My Life as Targeting Came on Hard

Born in 1964, by the time I was in my mid 40s, I had what most would consider an upper middle class background, had a good life by most measures, money, good looking wife and son I adored.  That and two homes one in NY state, one in Saint Petersburg, Russia - Europe's 4th largest city.

Lots of travel, 70 countries but I stopped counting and caring.  Having seen behind the curtain, it changes, that is it damages ones' perception.

Let's take a step back and mention terror event researcher Ole Dammegard.  Google him if you are unfamiliar with his work.  His paradigm concludes that all terror plots: 9/11, McVeigh, JFK, Gulf of Tonkin, the recent Notre Dame Fire, and so many more are performed by our national securìty folks, our spooks, to scare the rest of us and let those in power steal as they will.

I only began to realize I was targeted in 2011and finally understood come 2016.  The hardest part is realizing you've been lied to your whole life and that CIA  and FBI and the like are run as criminal organizations for the benefit of the weathly in their respective societies.  And the need patsies, Lee Harvey Oswald, Tim McVeigh and others.  The dead one nutman narrative is powerful as it precludes conspiracy.  

As we grow up we are set in that suseptible Alpha wave brain state, simply by watching tv, makes things like, Gilligan's Island, The Brady Bunch, a varity cop shows and 'Mission Impossible' and 'Jason Bourne' movies things to be believed in.  I suspect this is not without the help of the CIA's tedrils and forays into mind control.  Ask yourself and don't think before you answer, are the CIA boys good guys, or the alternative, that which I have learned.  An excellect book by Douglas Valentine, 'CIA as Organized Crime'.  A paradigm changing classic.  And Doug a good man.  Glad to have made his acquainance.  Very.

Others might express this better.  What those lack, no offense, is what I possess, a real life tale of being targeted, CIA and FBI worked so hard (part 1 of 6)

The hardest part is realizing you've been lied to your whole life and that CIA  and FBI and the like are run as criminal organizations for the benefit of the weathly in their respective societies.  And the need patsies, Lee Harvey Oswald, Tim McVeigh and others.  The dead one nutman narrative is powerful as it precludes conspiracy.  

As we grow up we are set in that suseptible Alpha wave brain state, simply by watching tv, makes things like, Gilligan's Island, The Brady Bunch, a varity cop shows and 'Mission Impossible' and 'Jason Bourne' movies things to be believed in.  I suspect this is not without the help of the CIA's tedrils and forays into mind control.  Ask yourself and don't think before you answer, are the CIA boys good guys, or the alternative, that which I have learned.  An excellect book by Douglas Valentine, 'CIA as Organized Crime'.  A paradigm changing classic.  And Doug a good man.  Glad to have made his acquainance.  Very.

Others might express this better.  What those lack, no offense, is what I possess, a real life tale of being targeted, CIA and FBI worked so hard to make me a patsy, sex crazed and drug addled, pushed about, having the black sciences of psy ops used against me, up to and including DEWS directed energy weapons against me in Denver 2016.  Those things hurt.  And there was a reason why.  If you'll bear with me I'll get you there.

So lets go there.  I imagined I picked up a number of hardworking expats pals in St. Petersburg.

In December 2015 then exwife in our first Skype video call in a long time and asked me with a large smill on her face, "Rick didn't you know 80% of your expat friends were spies?"  She enjoyed that.  Imagine keeping that bottled inside all the years while playing stupid.  These CIA spies include Christian Courbois, Stephen Gardner, Steve Wayne, James Beatty amongst others on the British MI6 side we have Adrian Terris who took pride in revealing to me that the spy agencies will take decades even generations to get it right.  Another MI6 scumbag is retired Anglican priest Stiiv Knowers.  The churches all compromised.  Patrick Naughter MI6 and opening a new Hilton in Moscow.

These guys, spies and others wanted to identify my weknesses, and there it was surprise surprise, naked women.  They went further and had some of these nubile beauties introduce me to Amphetamine Sulfate, while Billionaire pal August Meyer invited me for Friday night cocaine sessions.   A dark web dealer who I reported to the DEA was named Adam Stanhope and he was selling MDPV and XANAX on the web.  In 4 days he was reported dead though I suspect he worked for FBI who sequestered him to Thailand to live out his days in a home bought in his wife Wichan's name with the profits taxes unpaid to the IRS for the sale of

I was for a time the general director of the Yellow Pages of Russia, all too easily turning around 4 years of losses to profitability and to sale for $23,000,000 in just under two years time.  This too was a CIA manipulation to put $1,200,000 in my pocket, then slowly make me dislike the working world so as to have me make a goofy decision to save a whore from life in a bordello.  She played me well, up and down.  Got me to accept speed in my life as normal and in 2012 and 2013 it was.

My boss, Antony Czura, was former CEO of a large Swiss concern called SGS and as he told me one his primary duties was to feed millions in unmarked bills in briefcases to Libya's Muammer Khadifi.  At the time I thought how cool. I had no idea of the danger I was in.

I was hurt.  Still am I suppose for how does one recover from that which I learned, know, own?  My therapy is to write and to share with you my tale, keeping each passage manageable and not too far fetched, as bits of it will appear to be, for that is how they, the CIA and others  operate.

Lets use an analogy to pull this tale together in manner knowable.  For that let me take us back to the early 90s when just after a six year stint in the US Navy, I found myself working as a salesman at the Watkins-Johnson Company, notorious for having produced and sold the radio receiver (part 2 of 6)

And of this, we W-Jers as we took to calling ourselves was a source of pride.  I mean after all our largest client was the everloving NSA, the National Secuity Agency.  Spies.

I was very good at selling spy receivers, cellular intercept equipment, direction finding radios and ancillary electronic equipment.  Let's speak about one of these technologies in particular, direction finding.  My first big contract was with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kuwait.  We sold them 3 radio direction finders, as you need 3 to more or less locate the target emitter.  1 just gives you a line of bearing with no range.  3 is good.  5 better still.  The contract value was about $667,000 and we beat the German incumbent Rohde & Shwarz.  

Now the analogy.  Radio waves have predetermined frequencies, phases, amplitudes, and modulations.  By sensing a single signal, one can enjoy some music but not much more, for it is a single capture of a single event, a single radio transmission.

Now lets suppose people acting in concert, acting together, they provide much more information, a lie, a statement, a question, a suggestion, a recommendation, uncontrollable laugh, a giveaway, refering unintentionally the police, and then when we have 2 or more of these actors together, we are treated to 'street theater', perhaps for the very first time.  Hard to know what is real and what a fabrication.

Dr. Paul Eckman has done some wonderful work in this area, discerning those statements that may be untrue from the other kind.  Look him up.

Back to radio direction finding.  I had no three separate selves so I ended up using an earlier direction finding technology, that based on a single stable receiver and a whirling antenna.  And this was me, examining amplitude (natural or not), body language (self soothing as is often but not always the case when the speaker dissembles), frequncy and pitch, in time I apadpted to something akin to laser  vision and laser hearing, detecting (part 3 of 6)

Back to radio direction finding.  I had no three separate selves so I ended up using an earlier direction finding technology, that based on a single stable receiver and a whirling antenna.  And this was me, examining amplitude (natural or not), body language (self soothing as is often but not always the case when the speaker dissembles), frequncy and pitch, in time I apadpted to something akin to laser  vision and laser hearing, detecting oddities in those trying to get close to me, in Russia, in MA, in ME, in NYC, in Virgina Beach, and back up to Western New York state before a furious drive to Denver, to Las Vegas, to the Grand Canyon to test a theory, were the bad guys just East Coast cops, or were they coordinated by these damnable and corrupt fusion centers.  I learned the elephant in the room was the CIA.  And all our police both noble and not report to these boys.

There is a term I learned called 'parallel construction', its the intitial likely less than accurate police report about yourelf, so the fusion centers can be fed, man hours assigned, the breakins and surveillance to begin.

I live under 24/7 surveillance and have had three homes and one car broken into.  The homes were Victor, NY, Denver, CO and St. Petersburg, Russia.  And in each of those break-ins were left perhaps 5 to 10 grams of illegal stimulants.

I've been gangstalked in each of the aforementioned locales, often catching my gangstalkers in the act, pissing off one so much a female middle aged Russian gal pretending to be with her beau.  After I made odd choices in cornering and they followed, I snapped out my camera phone and smiled taking many shots while she simply stared at me from across the street demonstrably, slowly, and with great effect drew her index finger across her throat.  Don't think I need to expain that one.  And to be fair her bosses no doubt told her I was a bad guy desperately in need of good wholesome Russian surveillance.  And I cant say picking up (part 4 of 6)

And I can't say picking up American gangstalkers was much easier, but it was, cultural advantage to me by the time I got to Denver and Las Vegas.  Easier that picking off flies.

I will fill in contextual detail that will answer the main question posed by all that I experienced in those years, was Obama to be assassinated a la JFK, Biden installed a la LBJ, and me Rick Macy a la Lee Harvey Oswald in role of dead patsy.

I dont expext ypu to believe at this point though I hope I've garnered yourattention and your interest.  Give me a day or two to add detail.  I'll not disappoint.  Already disappointed CIA and FBI, and they I, let our interaction such as it is be on more even terms.  Sound good?

In October 2013 2 honeypot traps, my once and now again wife, Svetlana Macy, former prostitute and another of similar ilk, Evgeniya Kosheleva, a whore I had been manipulated via 'street theater' to think I saved her from a pale life in a bordello, these two told me that as a result of my actions Kosheleva's supposed boyfriend and pimp, both these I'd learn in time were fabrications.  At that time in October 2013 I believed and retreated from home in Russia back to the USA assuming safety would be ample there and nothing furhter from the truth.

I'll skip ahead and return later to provide more detail.  Do you recall large breasted Russian spy Anna Chapman being arrested by FBI and later traded for Sergei Skrivopal?  He who got nose full of Novochok as his reward.  Anna came on to me 2 years earlier in Moscow in 2008.  Her business card said she was a 24 year old general director of a subcompany Saint Petersburg's 'Kit Finance'.  I got the vibe she had a sugar daddy simply lacked insight that it may be a 3 initial spy  organization like GRU.

Lets step forward to 2014 to a US veteran Omar Gonzalez who claims he was compelled to scurry over the White House fence and into the property itself.  He said he heard voices.  I suspect FBI high tech.  He got a 2 year (part 5 of 6)

And I can't say picking up American gangstalkers was much easier, but it was, cultural advantage to me by the time I got to Denver and Las Vegas.  Easier that picking off flies.

I will fill in contextual detail that will answer the main question posed by all that I experienced in those years, was Obama to be assassinated a la JFK, Biden installed a la LBJ, and me Rick Macy a la Lee Harvey Oswald in role of dead patsy.

I don't expect you to believe at this point though I hope I've garnered your attention and your interest.  Give me a day or two to add detail.  I'll not disappoint.  Already disappointed CIA and FBI, and they I, let our interaction such as it is be on more even terms.  Sound good?

In October 2013 2 honeypot traps, my once and now again wife, Svetlana Macy, former prostitute and another of similar ilk, Evgeniya Kosheleva, a whore I had been manipulated via 'street theater' to think I saved her from a pale life in a bordello, these two told me that as a result of my actions Kosheleva's supposed boyfriend and pimp, both these I'd learn in time were fabrications.  At that time in October 2013 I believed and retreated from home in Russia back to the USA assuming safety would be ample there and nothing furhter from the truth.

I'll skip ahead and return later to provide more detail.  Do you recall large breasted Russian spy Anna Chapman being arrested by FBI and later traded for Sergei Skrivopal?  He who got nose full of Novochok as his reward.  Anna came on to me 2 years earlier in Moscow in 2008.  Her business card said she was a 24 year old general director of a subcompany Saint Petersburg's 'Kit Finance'.  I got the vibe she had a sugar daddy simply lacked insight that it may be a 3 initial spy  organization like GRU.

Lets step forward to 2014 to a US veteran Omar Gonzalez who claims he was compelled to scurry over the White House fence and into the property itself.  He said he heard voices.  I suspect FBI high tech.  He got a 2 year (part 5 of 6)


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