An Idiot Perp in Desperate Need of Training!

An Idiot Perp in Desperate Need of Training 

Today I received am email on gmail from someone I don't know who claims they read some, most, or all of my blog.  It was readily clear this was a perp, perp being a term from the gaslighting/gangstalking text book.

Instead of discussing the content of this, my blog, and a quite catharctic blog at that, whose origins lay with CIA controlled Facebook having banned md for 30 days, a ninth time, all bannings - Facebook's reaction to my earlier blog posts about 2014's failed Obama assassination attempt which was to have featured me in the starring role of patsy, (all while nasty Joe Biden would have assumed the presidency, gotten the keys to the kingdom), the e-mail was an attack on me personally ending with the suggestion that I suffer from a mental condition.


The gangstalking manual ends with successful gangstalkers getting the target to commit suicide, or failing that, commiting the target to a mental institution and getting him on mind bending anti-psychotic drugs to preclude the target from being either coherent or believed.  Recall Gary Webb and his supposed 'suicide'.

 C effing IA....  Bastards.  Professional, of course, but as corrupt and evil as the day is long.  Hats off to the boys and girls at Langley...

Interestingly, his emails, 2 of them, to me, mysteriously vanished a few hours later.  I had read them, and their intent was to make me dance a whirlwind, to disturb me.   In addition to the close of the emails, asking should I not investigate my mental condition, the author went further, claiming he had been able to deduce online that I have been in semi-retirement whereas earlier I had workex successfully as a corporate trainer.

The emails had no attention to the actual content of my blog, instead were focused in a personal attack on me, the author of this blog admittedly most unusual.

I mean who in their right mind would ever want to talk about being gaslighted and gangstalked in the US and Russia by our corrupt security services?

It's more than a little awful.

And who would ever want to describe how he had learned of what was to be this century's most horrific assassination, not dissimilar to 1963's CIA managed murder of JFK?  I'd rather be golfing. But that choice was removed from me by the events described in this, my little blog.  Events that led me to understand that I was and to this date, remain targeted, and that great effort had been made to entrap me. The first rule of surviving corrupt police entrapment plots is to document everything that one can, hence this blog.  And my tweets to a ridiculously small audience.  I tell myself that Rome wasn't built in a day...

I hope my blog readers, 19,942 to date, appreciate my efforts to expose corruption in our and indeed the world's security services, even though the topic is quite off putting to most.  The cops fear exposure, especially if the paradigm put forward by Danish researcher Ole Dammegard is accurate, that our Western state security services are behind most of the terror plots, mass shootings and assassinations and false flag events populated by a variety of crisis actors.  I'm frankly more than a little surprised I remain among the living with what I learned.

The 2014 Obama assassination that failed.

Jeesh.  I wouldn't write about this topic, but for that it happened to me, and was induced and directed by our glamorous CIA and FBI.  Read my other blogs that detail how I learned I was targeted.

It can be noted below that while my blog posts have had as of the date of this furious double thumb tapping, 19,942 views, 0 followers, and 0 comments.  It seemed immediately suspicious that the email I rec3ived to my gmail account, written by parties unknown, was clearly written with a gangstalking agenda as my blog topic is so dark that as can be seen by the screenshot below, no one wants to comment, or follow.  Can't say I blame them.

My Blog Stats

I pondered my possible responses to this email most offensive, and quickly recalled the old adage, 'if you can't say anything nice, then say nothing at all'.  Plus the unknown email author, who spent no time either introducing himself or sharing his background, which might have lent his email some authority, was certainly having his own agenda, likely provided to him by someone in corrupt law enforcement, and would clearly be unlikely to be persuaded by anything I might double thumb tap in response.  



Bastards all, and exposed by me, here and now, in this rarest of blogs, corrupt NCIS agent Doug Boyce of 313 Sage Road, Virginia Beach, VA, corrupt Head of Security for the London office of Marsh and McClellan Company, Dan Mead and so many others.  I also reported tbem to the FBI as I felt it my duty as an American citizen.  Of course, as I learned, corrupt FBI was in on this attempt to use psy ops on a target such as myself over the course of decades, perhaps my whole entire life.  

My advice to the perp who authored tbat rude email this morning, go back to gangstalking college, and learn not to give such leading and informing 'tells' in an email intent upon affecting the mindset of the reader in manner most negative as is the intent of such psy op activities.  Your email to me this morning was laughable upon first read as it was so clear in its intent and origin.  So a hearty f*** off to you boys, criminals all.  

Your pal,



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