How being targeted changes your life.

My life through the fall of 2011 seemed pretty ok, perhaps better that most, some might say twas awesome.  I had no debt, a home in New York State and one overseas in the Heart of St. Petersburg, Russia.  Apparently I had millionaire friends and even a billionaire.  Never so wrong was I.  Ego.

Up til then, I had worked hard, as an expariate worker in Russia who apparently invested well, was worth over $2,000,0000. Let's say enough to satisfy me and make my mother proud.

Then my world slowly flipped upside down.  Slowest at first in late 2011, picking up speed,drinking a poisoned beer offered by Russian lover of my wife, this unknown to me then, Alexander Valievich Tregubov, leading to me losing 40 pounds in a month, thinking I was dying, leading to a dramatic and thoroughly planned divorce in 2012 by my wife and her gangstalker cronies.  That was August.

In September my mother spent 4 hours dying as I held her hand.  Death by COPD complicated by the very infection C-dif.  

Knowing of timetables I put it at 60% my mother was unknowingly infected with C-dif.  That wouldbe murder.  Read along, you might agree, you might not.  You see, also unknowingly I was on a timetable, a plan.

This was followed by my last hurrah as a business trainer having been selected in mid 2013 to be flown to Australia to train Cisco and national phone company Telstra.  I got a good mindful of how with little effort a man's reputation built over years tarnished in an afternoon.  It happened to me as one student complained unspecifically and without identifying himself I had to either his sensitivities, though with time passing suspect he had some commercial gain for his complaint.  There were 4 of us trainers, one from NZ, who kept using the phrase, 'getting naked with the customer' so often as to make me wonder why.  In retrospect he was using a form of strong NLP programming to get me to use his words as my own. And he had successfully and willfully.  Had I been smarter I would have better read his awkward body language but him being a Kiwi made that harder that judging a native countryman.

With my ego in charge I quit, no explanation for me, no services for you.  

While in NZ, I visited former colleague David Fleming, this months before realizing he was like so many in my life spies and gangstalkers.  We had only some years earlier turned the Yellow Pages of Russia from corrupt money losing company to beingworth 10x EBITDA or US$23,000,000. This a scam, intent on pushing my buttons as wealth sometimes does.

And it did, I say the following unembarrassedly, for it is true, I applied my resources to free a petite 20 year old brunette from Angren, Uzbekistan (think Fergana Valley and 20 years economic stagnation) from life living as a whore residing in a cheap bordello.  Of course I 1st became a client and with the death of my mother and yet another scam by Tregubov, prenending to beat this poor girl on Christmas night 2011 as he was reportedly jealous of the affection she upon me lathered.  Both she and the overweight madam made several impassioned calls to me to bait that hook.  And indeed I was hooked.  Too many superhero comic books as a teen I suppose in hindsight.

I learned this was street theater and I not her, the victim.  I took her to my home in Russia for 5 days to aid in her false recovery.  I would not learn that gem of recovery was never to be had as he had never struck her until October 2013 by her own speed fueled admission.

October 2013 was truly special as more strret theater was performed upon me; this time by the joined forces of exwife Svetlana on and off again whore girlfriend Genya, their pals Alexander Tregubov and Egish Kharchatrian.  I was told at 2 separate time by Sveta and Genya that Alexander planned to kidnap me and then to kill me slicing my throat. All a lie. All what I learned was termed a 'psy op'.

Its intent, this false death threat was to get me to retreat to the US from Russia and become besotten with illegal narcotics, sythetic cathinones.  And the clock was ticking.

They had given me a taste of MDPV and MDMA in fall of 2011 in hopes I would remain in the US getting hopeless and high due to my mother's passing.  While my relationship with my wife was awful, false, though to me unknown until her admission of June 20, 2014.  That was a day, a day of days.  But I had a card up my sleeve, my son whom I could never abandon as I grew up with a 727 pilot for a dad more often away that fathering.  And so I headed back for Russia andso much street theater.

I met Russian spy Anna Chapman in Moscow in 2008.  I ignored her feeling waves of evil.  Dodged that big breasted bullet.  Plenty of other women in play as they probed my sexual weaknesses and how best to expolit them.  And they came up with young whore Evgenia Viktorovna Kosheleva, a 'Red Sparrow'.

A la this year's Notre Dame burning my roof went up in manner unsolved on, get this, May 29, 2009 - JFK's birthday.  That gem passed to me unasked by likely CIA agent in Russia Jason Smolek. The fire to have been blamed posthumously on me to maintain the lone nutcase false paradigm.

In December of 2015 then exwife with a huge smile asked me astonishly, 'Didn't I know 80% of my expat and Russian friends were actually spies?'  No I hadn't, for who was I?

In time I learned I was a target, to have been a patsy in an attempt on the life of then US President Barack Obama.  I dodged, weaved, figured it out, escaped. Brother veteran Omar Gonzalez scaled that White House fence under the pressures of Lord knows what FBI and other hidden technology.  So Omar is found by the least scientific of the sciences, psychiatry, given a 2 year sentence and ordered to have anti-psychotic pills for many years.  These are not so much medication as they discombobulate he who ingests these dangerous misunderstood pills.

Obama was to be dead, a la JFK in '63, Biden to be installed a la LBJ, and me little old Rick Macy in the role of poor Lee Harvey Oswald.  I recall brilliantly the phone call between myself and Egish Kharchatarian where he screamed 'RICK YOU WILL BE THIS GENERATION'S LEE HARVEY OSWALD!  WE WILL GET YOU AND OBAMA TOO!'

They failed.  I survived, rebuilt my little family, fought my way off anti-psychotics and have told every word of this tale to my son, Nicholas James Macy.  Yesand that includes his mother's lies.  For I believe a father has a responsibility to prepare their boys for all the light and dark in this word.

Google Ole Dammegard.  He has been researching over 20 year national government false flag events.  Ole is correct.  I found out in manner both unpleasant  and unbelievable.

So how does being targeted affect one's life? Ditch the false friends, be wary of newcomers, be prepared for aspects of you lifeto be smashed as under corrupt FBI guidance renters Alice Calabrese and Dylan Chase ruined my once magnificent 3000 square foot home on a 2 acre hill.

Get ready for undercover FBI agents work to get you in jail or worse in order to wind up that lose end.  I recall undercover FBI agent Coy Ebeĺl most off all and how 19 expensive downtown Denver high rise apartments all became vacant just after I headed back to Russia to learn my issues started with CIA and lkkely before that the OSS.  Talk about the elephant in the room.


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