August Meyer. For a time back in 2012 and maybe 2013 we had a series of late Friday night gatherings. Just him and me and some wine, hash, and coke. August sourced the wine and coke while I brought the hashish. Usually this would be after other expat pals like Steve Wayne would go home. I always felt shiny, special, and fun being invited by August to his apartments on Canal Griboedova, 3 metro stops from my apartment on Petrogradski which I bought from him in an all cash deal in 2006. I had liked August, admired his mind more than his bank account, for that was none of my business while he would share his insights in enjoyable conversation. I had liked his petite brunette wife Inna as well and believed that she too liked me. We are both Scorpios, her birthday a week after mine. August always mandated restraint as we snorted those thin lines of cocaine in his home. He has two apartments side by side on the top floor of his building which off...
Thanks. Means a lot.