Antony Michael Czura, Criminal Beyond Compare

Antony Michael Czura

Tony Czura.

Antony Michael Czura.  Dual national.  Swiss and Kiwi.

Criminal beyond compare.

Tony used to brag about giving suitcases of clean bills to Moammer Gaddafi back in the day when Moammer ran Libya and Tony ran Swiss concern SGS.  This in order to get contract awards.

Another criminal, and this one a Scot, Adrian Terris, likely an MI6 agent, residing in Russia, had introduced me to Tony in manner best described as 'street theater'.  Adrian was at that time CEO of Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  I believe he owned 20% of the company while Tony owned 80% on behalf of himself and his partner Nick Thornton.  Nick was like Tony ex SGS and had run the Mergers and Acquisitions department while Tony was CEO.  

I loved Tony from the first.  No lie.  Funny how we believe in that which we want to believe.   

Tony hired me in June 2006 to run his Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages as COO.  In 6 months he made me CEO.  He allowed me to buy and be awarded 7% of the company stock.  In 2 years we sold the company for $23,000,000 to a holding company controlled in large part by the wealthy Swedish Lundin family.

I recall his telling me how and why he came to fire my predecessor the aforementioned Adrian Terris.  Tony said Adrian had over the years stolen $800,000 of black cash from Yellow Pages and that he and his wife Elena had secreted these funds in a British bank accounting for their frequent trips to that storied isle.  

Tony hired another ex SGS manager to work for him as regards the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  His name David Roberto Fleming.  David had worked in the M and A department and had reported to Nick Thornton.  David was a highly skilled auditor.  His skill forensic auditing.  Finding out who stole what and when and how.  

David reported to Tony and the two of them told me that Adrian had fudged the books.  He had taken revenue from the first week of the next quarter and reported it early while taking the expenses of the last week of the reporting quarter and stuffing those into the next quarters report.   The intended effect, minimize reported quarterly losses, inflate reported quarterly income.  

But Adrian was like David Fleming, a well trained auditor.  I had been fed a lie.  

Later he, his partner Nick Thornton and two world renowned New Zealand billionaires set up a company that was planned to fail called Pan Motors.  I became CEO of that company believing in Tony.  I was awarded 10% of the company shares.  The company folded within a year due to a 300% increase on the import duty on used US long haul trucks.  

The funny bit is looking back I see what a roller coaster ride, highs and lows.  I learned both gigs were part of the conspiracy to set me up as a 'patsy' in a failed assassination attempt on Obama in 2014 about which I post from time to time here on Facebook.   Sounds wild?  It was.  

Tony Czura.  You meet someone who brags about giving Moammer Khaddafi breifcases full of cash as bribes, cross the street.  I didnt.  I learned.  What a con man.  And a psychopath.  Tony Czura.


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