Holly Dupont Oliver Corrupt Police Gangstalker

Holly DuPont Oliver Corrupt Police Gangstalker 

Another gangstalker working for corrupt police, Holly DuPont.  I had mistakenly responded to her as I discovered I was targeted by corrupt police.  What drives people to be so dishonest I sometimes wonder.  Like all too willing volunteers in a Milgrom experiment.  So despicable, so sad, no foul.  If karma exists, she will of course will face the piper some day.  I don't wish that on anyone of course, but as I have seen a number of gangstalkers who did me wrong suffer, have cancers, depart via early painful deaths, and so I wonder.

Holly Dupont Oliver, Claims to Work for Wikileaks

An Email from Me to Holly Before I Knew She Was a Police Gangstalker

A Misdirecting Message from Gangstalker Holly Dupont Oliver

I recall my horror at discovering Holly's LinkedIn connection with drug dealing FBI informant Jon Pouliot Jr, whom I had met and resided with during the summer of 2014 in Virginia Beach as I worked to reconcile with my gangstalking Russian wife for the benefit of our son.

And Holly appears to be especially despicable as she claims to be a level or two away from Julian Assange, imagine were she, the infiltration of noble institutions betrayed by such spies, criminals most foul.  And for what?  A paycheck?  A bigger house by the beach?

Are we all cosmically connected, and do those who willfully disobey the guidance given in our ten commandments risk being brought into the light and to answer for their dishonesty, their darkness?  I wonder.  I wish I didn't have to consider such questions, but my path, being gangstalked by CIA, FBI, and others forces me to keep eyes wide open in these matters.  Damndest thing really.

Such corruption.

Will they have to someday answer?

JFK, 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, Umabomber, McVeigh and so much more point to something that I can't comprehend.  Anna Chapman, Doug and Elena Boyce.  Matt Igel.  Christian Courbois.  The names, the deceptions, the memories, sometimes I think it more than one should bear, then I realize it must be borne and must be exposed, if only to protect someone else who may be now, young as I once was, perhaps unborn.  Damn.


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