed due to a car accident in the tunnel from Virginia Beach.  Feeling a bluff I drove on.  No car accident.   The sign a government lie.

See the idea was to cause me to believe my problems were solely of Russian origin.

Let me segue a moment to Ole Dammegard.  He is also targeted, has been for over 20 years and has used that time fruitfully to learn that world national security agencies, starting with '5 eyes' cooperate to create false flag incidents so as to manage our world through fear on behalf of the worlds hundred richest families.

I could not fathom why Ia US Navy veteran would be harassed in such manner.  This was of course before I learned of the targeted Individual paradigm, dismissed by our mass media as group psychosis.

Prior to leaving VA I asked Doug what would justify the expense in harassing me.  To which he replied "What juice is worth the squeeze?" Got me thinking.

And look and behold later that fall the answer appeared.

CNN reported lone individual Omar Gonzalez, a vet like me, had been hearing voices and sought to warn Obama.  He didn't get far, served jail time and is under judge's orders to regularly consume anti-psychotic pills.

I tried to contact his lawyer with what I had experienced but failed to get through.

This also perhaps explains why Hilary ran in 2016 and not Biden him being vice president and a natural selection.

My conjecture is Biden was to play the role of LBJ, Obama JFK, and I was told by Egishe Kharchatrian in a long distance call to Russia from VA full of confidence I could write the support of Doug Boyce and Dan Mead get him arrested as a human trafficker.  He bellowed into the line, "Rick you will be this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald and we will get you and Obama too!"  I was shocked, taken aback, disbelieving, but with the passage of time and experience believe their was an Ole Dammegard type assassination plan in place with me I role of patsy.

Why didn't Biden run in 2016.  He claimed on CBS the death of his son, but this I don't believe as Biden a career politician, no I believe he expected Obama to be executed and him to be installed.  Not so easy as in 1963, better technology, harder to hide such a crime.

Now to 2020, reconciled as such and remarried to Svetlana.  We live like brother and sister and she lies more than I like.  

A few weeks ago I awoke at 3a.m., unusual for me to find all beds but hers covered in drug crystals, likely A-pkp while two packs of unopened cigarettes lay in metal containers so as to draw attention.  One titled 'Kent' but larger than usual; the other in bold black letters A-PVP.  At six I awoke Svetlana  to inform her of this breakin.

She largely ignored me and claimed for the first time ever at 6:30 am she needed cigarettes, never before and newer since.

I thought quickly, madly, this was a 14 year jail sentence in Russia, and perhaps this was her plan.  Return with police arrest me and down the rabbit hole.  I decided enough was enough and decided to end it all taking knives and locking myself via two doors, bathroom and laundry and set about my task.  Blood sprang freely from both arms, though I had missed the artery, on purpose or not, unsure still.  I like life but no Russian prison for me.  Svetlana now knows this.  Was she surprised?  We've not spoken of it in the briefest terms.  I ended up in the psych ward for 33 days.

In retrospect she had expected me to smoke these tainted cigarettes gone into a psychotic state and she would again under Russian law 323 to the Russian psychiatric hospital where my diagnosis was I am normal though given to extremes.  I don't disagree.

Now here comes the interesting part, drug crystals began to recently appear again and Svetlana let slip it would continue as long as 'they' saw fit, indicating her dishonest participation with some sort of Russian police related corrupt organization.  Clearly she knows who 'they' are.  And she is low on that totem pole.  

Back in December 2014, the man who poisoned me, Alexander Valerievich Tregubov, informed me she, Svetlana, had a plan to gain my US assets not gained in 2012 divorce.

Recall when I met Svetlana as a whore in 1995 I was staying at the best hotel in Nizhny Novgorod, the Oktybrskaya.  Girls were not allowed in willy nilly.  A Russian police led process determined who would work there.  Svetlana qualified.  And these relations, hers, Tregubov's, like my own are 20+ years in the making.

How often she seems to see him I don't ask.  They are truly a better fit, but I will in no way abandon my son as I was once misled by Svetlana and her pals.  Then Doug thought he had me under wraps for the role of patsy.  He failed.  I dodged, weaved, got smart, survived and learned that what Svetlana had said in December 2015, "Rick didn't you know 80% of your friends were spies.

Now the people who blew off JFK's head, pulled off 9/11, and have performed to great effect an election swindle.

I recall Doug Boyce telling me once, "All people lie all the time.  Makes one think.  Makes me think. I hope it does you as well.


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