Tom Stansmore, General Manager of EMG, CIA in Russia?

Tom Stansmore, General Manager of EMG, CIA in Russia?

Yesterday, February 28, 2020, the Saint Petersburg accounting outsourcing company Emerging Markets Group (EMG) made a facebook post shown below.

The EMG Post on Facebook That Motivated Me To Discuss on Facebook, My 'Pal' Tom Stansmore, Likely CIA in Russia

My February 28, 2020 Facebook Response Post to an EMG Post

My February 28, 2020 Facebook Post on Tom Stansmore, 
Likely CIA in Russia

Tom Stansmore, General Manager of EMG and Likely CIA in Russia

A bit later in the day Facebook informed me that my perhaps all too honest post about my what I consider my well reasoned opinion as to Tom's employment by the CIA was 'against community standards' and while not banning me announced to me that my post would only be visible to myself and no others.  Funny.  I had expected to be banned by Facebook for what would have been my 11th time.  And I cared not a whit.  Right is right, I hope you, gentle reader, would agree. 

Facebook Summary Judgement As To My Post Regarding 
Tom Stansmores' Likely Employment by CIA

EMG was set up in the early 90s in Saint Petersburg, Russia by another American expat, an accountant, quite bright, named James Beatty.  In time, James proferred me something akin to friendship.  He unexpectedly invited me to his 1998 wedding to a Russian gal named Vika, a former dancer, this also in Saint Petersburg, Russia.  I recall his wedding especially as James with another likely CIA boy in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Christian Courbois, provided cocaine in the bathroom of the reception hall.  I hadn't touched the stuff since my early 20s while home on leave from the US Navy in the late 1980s, that offered by a friend of my sister Lisa's, Patty Slavin, of Kingston, MA, now long dead.  Back to Russia and James Beatty, in a bit more time I learned that this 'friendship' was a ruse, James likely CIA in Russia, and was anything but a friend.  I digress, back to Tom Stansmore.

And as we begin to discuss Tom Stansmore, keep in mind CIA treasures deniability, and spends years in cultivating, manipulating, and seasoning targeted individuals such as myself.

Tom Stansmore arrived in Saint Petersburg, Russia in the late 1990s ultimately running the Deloitte office here locally.   In some time, this well trained American lawyer quit Deloitte and took the position of general manager of EMG.

As stated above, EMG had been set up in the early 90s by another very bright accountant, again, whom I strongly believe to also be in the employ of the CIA, American James Beatty.  I have written about James and the rationale for my belief in his being a US government spy in earlier blog posts.  Both Tom and James horrible people in my humble opinion.

I believe the reason Tom took the position of general manager of EMG was to allow his lords and masters at Langley access to the accounting records of the EMG customer base, a mix of foreign and Russian companies who had bought into the benefits offered by accounting and payroll oursourcing companies.  Tom's placement as the CEO allowed and continues to allow the CIA access to the accounting records of these companies, a foothold of sorts into companies operating in Russia, long denied them during Soviet times.

And think about it, when Russia opened up, of course the CIA sent in as many young turks as they could, young men willing to work in Russia, be loyal to their CIA masters, and to provide access to Langley information they had earlier been denied.

These expatriate Americans, I believe, include Steve Wayne, James Beatty, (Steve and James work together at Russian property investment company Jensen Group, two of Nevskiy Prospekts properties of note, the Nevskiy 32 business center, home to a division of Rolls Royse, and the shopping mall, Passage), Christian Courbois, Steve Caron, Matthew Igel, Ken Harding, Jeff Jung, Douglas Pullar, Douglas Boyce, J. Christian Moore, James Hitch, among others.

To date only Doug Boyce, now a senior agent at the NCIS has admited to me being an American spy in Russia, and that in 1999, his admission, later in 2014, in his home at 313 Sage Road in Virginia Beach where he enjoys corrupt US government compensation at the GS15 level.  Doug's admission meant to garner my trust in those desperate months after I left Russia under a false death threat organized by my Russian honeypot trap exwife Svetlana Macy, her lover, AlexanderValerievich Tregubov, tbe Russian man who poisoned me in August 2011, causing me to lose 40 pounds in the month prior to my mother's passing in September 2011, his associate, Egish Kharchatrian, the man who told me over a long distance phone call in the summer of 2014, "Rick we will turn you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too!" And rounding out this foursome prostitute from Angren, Uzbekistan, a girl raised dirt poor, Evgeniya Viktorovna Kosheleva.  She the piece of this puzzle thst led me disbelieving to divorce, a set up, in the fall of 2012.

That Facebook, commonly known to be a CIA front, blocking my 'truth to power' posts, as regards yesterday's revealing and explanatory posts regarding Tom Stansmore are telling.

CIA thrives on deniability and hiding in the shadows.

This I learned as they tried to use psy ops, women and narcotics to push me into their planned role of patsy for a presidential assassination attempt in 2014. 

They sent Russian spy redheaded large breasted Anna Chapman at me in Moscow in 2008, where I worked as CEO of the Yellow Pages of Russia, this two years before the FBI arrested her for spying in New York City.

In 2014, senior NCIS agent Doug Boyce told me, unasked, that he had been an American spy in Russia when we met in 1999.  A few weeks later after I had been pursued and harassed by approximately 40 undercover FBI vehicles, Doug informed me that he was a policeman, that I had misperceived many events in my entire life, and that I should remain in the Virginia Beach area, getting a domicile with a high speed internet connection.  This last bit, a misdirect likely, as I was under FBI surveillance, so internet access high speed or not was meaningless.  FBI surveillance,which is, in my experience and opinion, overwhelming, until one, does as I did, stands up for oneself and grows accustomed to it.

In early 2017, likely MI6 agent in Russia, Adrian Terris, bragged to me how those involved in scurrilous illegal, spy related activities, prided themselves on taking decades, even generations to succeed in projects, nefarious. 

I dodged, weaved, used self as bait and uncovered thks mlst horrific of criminal enterprises.  My failure to me coerced led them to the backup plan of using psy ops, directed energy weapons and more against fellow veteran Omar Gonzalez who climbed the White House fence, entered that property, succeeding in making it into the White House, this alone suggesting security services complicity in allowing such a man to make it so far.

Omar got off lucky, as unlike earlier patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, he wasn't gut shot on national TV, as part f one of the biggest conspiracies to that time, the assassination of JFK, installation of JFK, and the blaming of patsy Lee Harvey.  The mindf*** of 1963 successful, and the criminal cabal that runs the US, felt its legs, continuing its methodologies into 2001, with that most heinous of terror acts, 9/11, all to turn on the budgetary spigots of the congress for thise senior executives in the defense industry, just as they had done in 1963 leading our nation into an an unnecessary war in Vietnam, that lamented to this very day.  Now we are in Afghanistsn for 18 years.  Just as Orwell predicted, a never ending war.


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