7 Years Ago Today

From 7 years ago today.

The gal seated next to me in the blue hat is Evgeniya Kosheleva who with my then wife Svetlana Macy and her boyfriend Alexander Tregubov had constructed about me a sort of 'virtual reality' in which I thought I was saving Evgeniya from a life in a bordello as a prostitute.

In October 2013, Genya, Alexander, Svetlana and a few others would con me into believing I was under a death threat, so as to cause me to retreat from Russia back to the US.

And there I would learn of and unwind a CIA led presidential assassination plot of 2014 which was intended to kill Obama, install Biden, and blame me as 'this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald'.  This was to have been accomplished using deception and trickery as described by Danish terror researcher Ole Dammegard.

Lessons learned.

A few months ago I chatted online with Genya about our 'relationship' of those days.  She said simply, 'it was fun'.


I've since remarried my Russian FSB trained honeypot trap, Svetlana, moved back to Russia, having at great cost to self learned why I behaved as I had in those days, attempting to rescue a young prostitute with a young son I had never seen.  His name was and remains Andrei and he is raised by his grandmother Elena in far away Angren, Uzbekistan, while his mother, Genya, a prostitute no longer, resides in Saint Petersburg, Russia. 

I learned why in those desperate months of late 2011 and early 2012, just after the passing of my mother as I held her hand in September 2011, and my poisoning by Russian Alexander Tregubov a month earlier in August 2011, causing me to suffer a 35 pound weight loss in only four weeks, him, a long time associate of my wife's, though this we don't talk about much.

My desperation of 2011 to save this young girl Genya and her son Andrei, who had so little, while I had so much, was driven in manner two fold.

One, I felt rather than knew in what a bad relationship with my then wife Svetlana I was in; it was actually life threatening, and contained things all sorts of bad which impacted my ability to be a proper father to our then 11 year old son Nicholas.

And two, and this was far more unexpected, I had been since birth been targeted, subject of an arcane CIA program of which many have heard, MK Ultra.

I was to have been a presidential assassination patsy with a backstory that would mindf***ed a new 2014 generation, just as CIA had done in 1963 when they killed JFK, installed LBJ, and blamed Oswald.

And again, I felt rather than knew, that I had not been protected properly by or prepared for this world by my parents, now both long passed, and this accounted for my unusual desire to save that little boy Andrei, whom to that time I had never seen, to save him from a life of poverty, of having no father, and from the cruelty in this world.  And in attempting to do so, perhaps I saved myself, that little boy long ago abandoned.  Quite psychological, perhaps even dark, in retrospect, I suppose.

Did I gain a modicum of grace for my odd behavior?  Not for me to say.  If my understandings regarding that 2014 failed CIA attempt to kill Obama are accurate, perhaps I did accomplish something considerably more important than protecting a boy, Genya's Andrei, my Nicholas, or even myself of a lifetime ago, by slowing down by a bit the madcap corrupt world which on behalf of our elites is pushed towards terror acts, assassinations, false flags, war and worse.

Imagine had Obama, love him or not, been assassinated in 2014.  It didn't happen.  I am pleased to consider myself a footnote in that failed and dismal passion play.  And I am grateful for my son, for my education so unusual taught me by the two Russian FSB honeypot traps in my life, wife Svetlana, and gal masquerading as a homewrecker, Genya. 

And maybe, just maybe I am my parents answer to those bullies at the CIA.  I recall my mother always wishing her kids, myself and siblings would stay out of jail.  I always thought what an odd wish, for none of us were ever arrested or were local troublemakers.

Most middle class parents like mine, might hope for solid college educations for their children, but not mine.  And only after her passing and my later experiences most dramatic being a gangstalked 'targeted individual' did I understand that which she knew and of which she could never speak, nor could my father.  Rest in peace, my beloved parents.  That storm has passed.  Your son rose above in manner both unexpected and most unusual.  And as to the CIA, their corruption is something beyond my ken, and is captured accurately in Douglas Valentine's fine book, 'CIA as Organized Crime'.  And as to CIA's employees here in Russia whom I met so long ago, I recall then ex-wife Svetlana telling me in our first Skype video call of quite some time, this in December 2015, "Rick, didn't you know that 80% of your expatriate friends were actually intelligence agents?"  Truth be told, I hadn't, for who expects 'the Spanish Inquisition'?  Not I.  Not then.

I hope my tale of being targeted by government gangstalkers is of use to someone unknown to me as they make their discovery that like me, like NSA whistleblower, Karen Melton-Stewart, made on our separate roads of self discovery, learning how much our elites keep us in a fog of lies as to how our world really operates.


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