My Poisonings in Russia and the US of A (Part 3)

Upon my return to Russia in December 2016, I had hoped that 3 years apart was enough to settle quietly our relationship.  In this I was incorrect.

I had begun going to the local Anglican Church to gain the wisdom of the elders and to meet people.

On a Saturday night before Sunday church I could not sleep.  Having been targeted and poisoned, my 5th, and not trusting Svetlana I went through her bag.  Must have been 4 a.m.

And there I found something I've not seen before or since.  3 small seeds wrapped in a tissue.  I threw it away.  Flush.

The next day at church, tired, likely MI6 agent Scotsman Adrian Terri's chose to neglect my outstretched hand and aggressively bump into me.  Certainly not the church behavior I expected.  

I understood immediately why Svetlana had poisoned me.  To cause poor judgment so I might get into an altercation with Adrian.

I backed away.  The plot was simple.  Get me into a psychiatric hospital state run so as to get me on drugs to foul my brain and have an official document saying I was mentally unstable.

Svetlana later succeededing using an obscure Russian law 323 but I held it together and came out judged to be normal with extreme tendencies.  

They must have been disappointed for this tactic used so often on Targeted Individuals like me.  

I put Svetlana to the test for she had protested far too loudly that she knew not Mr. Tregubov.   A gaslighting technique identified immediately.  'Thou doth protest too much...' and all that.

To test her further I recalled Batman being poisoned by the Joker in a 70s comic book.  Like Batman I held it together.

I am still under corrupt police surveillance.  Svetlana loyal to others and not to me.  

On September 16, 2015 I was arrested for child endangerment.  2 days prior Svetlana sent our son an impassioned email to our son instructing him to be ready to select a foster family.  How did she know I would be arrested for my son growing 30 small pot plants and leaving them in plain view?

In Denver during the fall of 2016, I finally found the connection between mother and son.  A hateful chat directed at me.  When challenged he smashed the computer the next day.

Back to September 2015.  I recall a phone call from the Victor NY Police Dept. asking had I called for assistance.   I assured the dispatcher that I hadn't. I was at the local WalMart.

I arrived home to be greeted by 3 police cruisers who came anyway.  One cop Doug something or other accused me of needing mental help before we spoke, before he entered my home.  Why had he come to this conclusion I wondered on my journey to know I was then as now a targeted individual.

The pot plants found.  Myself arrested.  My son had been sent as something of a weapon by his mother.

I had recognized this within a week of his arrival and cared not for I was his father.  Not a tough decision.  At least not for me. I figured I could take whatever my 14 then 15 son could dish out.  I was and remain his father after all.

I got a lawyer who I am sure was accessed by police before meeting me.  I recall that meeting vividly, he with a stomach so upset upon meeting me for in the 'parallel construction' shared with him about me by corrupt  law enforcement, a term of the targeted community, I was no doubt described as a sex crazed, drug addled ne'er do well.

His name was Mark Hannan.  Younger than me, smart, but me smarter.

My record clean (as it remains) the prosecutor deputy offered a year of parole.  This would keep me in NY for more corrupt police tricks.

Samples include breaking into my home hoping to trigger my earlier behavior lodging a porn video in one of my kitchen cabinets.

Later they placed a pocketful of crack into closet.  I disposed of this knowing I had not made such a purchase.

I told Mr. Hannan we would have a trial and he might gain some measure of fame.  He  did not want for my defense went back to Russia and included what I described in these last 3 posts.  

The deputy prosecutor seeing my resolve modified her terms.  Get a few weeks counseling, don't get arrested for a year and the charge discharged.

This allowed me to get out of NY for the mountains of CO.  I wanted my son and self to have a fresh start thinking this corruption Russia based with turncoats Mr. Boyce and Mr. Mead.  Hard to wrap my head around that one to be sure. 

I had Russian spy Anna Chapman come on to me in Moscow in 2008, 2 years before she would be arrested by the FBI as a Russian spy.

I experienced a still unsolved roof fire at my Russian domicile on May 29, 2009. Unasked, likely CIA agent Jason Smolek told me this was JFK's birthday.  Another piece of the puzzle.  Much like the Notre Dame fire this past year, meant to instill fear in the masses.

Mr. Tregubov in December 2013 told me with a dishonest smile that Svetlana had a plan to gain those assets she had failed to secure in our fall 2012 set up of a divorce. That was why she sent and directed my son from afar.

They had all the cards, the prostitutes, the poisons, the criminal justice system, while I had one me.  But me has generations behind me.  Daring English explorer blood blessed to me by Thomas Macy one of the first English settlers on Nantucket island.

Another gift, the last witch hunt in Salem, Rebecca Nurse was also in my bloodline.  I believed I had all those who came before me in me.  I was millions strong.

We sold the Victor NY house, moved to Skyline1801 apartments in downtown Denver.

I would free my son from his twisted past and the path set before him by my dishonest, nefarious former bride Svetlana.  Damn the cost.

Nicholas began to order drugs from China having no money for such purchases.  The idea to entrap me, jail me to be shanked.  Nicholas would inherit and Svetlana in control.

I dumped these bags of Crystal's likely A-PVP a poison to increase one's sex drive and libido on the road to psychosis. 

I had learned much tactically withdrew my son from the DenverOnline High School enrolling him instead in Penn Foster, The world's leading online school and vacated CO in late October taking my son to Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, California and Wyoming being sure to return to CO the day after my NY charge discharged.

I had planned to get a job in CO, a VP yet again, but quickly identified the negative vibes from so many in that Skyline1801 complex. 

I tactically reconciled with Svetlana returned to Russia where Nick desired to be.  I imagined the pressure on him from his mother to be great. 

Within a week he realized his school friends were now druggies and thieves.  He had hoped to be cool as he was at 12.

Instead he got involved in narcotics and today sits in a 12 month rehab for which I pay.

After we left for Russia I returned to Denver to clean out our flat.  More crystals in the mail.  More dad flushing it all down the shitter.

The security guard tall black Tommy told me in passing that 19 apartments had been simultaneously vacated.  Most unusual.  This explained those vibes.  Undercover FBI whose task it was to complete the coverup.

Coverup what?

In the summer of 2014 I decided thinking Mr. Boyce and Mr. Mead having my back would allow me to bring Tregubov, Kosheleva, Khachatrian to some form of justice.  Perhaps even Svetlana.  Just needed to pay the Russian police $3000.  I declined.

I called to Tregubov's common law wife, Irina Klimova to inform her of my intent to return to Russia.  After all I believed Tregubov to be a pimp, hurting young women.

No one was more surprised than I when her phone was answered by human trafficker Egish Khachatrian who raged into the international line "Rick we will turn you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald. We will get you and Obama too!

I was dumbfounded.  This made no sense to me. 

Then in that fall of 2014 a man named Omar Gonzalez prompted by 'voices' scrambled over the White House fence.  Ole Dammegard was right.  False flag.  Like McVeigh who went too far, like the damaged Unabomber, like Sirhan Sirhan, and like a man I feel for, gut shot and dead since November 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald.  All patsies to establish and maintain the fable, the lie of the 'deranged lone shooter'.  Happened again in Las Vegas the day Tom Petty passed.  Another attempt to get our guns.

I dodged, weaved, learned and had capital to support my flight to truth.  Still sometimes frightened having gone down the rabbit hole.  Knowing what most have been mind controlled into believing our 'mass media's and the lies the spout.  High salaries at stake for politicians and government  workers and for the politicians, more, prestige, fame.  

Trump is correct.  Fake news abounds.

And so why didn't Biden run after Obama.  He hadn't expected he would have to for his corrupt police and Intel friends planned to do to Obama what they once did to JFK in 1963.  Murder.  A national crisis.  9-11 yet again.  Liberties stolen for the benefit of those who run this world, our rich elites.

They still surveil me and break into my home.  National Intelligence Agencies cooperate on a project by project basis I learned.  5 eyes my ass.  And what Snowden revealed on domestic spying.  All planned so long ago by our elites. 

My initial mistake was believing the death threat espoused by my once again wife Svetlana.  I believed she confessed the truth on June 20 2014.

And why?

She believed the FBI would arrest me, jail me, shank me.  She expected to be famous as the put upon wife of this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  Her gangstalking payoff.  Fame perhaps cash.

She had not counted on my will, my inadvertant programming to overcome the poisons and sex provided to me.

My father remains with me as does my mother though both long passed.  I stood up when they could not.  I had no choice but to be as tricky as the corrupt intel and police. 

They are a bureaucracy whereas I am not.  So long as my resources remain I might make it to old age, to assist my son as grand dad.  My dream.

One memorable undercover FBI boy, Coy Ebell of CO, like me, a veteran, unlike me, a gangstalker and not a target. His advantage bureaucratic as is theirs.  He portrayed himself as a tireless Trump campaigner even getting an invite to the inauguration of 2017.  He claimed to be on the road to Congresd to help turn a blue state red.

All street theater. All a lie.  With my departure for Russia his task undone.  Now he works in an IT company, no doubt remaining in the employ of our corrupt FBI targeting another.


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