It Hurt. It Had Been Meant To.

It hurt.

And was meant to.

I had no idea with what I was involved.

I had never heard the terms 'zersetzung'.  Never heard about 'gangstalking'. Didn't know anything a phenomenom called 'targeted individuals'.

I did know of the East German Stasi a bit.  I had heard that one in six Soviet citizens informed to the 'authorities' on their neighbors.

All that was far removed from my middle class American life, or so I thought, so I presumed.

I recall it best perhaps in chat from a cheap hotel in Victor NY, the Royal Inn as I waited out two awful tenants, Alice Calabrese and Dylan Chase who had for a few years been my tenants at the home I once owned at 1235 Honeysuckle Pass in Victor.

The chat was between me and David Fleming, him a Kiwi I had met in Russia.  We had worked together for three years at the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  I was CEO and he was the representative of the owner and an auditor.  He was in New Zealand and this was the fall of 2014.

David Fleming, Kiwi, We worked Together at Yellow Pages Russia

David had been an auditor for Swiss company SGS, working in the mergers and acquisitions group reporting to Nick Thornton who in turn reported to CEO Tony Czura.

I had been introduced to David by a Scotsman I met in Russia named Adrian Terris.  Adrian and I worked within the same holding, him as CEO of the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages and I as commercial director for the phone company PeterStar, most modern, though second largest phone company in Saint Petersburg as we were the daughter company of the city monopoly, herself earlier the Soviet phone company of Saint Petersburg.

Adrian Terris, Scotsman Residing in Russia, Likely MI6

I didnt know then that Adrian was MI6, or that the fellow who hired me was CIA.  Didn't know I was a manchurian candidate.  That took some time to learn and this story is part of that.

He chatted at me 'hurt, doesn't it?' or words to that effect.  And it did.  Friends dropping off me like flies, me being added to black lists on social networks by people I had held in high regard had considered friends, mostly whom I had met while working and living in Russia as an expat for 15 years.  I was, in this, incorrect.  As then ex-wife Svetlana asked me in December 2015, "Rick, didn't you know that 80% of your ex-pat friends in Russia were intelligence agents?"  All such a game, such a ploy.  And I survived.  Damndest thing really.

Two of tbose intelligemce agents, Tony Czura and Nick Thornton had bought most of the shares of Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages when our holding company Metromedia International Telecommunciations Inc. decided to leave Russia and therefore sell all her Russian assets and focus her remaining strength on the controlling share MITI owned in Georgia's leading cellphone company, MagticomGSM.

Adrian introduced me first to David Fleming, that meeting happening in Saint Petersburg, who seemed to me as a non Russian speaker as a fish out of water, then to Tony Czura at a Radisson in Moscow.

I had no idea of the danger I was in, had been in, and in which I was to remain for several years, perhaps even now, though it feels as though the strorm largely passed.

Other expats, who pretended to 'befriend' me likely in the employ of CIA

Christian Courbois
Jeff Jung
James Beatty
Aaron Bogott
Mark Ames
Matt Igel
Steve Wayne
Jeff Jones
David Eggers
J. Christian Moore


Adrian Terris
Stiiv Knowers
Patrick Naughter

Canadian CIA (CSIS)

Kyle Patching

There were other nationalities as well, Henning Pedersen of the Norwegian MFA and whatever it is they call their Norwegian intelligence service.  Germans David Mueller Meerkatz, Susanna Freidrich.

Back to the scam that was the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages, Tony Czura, as main shareholder, was not happy with the financial performance of Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages, as it had been losing money for four years, and had been earlier a slightly profitable business.  The reasons for these annual losses were in part structural and also due to Adrian attempting to enter the Moscow directory market.  The business made money in Saint Petersburg, had had a good reputation, while the losses in Moscow were larger than the Saint Petersburg profits.

Knowing what I now know of Tony, Adrian, the scam that was the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages, ot might have been best to have avoided tham and that business entirely.  Though I earned a million dollars from my two years of effort there.  I know this was done so that in the next venture Tony set up, a trucking company, called Pan Motors, I would desire to fill my days with more meaning than running a business designed to fail.  The CIA and FBI hoped I would follow a path to narcotics, setting Silk Road dealer 'Nawlins' Adam Stanhope, upon my path, setting myself up for entrapment and worse.

I made another choice, and that was to save a child I had never met.  His name was Andrei, he was fatherless, and his mother, Genya Kosheleva, a whore to whom I had grown accustomed, and a dream never to be made real.  Very lucky and grateful to be alive.  CIA had other far darker plans for me, for Obama, he and I dead, Joe Biden installed much like LBJ in 1963.

As to directories, now part of the past, I would argue now in hindsight that Moscow was never fair game for a print directory business, as no one printed enough directories to cover thaat enormous market.


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