Corrupt FBI and Lessons Learned

Being a ‘targeted individual’ is like many things in that one may grow used to being under 24/7 surveillance, gangstalking, and harassment.  Growing up I was never a huge fan of cops, now with all that I have learned about police corruption and the manner in which our media paints them inaccurately and how as in the recent examples of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, the cops work for the rich and powerful.

Adrian Terris in a disarming moment of clarity, which I admit and think he’d agree, was impressive.  Adrian told me that ‘laws were for the weak’.  Adrian is likely MI6, a Scotsman residing in Russia, not to be trusted, and in the best case to be avoided, though I recall the five years we worked together in Russia from 1998 to 2003.  Sometimes I thought him such the oddball.  Only in 2017 would I learn this was an act, a falsehood, a lie. 
Adrian wanted to tell me more, so much more, perhaps every scurrilous act he engaged in on behalf of MI6.  You could see it in his eyes.  Big eyes, soulful eyes I might have said long ago til learning it is unlikely such men as Adrian Terris even have souls. 
Adrian was part of a spy network, in Russia, around the world.  This group had planned to murder a black American president in 2014 though perhaps earlier, with me in the role of patsy.  Discovery of this wass worse than frightening.  It was earthshaking. 
I still recall the image sent to me on Russian social network vKontakte.  It was clear the photo was from my phone and they I hadn’t taken it.  It was meant to disorient me, set me, and more.  Gor a time it succeeded, until I found put my harassment starting in Russia in 2011, culminating in my divorce in fall 2012, and my October 2013 departure from Russia under supposed death threat from Alexander Tregubov my poisoner from August 2011.  In Spring 2014 I’d learn he was my wife’s lover, though unlike me, incapable of impregnating her.  That was of course upsetting, bur relieving, like finding a cure for cancer.  All those bad years explained in a moment.  I had thought her stupid, selfish.  I was wrong.  She simply had a long term plan that never included me.  Just my name, my stuff, my son.
Others, like her, in that they conspired under CIA guidance, in order to guide me towards corruption and debauchery, one might certainly also consider evil.  Names, faces, places, multimillionaires August Meyer, David Meerkatz, Antony Michael Czura, Dana Mehnert dance in my head, lessons taught, learned, never to be forgotten.
CIA and their subcontractors could kill me.  Poison.  Heart attack.  It would be easy.  I am 54, and don’t have anyone particularly close that would challenge the ‘official findings’.  I recall former self admitted CIA agent Doug Boyce, currently employed by NCIS, whom I met in Russia in 1999, as he got closer to the short strokes of presidential assassination in that summer of 2014, threatening me, bragging how he and his colleagues could forge medical results and did this often.
America is not that which they teach us as children.  Perhaps better to spell her Amerika.  Land of slavery, of infecting locals with Anthrax laden blankets.  Continual surveillance will become the norm, and privacy a concept of the past.  Corruption is endemic.  Doug also made this clear to me.  He is a bright one, that one, Bob Hope swoosh of a nose and all. 
And me, lucky me, was to have been in the words of Armenian Russian Egish Khachatrian, ‘this generation’s Lee Harvey Oswald’.  I recall his ferocity as he yelled this at me over a long distance phone line in that summer of 2014, each day more revealing and more frightening than the last.  And in a few weeks veteran Omar Gonzalez got in the White House.  I had escaped with 40 vehicles chasing me from Virginia Beach to Victor, NY.  Omar helped answer the question Doug Boyce had posted, ‘RICK WHAT JUICE IS WORTH THE SQUEEZE?’, this his round about way to get me to think where was the upside and who would benefit from tbe great expense of those 40 cars chasing me throughout July 2014.  It was a bad movie. 
Obama murdered, Biden installed, me dead and made legend just like Oswald.  I find it mind blowing that our citizenry believes the dishonest government accountings for JFK’s murder, 9/11 report, Sandy Hook, and so much more.  The government is neither friend nor family, simply a required organization all too often built on lies meant to benefit financiers. 
I would say none of this is my business, though it was made mine in manner most personal.  I see better why Ted Kazincki, Timothy McVeigh, Myron May, and many others acted as they did.
There is a word not taught in school.  Gangstalking.  It’s a powerful administration of psy ops.  I’ve had it used against me multiple times.  Fascinating the resources poured down that hole.  Meant to make the target second guess himself, imagine he might be going insane and act accordingly.  Nasty business.  The East German Stasi had a word for it, Versetzung, the complete destruction of an individual via deniable means. 
Gangstalking.  In my humble experience I find the Russians better at it than the Americans.  Part of that has to do with cultural blindness.   In the late fall of 2016 I took my then 16 son on a trip of the American West.  We took in shows like David Copperfield, the Beatles ‘Love’, and that creepy pos5humous Michael Jackson show whose name I don’t recall.  At each othese performances, the people sitting by my son and I seemed too friendly, too open, to be genuine.  I recall those ‘Aha’ moments.  I especially recall a young lady set out as bait at one of these shows, dancing in the row ahead of me all on her own, to capture my attention and so much more.  I kept my distance, lessons learned, never to be lost, and if I am luckier still, to be shared with the world. 
I thought I had a number of expatriate friends from my earlier 15 years in Russia.  And one by one, Jeff Letino, Doug Boyce, Adrian Terris, Stiiv Knowers, Nick Rees, Kyle Patching and others would reveal themselves, following the ‘Gangstalker 101’ handbook, suggesting I had lost most if not all my marbles.  This revealed them to be not only people most foul, but likely in the employ of spy services.  And I for a time had considered them friends, great friends.  I was special, they gave me so much attention.  Now realizing why I was flattered and more, my skin crawls.  I recall Christian Courbois buttering me up saying I was the best saleman he had ever met.  I had accepted it unthinking.  Christian, most might say is scum.  I would agree.
They would have gone about their days quietly as the world recoiled in horror at the murder of Obama, defense budgets increased, and personal freedoms reduced yet again.  A writer I used to follow Robert Kaplan wrote an article for The Atlantic magazine entitled, ‘Was Democracy a Moment?’  The idea of the article was throughout humanities growth of what we call civilization, technology and economics allowed this thing called democracy, for the elites could not control everything as much as they might have liked to.  And now that computer controlled, AI driven technologies change that game, bring us closer to the world Orwell described so well. 
Me targeted from birth.  Was hard for me to believe at first, now not so much.  And why?   Think about it, someone targeted from birth, lied to with great regularity, would have no baseline with which to compare the deceptions played out before him.  And so that was me.  What a trip, to be sure.  Heck of an education.  And that CIA and FBI did it to me implies they do it to others, thus providing the actual explanation of mass shootings in America.  It has nothing to do with guns, and everything that an armed citizenry is harder to bamboozle, and so our secuirty forces use gangstalking and psy ops to create shooters, patsies.  Danish researcher Ole Dammegard has done some good work on false flag terror events.  I strongly recommend watching his YouTube presentation, ‘Terror Are You Kidding Me?’ 
Our mass media lies so much and so well to mindf*** our population.   CIA is infiltrated into so much of our society.  What is true?  What is not?  Hard to discern.  I have discerned much from my experiences being targeted, gangstalked.  Unbelievable you say?  Look in the mirror and ask yourself what I did.  And that is why do we believe what we believe?  We were lied to our whole lives.  The elites look to control the internet similarly.  I think I am only alive as my voice reaches few, and often falls on deaf or biased ears. 
I was to be dead 5 years ago.  I was to have been world famous, or rather notorious.  A race war in the US would have been that much closer.  That is heady brew.  So each day is for me, an unexpected gift. I hope to see grandkids some day.  Beyond that my desires most mundane, a good meal, our cats.  Iused to seek out good conversation with those I considered peers.  Having learned them mostly to be spy or police agency employed gangstalkers, I am far warier and keep to home more than earlier.  And yet my story remains.  I once used self as bait, so as to be arrested in order to use my trial to expose this presidential assassination conspiracy.  I succeeded.  The police took the bait and I was headed for court in 2015.  I thought long and hard about the chances of my success.  There was to be no cavalry rushing in.  I reflected, thought I had done enough, getting my son out of Russia, though he sent by his mother as a weapon.  I assumed that before his arrival and within weeks of his stay with me as lone guardian had of this confirmation. 
And I didn’t give a damn.  I lost my father at 65 while I was 19.  I would be the father mine had not, for him, for me, for my son, his grandson.  I stood my ground with the court demanding a trial when their initial offer was a year of probation.  That alone stunk, for my record clear.  They changed their offer to a few weeks of private counseling.  That and stay out of trouble for 12 months and the charge would be discharged.  It was.  Though our corrupt FBI made much effort to entrap me as that clock ticked, loading the deck in Denver with 19 undercover agents residing at Skyline1801, to where I moved with my son, in order to be clear of the past, and like settlers of old, to create our own future.  This was impossible when I realized we were under FBI surveillance and entrapment.  Denver I liked, corrupt FBI, not so much.  Their task?  Coverup.  Get me jailed, killed, quieted forever. 
I remain.  My story remains.  I even did something in which I never had an interest, I have a blog entitled ‘Was an Obama Assassination Thwarted in 2014?’ on  Funny thing is Google AdSense wont let me monetize it.  Corporate bureacracies.  13,000 views in a little over a month with about 160 posts of varying quality.  That’ll teach facebook to ban me a 6th time for 30 days.  ))
OK, enough about me.  I fed the cats and now must do family errands.  Be careful what you allow in your head via our mass media, they were not and are not to be trusted.  Can you trust me?  That is your decision alone. 


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