Argument with Russian Honeypot Trap Wife Svetlana

My Russian wife Svetlana bought us two tickets this afternoon to see a Russian film on Sunday at 16:20 at the nearby Velikan Park movie theater.

We might go and might not as we enjoyed a phenomenal argument when we returned home going back to our divorce of 2012 and touching on her role in 2014's failed Obama assassination plot in which I was to have the role most unbelievable of 'patsy'.  Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction goes the saying, and I've learned enough on my path to give that saying more than a modicum of credibility.

Her cellphone shows an affectionate message from Alexander Tregubov on March 6, 2017.  This is the same man she said threatened to kill me in October 2013 causing me to retreat from Russia for fear of my life.

Svetlana used classic gas lighting techniques to deny knowing him and contradicted herself and our relevatory conversation of June 20, 2014 in which she admitted to having a long term relationship with Tregubov and only being with me so as to become pregnant and to gain commercial benefit.  Long story, posted here on facebook ad naseum.  What is that saying, die with the lie?  And so Svetlana chooses to be deceptive while I choose to remain on the high ground choosing to respond with love and kindness.

Admittedly as she began to shout I withdrew to a different room in our co owned apartment here at Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 in Saint Petersburg.  Recall this is the site of a mysterious and unsolved roof fire on May 29th, 2009, JFK's birthday.

I still recall her calm reaction as the fire roared only two stories above our heads.  My son and I left the apartment quickly and in fear having gathered the cat, important documents and my computer.  Svetlana remained in the apartment for another 15 to 20 minutes and joined us on the street quite unnerved.  This, her reaction most abnormal for someone in such a situation, had bothered me for years until her confession of June 20, 2014.


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