My Poisonings in Russia and the US of A (Part 2)

Svetlana never returned to the states.  Our son after much arguing with his mother at the age of 14 gloriously and to my mind for alone on a 747 and flew from Moscow to NYC JFK airport. 

And I, his father, reputation ruined by false gangstalking friends, them likely in the employ of a variety of national intelligence services (and named in earlier blog posts), was there, on time to meet my glorious son at the gate.  

I was overjoyed to see my son after a 14 month absence.  We went on in Victor NY and later in Denver CO as single father and lone son for 2 years.  

I was never happier to make up for lost time and to tell my son that my departure and divorce in Russia were both shams.

And I had earned enough money in Russia to be what my father could never be now for those 2 years and 4 more now back in Russia, a stay at home dad to teach my son that which my father neglected and I had learned at great cost.

I was never happier to demonstrate that father's never, never, ever willingly abandon sons. 

Stepping back to 1995 when I met Svetlana she worked as a prostitute.  On a lonely night in Russia we became intimate for $100.  And I of course being unschooled in such matter fell desperately in love with her while truth be told but for the potential economic security I could potentially offer this beauty 9 years my junior and a fantastic Soviet swimmer.  Such legs.  I was in over my head.

In December 2015 Svetlana acted pleased and surprised when she confidently asked me on Skype 'Didn't you know 80% of your expat friends were intelligence agents?'

I hadn't.

Earlier on June 20 2013 she unloaded a much larger bombshell.  She had never loved me and was with me only as I could impregnate her while her preferred suitor, Mr. Tregubov, my first poisoner could not.  She told me they had me under surveillance from 1997, my whereabouts known, phone calls listened to, emails intercepted, internet access monitored.  She proudly let it slip that Mr. Tregubov had graduated first in his GRU PsyOps class.  And he went to one of the 4 in Moscow had escaped the closed and 10 times smaller closed city of Gorkiy.  

He was flavor of the month while I was more akin to a dog's breakfast.

She led me to sleep with other women and nearly men in her presence in the late 90s when we lived in sin nudging me on the path of debauchery.  She knew of the 400 whores.  With a word she could have stopped me.  She did not.

This helped explain why both Miss Taptiga and Miss Koshelva's brother Vladimir described to me them witnessing her plotting with Mr.Tregubov against me.  In the flat I spent so much on in Russia, arm in arm with affection.

By then she hated me.  She knew of my frequent use of bordellos, why she led me there on a trip to Thailand.  I had killed our sex life as I no longer trusted her for she had removed her IUD to entrap me.

My response, awful, I would no longer have sex with her.  No trust.  No sex.  Besides I was learning bordellos. I had supposedly been her 75th and final client.  She lies as some breath and yet we remarried.  She is 46 and me 55...

To be continued...

I had inadvertently learned this growing up mostly unfather.

My father flew C46s in WW2 remained in the middle east to fly jew to he new state of Israel last these Jews be decimated in places like Yemen, Ethiopia and others.

He was later a career American Airlines 727 pilot, gone half thetime and deficiencies remain in my character as a result.

One example, my father and I never discussed the dangers of narcotics.

I knew little of women and their natures and he never explained the complexities of that most human and animal activity, sex.

I was not into sport but comic books.  He read much at the kitchen table at night guided by Scotch and Marlboro 100s.  

By then he had had 3 wives and 7 children me being his 1st son.  He stayed with my mother, a stewardess until he passed early in life and late in 1984.  He was 65.  Smoked to much.  Didnt exercise enough.

Interestingly to me at least, as he was a pilot, likely OSS from having been selected to fly in the aforementioned OSS program 'Project Magic Carpet' which bolstered Israel with a higher Jewish population than they would have otherwise had.  God Bless America.  (Until at least November 1963 and September 2011) My father was an excellent shot with a rifle, a freemason, and served on the town of Kingston MA (where I grew up in a Yankee house constructed in 1742) Planning Board I sometimes wondered why  he never taught me to fly, to shoot, educate me as to freemasonry.

He did have me confirmed Episcopalean as a teen then sent me to Catholic school which may have been part of a long term nefarious plan as described in this blog in other posts.   And maybe not.  Who knows? CIA knows.

At age 13 Svetlana showed pornographic images of me his father in an attempt to disgust him and turn him away from me.  A crime of child abuse in most countries.

While at Adam Stanhope's in the fall of 2013 I was again poisoned perhaps it was MDA.  This poison caused me to whip out my cock and start masturbating furiously.  Thanks Adam.

More poisonings lay ahead...


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