CIA Tried to Kill Obama, OMG
I recall that moment of clarity when I understood there lay ahead of me two paths. Should I pursue one, the other must logically be foregone. How best and most accurately to describe these paths? Simplistically, one could say red pill or blue bill. In the matrix or out. I had learned of corruption, gangstalking, been told I was to be this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald, that 'they' would get me and Obama too. An American I had met in Russia, an expat like me or so I had then thought, who had served with me on the Executive Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce of Saint Petersburg, Russia told me he had been working as an agent for the CIA, this revelation shared with me in his home 15 years after the fact and while he worked and I believe is still employed as a senior agent at the NCIS. I had met in manner both unusual yet odd, Russian spy, large breasted Anna Chapman, had felt her vibe, brilliant and bad, and had kept my distance. I ...