Dana Mehnert, L3Harris Employee, CIA Stooge or Worse? You Decide.

Dana Mehnert, L3Harris Employee, 
CIA Stooge, or Worse?  You Decide

'Walk On', Wonderful U2 song.  Recalls when my son was so young, and me a younger version of myself, selling military radios to South American militaries.  Always was happy I stopped that after 18 months, as it felt wrong.  I did sell the largest contract in South America to that time for the Rochester NY division of military contractor, Harris Corp. (Now L3Harris) at $14,500,000.  Then I quit before the man who bad hired me, Dana Mehnert, tried to fire me, for 'not fitting in'.  That was 2005.  

Later I learned Dana was quite likely part of the corrupt CIA plot to murder Obama, install Biden, and blame me as patsy.  Talk about having your world turned upside down.

My Two Time Boss, Dana Mehnert

Some of Dana Mehnert's Accolades, Sans the Dark Stuff 
I Share with You in this Blog Post

The funny thing about Dana, besides his Bozo-like hair and squeaky voice, and yes I know that sounds unkind, but allow me my juvenile attempts at humor is he is talented in way most can of which only dream.  ))

So why do I believe Dana so corrupt, and that he conspired with CIA to murder Obama?  And yes, I know what that sounds like, I truly do.

Let's go back in time to the summer of 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark, the Nyhavn.  

The Nyhavn is a part of Copenhagen on the water, with lots of bars and boats.  

Dana, my new boss, had invited me to join him for a lager on the Nyhavn, which seemed to me unusual, as while he was brilliant in ways so many are not, blessed with intellect, will, and a perfect memory, he was, to me, cold, reserved, and distant.

I was excited, for while I can't claim I liked my new boss, this Ohio boy, raised in a dying steel town in Ohio, with a taste of poverty forced on him as it is upon many, this Dana Mehnert,  I wanted to get to know him, and working for him, I wanted to succeed in winning a long range HF tactical radio network contract with the Danish Material Command, their Army's procurement arm, on behalf of the intended end users, the Danish Special Forces, the Jaegerkorpset.

Dana had hired me to replace him, he had worked at Harris as an Area Sales Manager responsible for sales in Scandinavia, Finland, Greece and Turkey.  Dana had been promoted due to his admirable success in sales.  Again, Dana's mind and will, things worthy of recognition, of respect.

We had ventured into Denmark after a two week stint at the HF95 radio conference, held in the Faroe Islands, this a mainly all male affair, given that the conference attendees were mostly if not all military radio professionals, a career field dominated by men.  I was younger then, hornier than now, and missed my young American wife Christine.

Christine and I had attended the same Catholic high school, me falling for her long before she fell for me, perhaps such is the magic between men and women on most occasions.

We finished the conference...

And at that Nyhavn and the most unexpected invitation from Dana, we sat there drinking our Danish lager and then a woman, burnette, gorgeous approched me, with a man who must have must have been in his 60s', him slapping photos.  She undressed like it was the most natural thing to do in front of the hundreds on the Nyhavn that day.  I recall still her brunette hair, and me being the absolute nearest person to her as she disrobed, her body pornstar quality.  

What luck?  Right?  Not so much, for this I would learn in nearly twenty years time was nothing but a CIA psy op, one of their classisc, sex and drugs.

She dressed again and departed the scene wearing her short shorts and all too tight top.

As to Dana and I, we were the  employed by Harris Corportion, RF Communications Division, and were selling at that time mostly RF-5000 125 Watt HF vehicular and fixed radio stations, manpack AN/PRC-138 20 Watt HF/VHF tactical radios, and the AN/PRC-117 Satcom UHF tactical manpack radio, whose power output I do not now recall.

And so we, Dana and I, left the Faroe Islands, our engineers returning to the radio factory on University Avenue in Rochester, NY, notable for the array of HF radio antennas protruding from the roof, and the two of us, me thinking we were on the sharp edge of the stick, as salesmen, no strike that, sales professionals.

Denmark, a place I liked then and still do now over twenty years later, for Copenhagen, Denmark, also a place I liked having visited it twice before, once in the US Navy in 1987, and before that as a teen with my mother as we enjoyed and sometimes endured a bus trip through parts of Europe, Germany, France, Luxembourg, and Belgium as I recall.  

Having taken Dana's old role as Area Sales Manager, front line sales responsibility for Scandinavia, which of course included Denmark, was now mine.  And I was thrilled.  Honored even.

We, as that aforemention front line of sales professionals, were competing to sell the Danes a long range HF radio system, capable of voice and date transmission of ranges up to 2000 kilometers, for the Danes sent their Jaegers far afield, to places like Yugoslavia, and Africa.  The specification was loose, and there were only two bidders, Harris of the US and Tadiran of Israel. 
Our bid was four times as expensive at $2,500,000, while the Israelis had interpreted the spec with a $600,000 bid.

We won, largely due to a radio that may or may not have been made at Harris,  the burst only and likely Top Secret AN/PRC-137.  This radio, I have been told over the years is a combination HF burst radio with a keybad so as to write Secret or more likely Top Secret messages for the radio half to transmit.  

The 137 was burst only radio. Which had caught the Danes attention in their joint operations with the US Special Forces, who according to the Danes were using this high speed data HF radio.  We at Harris could neither confirm nor deny.

And so back to Dana and that lager he has peculiarly invited me on the Nyhaven that summer of 1996.

We drank our  beers.  We chatted, and before long as described above, a beautiful brunette appoached amazingly and to me and to no one other, she stripped completely her for her compadre, the 60ish looking man begin stocking shot of her.  Or so I thought.  The truth was she had stripped fo me.  This I did not then know. 

My take away at the time, wow this must be Europe.   In this I was wrong.  Dana with his CIA support was attempting to lure be into debauchery,  so that when years lates Dana Mehnert, could protect self and career, and simply use a few words to my disfavor.  Scumbag.  Dana Mehnert scumbag.

The real intent was to push my all too male hormornes so that on my next, trip that to Russia, where all horned up I would attend the bar on the top bar, flash my roomkey to a whore, a brunette whore,  she assured me she would appear in 20 mintes.

She did not.

In 20 minutes another woman, far more beautiful that the first on, her name Svetlana, knocked on my door, bleach blond hair now, fading, lucious lips, golden skin.  She was 21, made her way to the bathroom, changed in a suitbale negligee, and for $100 we be came intimately aquainted.

A Russian FSB trap.  And I was sucked in.  A honeypot trap.  I was doomed.  Later, they send Anna Chapman, Polina Panfilova, Ksenia Bezrukova, Evegenia Koshelava and others to lead me to divorce.

They all failed but Koshelava.

Evgeniya Viktorovna Kosheleva Passport 

The divorce was fall 2012, my initial meeting wih Kosheleva was summer 2010 when she was 19, small breasted, nothing like those gargantuan mammaries of red headed Russian spy Anna Chapman, arrested by the FBI in 2010.  It took until May 2014 for me to connect the dots to learn that my once then wife Svetlana was in on it.  After her June 20, 2014 admission that she had loved the man who poisoned, Alexander Valerievich Tregubov, that back in August 2011
And who with him, with Evgeniya Kosheleva and with Egish Kharchatrian had duped me into believing I was under a Russian death threat, to be kidnapped, tortured and have my neck slit.

Alexander Valerievich Tregubov Who Poisoned me in August 2011

Some months later NCIS agent Doug Boyce, revealing himself to be in on this plot far to evil for me to believe, told me that I had misperceived much of my life.  

That got me to scratch my head, and combined with likely Scottish MI6 agent residing in Russia, Adrian Terris, bragging to me all to eagerly, perhaps even desperately, for who does not want to tell the truth in these matters, Adrian said that the spy services would take decades even generations to pull off a false flag.  His cogent example were when the crusaders would dig for generations tunnels under Muslim fortifications in order to murger, rape, and rampage.

Adrian Terris, Likely MI6 Residing in Russia

This explained why Egish Kharchatrian screamed at me over a long distance call that I inidiation from Virginia to Russia in that summer of 2014, "Rick we will turn you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too!"

Egish Kharchatrian 

And Dana, earned $3,000,000 last year.  I don't begrudge him that, for he is a talent.  But he also a sociopath, and that and for what he did to me, why yes, I certianly begrudge him that.  Sociopath.  Evil.  Dana.  

The dots difficult to connect, but I had the latter part of my life to focus on this question.


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