Identifying FBI Gangstalking Takes Time

This post was initially written in the fall of 2014. 

Since then and by connecting the dots I learned that the reason for all the deceptions listed below was a US government program intent upon assassinating president Obama in the fall of 2014 and using gangstalking techniques based on Cointelpro FBI protocols make me into the patsy for such an attempt.  Read on...  The answer to the question why all these people were being deceptive towards me in the time frame of 2011 to 2015 was that FBI used them to gangstalk and harass me as part of larger CIA plan to manipulate me into becoming a patsy for an assassination attempt on Obama that failed in 2014. 

From 2014 (before I learned these people described below were working on behalf of FBI)

For those who wondered why I left Russia and shut down RICK MACY SALES TRAINING play this game and find the answer....


When it comes to detecting a lie without the use of a machine there are three (3) methods available:

1. You can analyze a person's words
2. You can study a person's body language
3. You can examine a person's handwriting

Those of you who read my facebook page understand that since mid 2011 I have come across a rather large number of deceptive people. And by examining their words I can prove each of the people in this 'game' has engaged in deceptive practices with me.

I made a short list last night and posted it here on facebook. The actual list of deceivers in my life is actually larger, but why beat a dead horse?
Also, before drinking the Kool-aid of 'this guy must be paranoid' - not at all.

Here's why....

In Virginia, I saw a qualified physician who determined that as as result of my interactions with alll these less than honorable or at least honest people, plus my mother's death from complications fueled by the narcotic materials provided by a few women in my life at the time, a Silk Road drug dealer, and a certain tax dodging right wing billionaire, I had suffered from depression.

But as friend Dougie Boyce recently told me, which was nice of him, all things considered, that I was one of the most perceptive people whom he had ever met when we served on the executive Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Saint Petersburg in the early 2000s. He also told me that 'TREGUBOV' had poisoned me in that banya where we engaged in a menage-a-trois resulting in my weight loss and looking a bit older than I should at 49.

While I am no expert on how many liars a person would likely interact with within a defined period, I think that statistically I have been engaged by a far higher percentage of deceptive folk who for reasons of their own, have decided it is to their advantage (perhaps they gain some benefit) to engage in deception with me, Rick Macy. The real and only question that matters is WHY?

So let's play a game, all can play. Join in and tell your friends! I will give a prize for the best and most convincing set of answers.

Let's start with the easy questions and we will work our way into more and more difficult questions. I provide likely answers, but don't forget I am sometimes described as a tricky Leprechaun given my half Irish genetic makeup, so don't be swayed by what I term 'LIKELY ANSWER'. This term is meant to engage, challenge and embolden you as players.

Maybe I should have used the phrase POSSIBLE, but gosh darn it retyping all that text with my thumbs on this tablet is tiring. So let's you do some typing as you play, TA DA, wait for it....

Here we go!

Wheeeeeee! smile emoticon

1. Why would my former wife SVETLANA MACY engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - PERSONAL GAIN - to steal my million dollar apartment on Kamenoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 in Saint Petersburg, Russia and to kidnap my 13 year old son Nicholas Macy in direct contradiction to our divorce settlement.
Personal gain of a luxurious million dollar 210 square meter apartment in the city center of Russia's second largest city Saint Petersburg and the opportunity to raise our son with Russian FSB officer who fraudulently introduced himself to me as 'ALEXANDER VALERIEVICH TREGUBOV' whom she admitted to me in June of this year before kidnapping our son that she has been in a romantic affair with him behind my back since 1997 when as she admitted they hacked my phones and computers so as to get greater personal benefit (we will only touch on this later as we ask why 13 year old son Nicholas Macy engaged in deceptive practices with his father. But we will save that for later).

2. Why would friend and Navy veteran CHUCK JENSEN, and his wife RANDEE JENSEN, currently living in Levant, Maine engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - MONEY Chuck is unemployed, a self admitted alcoholic with a wife with MS, Randee, also a self admitted alcoholic, who is the sole income provider as a dedicated ICU nurse, and they have two young sons. Money is likely the correct answer.

3. Why would ethnic Russian, Uzbek national former girlfriend GENYA KOSHELEVA engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - MONEY Genya was dirt poor and wanted to escape the rough life of Angren, Uzbekistan. The possibility of money and a chance at Russian citizenship would buy her off quickly. Genya was always very loyal to her family. I still respect her, and I once loved her. Maybe she even for a time loved me.

4. Why would likely Russian spy CATERINA INNOCENTE, residing at 229 West 60th in a water view Manhattan apartment engage in deception with a man she made moves on while he visited her in late January of this year?

LIKELY ANSWER - FEAR Caterina is afraid of getting caught as a Russian Spy. And she is 40 so she is past her shelf life and to lose the commercial benefits and to have to slink back to Russia, or worse to Georgia as a discovered Russian spy would likely be horrifying.

5. Why would basketball playing New Hampshire gal pal AMANDA KAY (we dated 3 times and chatted much more) engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - MONEY. Amanda is a self admitted heroin addict (I only learned this on our third and final date, forgive my poor selection of women), does not possess a college degree, and barely scrapes by, living with different local friends, including the aforementioned Jensen who reported to me that Amanda had stolen $500 from their home so she could buy more drugs. In our final date while I slept she apparently rolled my car in her quest to satiate the unsatiable.

6. Why would bisexual gals ALBINA TAPTIGA and GENYA KRITOVA engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - MONEY. Both girls I met in a cheap bordello in Saint Petersburg before extending myself and agreeing that they live with Genya Kosheleva (at her demand) at the apartment David Mueller-Meerkatz provided oddly at below market rates on Vasilievskiy Island Line 11.

7. Why would German gal SUSANNA FRIEDRICH, former wife of overweight yet lovable German AMWAY distributor in Russia, David Mueller-Meerkatz engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - FEAR. Always something of a status seeking social climber to whom David begrudgingly paid a small fortune upon their divorce, Susanna has little interest in doing the right thing and therefore when I asked her a simple question she defriended me on facebook and hopes that she will be left out of whatever this mess evolves into.

8. Why would Russian gal GALINA SOKOLEVA engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - SHE WAS ASSIGNED A TASK BY THE FSB - This way past her shelf life Amphetamine snorting blonde was assigned to trick me into trying heroin in addition to the hashish my former wife fed me and the white Colombian marching powder provided by tax dodging right wing extremist August Meyer. You see unlike the stuff provided by Svetlana and August, Heroin like all opiates is physically addictive.

9. Why would supposed common law wife to serving FSB officer 'ALEXANDER VALERIEVICH TREGUBOV', 'IRINA KLIMOVA' engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - TO CON ME INTO BELIEVING THE RUSSIA SIDE OF THIS CON. 'IRINA' is also likely a Russian security service officer who was crucial to make me believe that 'TREGUBOV' was what he claimed to be - a construction manager with a few whores like Genya Kosheleva on the side. The last time I called to her Russian phone number fraudster and FSB officer 'EGISH KHACHATRIAN' answered the line laughing something like 'WE WILL TURN YOU INTO A NEW LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND WE WILL GET YOU AND OBAMA TOO' which I confess at the time left me puzzled. Since then, and learning that the date of the fire on the roof of the building where I owned a million dollar apartment bought from friend August Meyer as May 29, 2009, JOHN F. KENNEDY's birthday helped me answer Dougie Boyce's question, "WHAT JUICE IS WORTH THE SQUEEZE?"

10. Why would my younger brother, JOHN MACY engage in deception with me, his brother?

LIKELY ANSWER - FEAR - John is basically a good dude. As smart as me although earlier a bit dyslexic and my mother used to think perhaps he had bordered on autism as a young child. But they didn't test for it back then. His recent emails reek of deceptive technique as have earlier texts I received from half sister, Beth Macy. Something or rather someone scared my siblings. Threat of loss or perhaps even physical violence? Time will tell.

11. Why would overweight and reportedly dead drug dealer ADAM STANHOPE engage in deception with me as my mother who liked him so much lay dying? And why would drug dealing Adam Stanhope engage in deception with me especially as he knows I have reported him to the DEA for his Silk Road online drug dealing as NAWLINS and to the Pembroke, MA police for staging a fraudulent death so that he can remain unmolested in the home he owns through his wife Wichan in Chaiyapoom, Chaiyaphum, Thailand?

LIKELY ANSWER - MONEY - A brilliant individual, Adam suffered since childhood different physical ailments, low testosterone, contributing to a female like appearance, and left wing leaning parents who saw no big deal in certain narcotics in the household like pot and LSD. Adam went to Berkeley where he claimed to make contact with criminals from Thailand. For a time Adam owned and never reported the profits from its sale to the IRS allowing him to buy a home in Thailand where he is likely currently hiding. But even though he developed some technologies still in use on the Internet today, he succumbed to an opiate addiction with friend Kevin Patch also residing in Thailand. He spent too much time indulging in his acquired taste for arcane drugs and lost his Kingston Massachusetts home to the bank forcing him to move back in with Mom and Dad who while wonderful people are in their 70s.

12. Why would DANNY MEAD, a former US marine, a retired US Navy Senior Chief and currently Senior Vice President/Director of Security at MMC, a well respected global security company engage in deception with his colleague and brother honorably discharged US Navy veteran, Rick Macy?


13. Why would DOUGIE BOYCE a serving NCIS officer at the highest federal employee paygrade GS15 (which is way less than he used to make as a high flying finance professional) with homes in Russia, Japan, France, and in the good ole U.S. of A. at 313 Sage Road in Virginia Beach, VA engage in deception with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - POWER - Dougie, a self admitted spy, has no moral center. He dreams of being an Afghan Warlord with power over all. Sick and twisted, he put a lot of effort into establishing what could be described as 'DEEP COVER' to ensure the SPY KIDS network currently in development from the wombs of my former gal pals Svetlana Chuloshnikova, Ksenia Bezrukova, and Polina Panfilova to name but a few. Perhaps the children of some of my expat friends are also included in this, however, that would be speculation. And I was trained not to speculate.

14. Why would Kiwi DAVID FLEMING engage in deceptive practices with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - MONEY - David wants the world to piss off and leave him alone as he is so brilliant and sensitive he is akin to a telepath who cannot stop hearing all the thoughts around him. Money would allow him to go sailing which would isolate him from most of humanity which while he needs them as we all do, he could do it on his terms, much like deceptive billionaire August Meyer.

15. Why would my property manager NICK GLAMACK, and my two tenants, ALICE CALABRESE, and DYLAN CHASE engage in deceptive practices with me?

LIKELY ANSWER - MONEY/FEAR - The Rochester, New York area saw it's 'HAY DAY' pass years ago, once with the railways surpassing the Erie Canal as the preferred transport method for upstate goods to make their way to be sold in the big city of New York, and again as KODAK reacted far too slowly to the threat of foreign competition, reducing it's once great revenues and job providing capabilities to what they remain today. In Alice case, it may be the threat that she would lose the donors that keep Lollipop Farms doors open, and hence her livelihood as CEO which allows her to raise her 10 year old son in relative comfort. As to convicted felon Dylan, likely he is being swayed with the possibility that ongoing charges against him might be dropped. Dylan who in some manner had participated in the ownership of the IRON BUTTERFLY gym centrally located in Victor, NY now owned and rebranded as PLANET FITNESS, did not get what he thought was coming to him and acted accordingly resulting in his felony conviction. As to Nick Glamack Money, pure and simple. A realtor for many years he is facing retirement and likely would like the comfort provided by more money.

16. Why would wealthy former CEO of Swiss mutinational, SGS (go ahead Google it, I had to the first time as I am American), and a boss I once loved, ANTONY MICHAEL CZURA whom I enjoyed working for twice, first as his CEO of the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages and later as his CEO of doomed to fail from the start Russian Frieghtliner dealership, PAN MOTORS engage in deceptive practices with me?
LIKELY ANSWER - EGO - Son of a Polish second world War veteran and an English maid, friend Tony has a chip on his shoulder that makes the one I had earlier while serving in the Navy appear miniscule. His intellect massive, visionary Tony got a taste of power as his 20 year career at SGS led him to the head table where he led for a far too short period of time. Tony puts much effort into hanging out with billiinaires, organizing exotic hunting and fishing trips with them as finally when you have money and power the things you end up valuing most are experiences and time. A right winger atheart, it must have been irresistible for a man who often bragged about meeting Khadaffi and paying off heads of state with his Finance Director, whom I think is named Greg to have the poor until to participate in such a long con.

17. Why would tax dodging, U.S. citizenship giving up, white marching powder providing AUGUST MEYER engage in deception with me? He has money, lots of it and all that it will buy.

LIKELY ANSWER - POWER - Having money is nice, but friend August prides himself on only owning two pairs of jeans, so he is not the shopper as are many Russian Oligarchs. Having come face to face with gang bangers and those less fortunate than himself and witnessing the brutality and cruelty that poverty brings with it, as a San Diego prosecutor, he likely became engorged when he entered into a deal with the devil, or rather devils.

Devils? Who exactly would August conspire with were this answer correct?

The Russian FSB and Texas' own TPG (Texas Pacific Group).
By agreeing to be the bagman, August gets to act to remove our first (and I personally hope, not the last - bring on Condoleezza, I say!) sitting afroamerican President, resulting in Joe Biden taking over for a bit and to ensure that 'gasp' hated Hilary does not become our next President.

Further the resulting chaos in divided America would allow the security apparatus to push through more laws curtailing citizens rights which would suit August just fine.

You see, he came from a wealthy family, and forgets that we all came from poverty, it is only a question of how many generations back. So instead of working within the laws of the land that protected him and his family he went renegade.

But fortunately I am his friend and work to convince him of the error of
his poorly considered decision. You see Dougie Boyce confirmed this is the correct answer.  

And finally I learned the weirdness all around me was CIA and FBI led gangstalking.


  1. These crimes continue, sarah Degeyter, stalked beaten and raped in Harris County Texas only to try to flee hundreds of miles, to have this harassment and stalking instantly continue, even with NSA Karen Melton Stewart, Targeted Justice, witnesses and documentation, this terrorism never ends. Now at 6213 Arlington Texas this turns into an extremely aggressive campaign, Keith Lankford and Jason Foust, came to witness this yet her story blocked at every level, surrounded by neighbors that harass 24/7, linked to FBI and Police corruption at every level. No doubt with stories like that of John Lang the end for these programs are often deadly. Cointelpro with 2020 tech more aggressive then ever.


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