Raw Notes from 2014

Raw notes from summer 2014 as I put the pieces together about how I was gangstalked and in the process of being set up to be the patsy for a presidential assassination attempt that year. 

Summer 2014 notes.

Rick Macy
Jul 11, 2017

From August 2014 as I waited out my tenants Alice Calabrese and Dylan Chase from the home I once owned at 1235 Honeysuckle Pass Victor NY, before I understood that I was under knowingly involved in a complex plot to assassinate Barack Obama.



Why did Steve Wayne invite me to his wedding when he married a Rockefeller sometime between 2003 and 2005?  I could not attend as I was in Santiago, Chile working on the program that resulted in Harris RF Communications receiving a $14.5 million contract to reequip the 6th division of the Chilean Army.

Why did David and Susanna Meerkatz invite Svetlana and myself to spend New Years Eve 1998/9 with them and their wealthy German friends?  We had one of the most uncomfortable dinners as all spoke German but for Svetlana and myself.  We dined at the old Customs House.  Prior to that Susanna had come on to me and as Svet and I were not married I accepted the date, we kissed and that was the evening.  This was prior to Sveta getting pregnant.

Svet and 'Tregubov' were already monitoring my whereabouts from 97 if I correctly understood what Svetlana said to me on June 18/19 2014.  And this to date has been our last phone call. 

Stephen Gardner and Christian reached out to me as I was in my depression living with Genya after having been introduced to speed by Albina Taptiga.  If Svetlana was aware of this, she therefore had responsibility

Both Christian and Stephen have two children with Russian women. 

Jill Capadose, the same headhunter that I worked with when I applied for the Millicom International job in Siberia.  Jill called me when I was in Siberia and I competed with Jeff Buckwalter and Jonathan Sparrow for the position of Commercial Director of Peterstar.  I got the job.  Stephen and I even went out that night and got drunk which at the time I simply was so cool and wasn't I a heck of a catch (because of my sales skills).  And Svetlana and I moved from Kemerovo to St. Petersburg.


While at Millicom, a number of foreign men are hired to work as sales directors and as commercial directors.  The rationale being that they had know how required by these businesses. 

Peter Morgan, British - hired me in July 1996, fired by December 1996 as a result of conflict with Tyrtichnikov and
Jonathan Sparrow, American, hired me in 1996, let go by December 1996
Mitch Krasniy, American,
Donald Aderhold, American;
Roman Mezibrovskiy, Canadian; Debasish Ghosh, Pakistani,
Anthony Vincent, Indian,
Michael Power, Irish,
Michael Patrick Nee, American. 

Michael Patrick Mee is openly gay and is the only one fired by Vladimir Tyrtyichnikov, then president of Millicom in Russia (now owned by tele2).  Why? Because Russians hate gays?  As discussed recently with Doug, the FSB is completely cold blooded.  So more likely it is that they understood he would not find a Russian woman and he would not therefore provide any children for the program. 


Doug has done the most to separate his wife from Russia.  Lena gave up her citizenship and they have two lovely children, one of whom was created in my Victor home.  Doug and Lena visited us in Victor as did Dave and Nadia Eggers.  Was that coincidence, or an opportunity for the girls to spend time together thus checking up on each other? 

'Egishe Khachatrian' in our last conversation in May laughed belligerently at me and, while I forget the words, said something like I would be somehow akin to Lee Harvey Oswald.  'Jason Smolek', whom I was recently reminded that I met once as I began my Yellow Pages gig, informed me that he was in Afghanistan and as a result had PTSD (as 'Tregubov' he was aware of my visit to New Zealand and my ill fated opinion hat Genya was a victim of PTSD as a result of her brutal childhood which drove her on a path to prostitution.  This was a 'legend', much like Svetlana's falsehoods about me being her final customer at the Hotel Oktybrskaya in Nizhniy Novgorod so long ago. 

Jason Smolek informed to me that the date of the fire on the Kamenoostrovskiy 35 apartment building was May 29, 2009.  This is the date of JFK's birthday.  I did not discover this on my own. 'Jason Smolek' informed me. 

Doug advised me to get my will together.  Doug advised me to go on a long road trip.  Doug advised me to clean up my facebook page.  I told Doug about Jeff Letino.  Doug has often complimented me as a superior performer.  But he has seen me struggle.  When I ask him when he will return, his answer seems oddly fluid. 

But while I see the benefits that Svetlana and the FSB receive should I fall, what benefit would Doug receive?  He has money.  He has position.  He appears to be anti Russian.

Genya Kosheleva appeared to be anti Tregubov. 
Svetlana Chuloshnikova appeared to be anti Tregubov.
Albina Taptiga appeared to be anti Galina Sokoleva.
Angela at Marata sometimes appeared to be anti Kosheleva and anti Tregubov.
Jon Poilot appeared to be anti Shari Faller. 
August Meier appeared to be anti Darren Stock. 


All to gain my confidence.

And Doug appears to be anti Russia.  And he has had my complete confidence. 

Since that night I sat in his driveway, he has invited me as he revealed that Dan had extended an offer of $3000 to begin the investigation into the fraudsters.  Doug advised me not to correct my application to the consulate regarding my belief that Svetlana is involved. 

Donald has a lovely blonde Russian wife and he became CFO of colt as well as other American companies.  They have two children and live in Connecticut.

Debasish married a pretty Belorussian.  Children?

Anthony Vincent married a Russian girl.  They have children, not sure how many. 

Svetlana and I married on July 13, 2001 after Nick was born on september 15, 2000 and I was so threatened by the idea that Sveta had no skills that we needed to wait for more, and as she had been deceptive in order to get pregnant by me, I stopped our sex life but for rare occassions. 

Svetlana stayed with my mother for the summer before returning to Rusaia.  During that time or shortly thereafter, my mother complained that she had been hit in a parking lot by another driver and that it was not her fault.  My mother became upset and she lost the ability to leave the state of Massachusetts thereafter for some time as a result.  She was very upset as no one believed her.  I held the view that I did not know as I was not there.  She complained that the people who had her in court and had sued her were fraudsters and that they had done this before.  I thought about spending money on pursuing this but did not as she was aged and I did not see the benefit even if my mother was correct. 

My mother complained that he extremities got cold as she became ill.  She died at 79 years and 5 months.  She also complained of coldness in her extremeties.  I thought this was simply a matter of old age and her long time smoking although she had quit many years earlier.  She aged quickly after Svetlana's visit.

I lost 40 pounds in mid 2011.  Sveta was the only one cooking my meals at the time.  In December, while staying with Adam Stanhope, I called to 'Sasha Tregubov' and he tells me that the reason I lost all that weight was that Genya Kosheleva had poisoned me.  However, I only began seeing Genya in mid August 2011 and she never cooked for me or even poured me drinks.  Svetlana made my meals and at the banya meeting with 'Tregubov'  we drank beers together that he ordered.  During that meeting he went on how he had served in Chechnya and had been hit so that his reproductive organs were not functioning, but that he had recovered and he could please women and was proud of the fact.  He went on about how he was a military man and how easy it was to kill a person in a day.  I thought him simply egotistical at the time and I replied that I too was military.  We en engaged in a threesome with Genya Kosheleva in which they began their fraud - she kissed me as we were both penetrating her.  I was on the bottom and entered her vaginally, while he came in after we began and entered her anally.  Neither of us used condoms.  Neither of us ejaculated inside her.  He ejaculated on her back and I in my hand. 

So if poisoning was the reason for my weight loss, then perhaps 'Tregubov' poisoned me.  Svetlana is a possibility as well as only she prepared my meals at that time.  In speaking with Doug on Saturday July 19th, after spending the night in his driveway, Doug informed me that I had been poisoned. He also informed me that in his view I had suffered from misperceptions since falling in depression. 

I returned to Russia with my training company.  My first client was Volgatelecom in Nizhniy Novgorod.  Sveta's family prepared for me a sumptuous meal.  Her cousin Tatiana who had come to visit Sveta while I was at the London Business School in a week long finance course remained with us and came on to me while Sveta was in the maternity ward with Nick.  I refused her advances.  While in Nizhny doing my first training coursework partner Ogor Baykov, a six day course at $3000/day.  Igor worked for Stephen Gardner at Peterstar, at Cisco when I was at Peterstar, for Jonathan Sparrow at Nokoia, and for me at Comstar in Moscow.  His English was impeccable.  I asked him to be my training parter as he had just left Nokia at the same time that I had left Harris. 

When Adrian Terris then general director of the St. Petersburg Yellow Pages introduced me to Tony Czura, I closed the training company and became COO, and in six months CEO of the St. Petersburg yellow pages.  And at that time I became unpopular with all St. Petersburg expats with the exception of David Meerkatz who reached out to me to invite me to join the bachelor party and later wedding for August Meier to Inna.  At August's wedding, David Fleming met Kristina Sultaneva, close friend of Inna's.  They later have two daughters and move to New Zealand.  Prior to that David was sleeping Alyona a brunette bar girl on Lermontovskiy.  I do not recall her name at this time.  After David left Russia, I ended up sleeping with Alyona once at the Kamenoostrovskiy 35 apartment that I purchased from August Meier.  The apartment was only $2100/ square meter at a time when most similar apartments were significantly more expensive around the $2500/meter mark.  The windows and floors are already replaced saving me even more in remont costs.

Svetlana often complained, why could I not be more like Stephen or David or August.  Not so much Christian or Steve Caron.

I found this apartment on my own just having made a bid that was initially accepted and later rejected for a mansard at Egypt house by the us consulate. I was about to give a $5000 deposit when the seller said he had found another buyer.  Buyers for those sorts of flats were rare - 2 in such a short time seems unlikely.

After my misperception of the poisoning attempt by Shari, I went to the emergency room.  On the way, I called John Varoli who has two or three children with Natalia, a brunette from Saint Petersburg.  I knew John as a courageous reporter.  After telling him the bits about the fire on Kamenostrovskiy 35 on JFK's birthday I ask him for sources in the western press.  He still has not returned that call.  Since then we have chatted on fb and I informed him that I had likely overreacted to the information from Jason Smolek that the fire occurred on JFKs birthday. 

John Varoli now runs a successful pr business.  His first client was August Meier. 

I need to ask Doug how is it I came to visit him.  Did I reach out or did he and if he was it at Lena's suggestion?  Lena and Doug have three, one from Lena from her previous relationship and two children with Doug although Lena gave up her US citizenship. 

Doug expressed a strong view that August was incorrect in giving up his US citizenship in order to not pay taxes. 

August expressed a strong dislike for Darren. 

I introduced Darren to Tanya Dick, or rather they met at an Amcham party and I called Darren at the last minute for him to use my extra ticket.  I was invited along with Jim Beatty and Steve Caron, neither of whom talk with me much these days in July 2012 when Svetlana was on her usual summer vacation with Nick in Crimea.  Because of my depression, I invited agenda and her family to stay in the Kamenoostrovskiy apartment. 

When I arrived in Virginia Beach, Doug invited me to stay as long as I needed.  He and Lena helped me recover and they witnessed that Sveta was not interested in reconciliation.  We watched 'House of Cards' together. 

Doug has repeatedly advised me on moves that would allow me to survive the onslaught from 'Tregubov' thus binding me closer to him. Doug says that he is a GS 15 in the Naval Investigative Service and that he has on occasion reported to the secretary of the Navy.  But I have no independent confirmation of this. 

I reported to Doug that Adam Stanhope is NAWLINS on Silk Road.  I reported to Doug that Jon Poilot is a drug dealer.  Doug and Lena advised me to move out.  While downstairs with Doug doing his diving suits I report to him and see him as my only friend.  In our call on the morning after I spent the night in his driveway, he began the call stating, Rick I am a policeman. 

David Meerkatz was my friend.  Stephen Gardner was my friend.  Christian Courbois was my friend.  On vk sometime ago, Natasha the leggy real estate agent with whom I worked informed me on vk that I had no friends.  I thought she was nuts.

I have reported all to Doug and he has advised me to report to Dan Mead who is also with a Russian woman. 

Doug advised me to get to a field and a device to determine that I have a tracker installed in this vehicle.  Doug is a GS15 in the Naval investigative Service.  Doug reports to the secretary of the navy.  I see Doug as my protector. 

As I reported all to Jon Poilot, and to August Meier, and to David Meerkatz, and to James Beatty, and to

Doug said I cannot help talking all the time.  Doug watched as I moved to 3205 Sandfiddler to be tempted by drugs again and as I learned that Svetlana was not going to reconcile, he watched me fall. 

Cat Innocente came on to me in New York and dumped me the day I left for Virginia.  She oddly defriended me in facebook.  I told Doug of this and he told me that he was interested and would have Cat looked into as she was in an apartment that costs $4000/month with no visible means of support. 

Stephen Gardner told me that Cat was not Italian but actually Georgian.  However, Stephen whose father was a FBI agent never reported this matter to the authorities. 

The forty cars have pushed me to the only place I have remaining, Doug's driveway. 

And here I sit at 3:40 am typing on a cracked iPad. 

Doug and Lena told me to get out of 3205 but I remained as I did not want to seek a new home again.  Where did I end up?  At the rv park where I took Lena and was considering buying something.  Doug had advised me to rent Sveta a place at red mills.  I did not as I did not like the place and was glad that I did not as I learned that Sveta was not interested in reconciliation. 

Lena recently said to me while quite upset that

I revealed to Doug that Adam Stanhope, Drew and his father Mike Chandler and Mark Brady and their involvement in the fraud against me since my mother passed on September 19, 2011. 

Doug has asked me to photograph the cars coming at me at different times and different places proving that I was being followed. 

I informed Doug about Les Lascari, a naval academy graduate, and my belief that he has participated in this scam as he was the only other person to whom I revealed a new phone number.  I informed Doug about Jeff Letino. 

I asked Doug could I stay in his place while he traveled with his family to see his mother who recently visited.  He refused citing Lena's concerns on my use of narcotics while at 3205 Sandfiddler.  It seemed reasonable. I asked Doug for help in securing a position, he asked further about my drug use and seemed to be disappointed in that it would limit my opportunities.  Doug advised me to remove all stuff about Sveta and 'Tregubov' from facebook and to defriend his daughter Natali.  I did as he directed.  Doug appears to be a supporter of my efforts to become a teacher.  Doug was not a fan of me getting involved in home health care but for the software portion.  He advised me to think about batteries as a business. 

I showed Doug the video of Nick snorting and have sent him copies of most everything I have collected as evidence including the pictures of cars following me.  Doug responded this is problematic. 

As Doug appeared as my final confidant I placed tremendous trust in him.  Should I lose him, I felt that I had no one to turn to.  I could be in a very hard way.

Is Doug doing what Albina and Genya Kritova did - find out what you can, as Jon Poilot did as I reported to him every step of my discoveries.  Albina and Genya were never my friends, they were simply there to entrap me.  Jon Poilot was also never a friend.  And Doug? 

The last time I came to see Doug, Lena came downstairs as she often does to get Doug to come to bed.  In these most difficult times, Doug takes my calls and then does not take my calls citing Lena and the kids.  My situation is life and death.  Doug's phone was lost when I reported Sveta as a fraudster thus limiting her access to the US.  I reported her without his support although earlier he provided the report form for me to follow.  Since then

Earlier Doug had said that by providing him my report, he could get all the fraudsters on travel ban lists to the US and likely to Europe.  Should Doug have done this, it would put him at odds with the likely goals of this program, which is to infiltrate the US at high levels with well placed children having either dual citizenship.

When I first arrived, Doug set examples that I followed to become strong again.  He saw me as I played with pills and party drugs with Jon Poilot and Shari Faller.  He came over with Lena to take me to Easter and I was in my room unwilling to leave as I was embarrassed to have disappointed Doug. 

I explained to Doug how I cracked the vk code and the odnoklassniki code.  He asked for proof and I could not provide it.  I explained to Doug how I avoided being murdered at Waverly on June 19th.  Doug appeared to became a believer only when I headed south to Fayetteville on my own as I texted him what was going on at 3205. 

But Doug has two children with Lena and to achieve his high level security clearance, she gave up her Russian/Belorussian citizenship.  Doug has lived more than half his life outside of the United States. 

Doug has made little effort, but for advice to help me with my predicament.  Doug advised that in the case of suicide, to do it in a car with carbon monoxide.  Doug told me that most murders go unsolved.  I have made Doug and Matt trustees of my will.  Sveta's reaction to this change revealed her deception.  Doug accepted this responsibility.  Why?  It keeps the assets going to Nick in any case as Doug and Matt would survive me and I would not be around to have any influence in this matter. 

Doug showed me his Watkins-Johnson tuners in an effort to bond.  He succeeded tremendously.  He revealed to me that he had been a spy iRissia.  Why did he reveal this to me the talkative one?  Certainly he could deny and I have no proof but for what he has told me.  His stories as an intelligence agent inspired me.  I have been motivated to reveal to him all.  He always asks for proof. 

He is gone on a planned trip with his family to see his mom in the Chicago area as I sit here in his driveway. 

Doug does not lose things. 

When I told Doug of the drug use of the other expats he responded was he the only one not on drugs?

Is Doug a double agent? 

The test would be that he demonstrate his bonafides by introducing this matter to his superior or colleagues.  Naturally as I no longer hold a security clearance, there may be obstacles for him.  However, as I am the only one with this situation and knowledge, who else could I turn to?

If I go over Doug, he can certainly undercut me to protect his position.  And what is the upside for him to aid me in this matter? 

He has advised me to go on the road.  He has not provided me a safe house.  Is it unreasonable to expect?  If he is a double agent, I am truly on my own.  If he is a loyal American citizen he would be inclined to provide comfort and shelter given my current predicament. 

I called him saying I was in Fayetteville and again in Asheville.  However, he did not know my

Polina Panfilova used exactly the same methodology after I got her a job at AVITO.  She lost the job quickly and we had a passionate affair.  We did not use condoms but I was careful never to ejaculate inside her. 

Whe. I asked Susanna Meerkatz why David had befriended me long ago, she defriended me on facebook e next day.

When I emailed the me. Whom I thought were my friends, August, David, Steve Wayne, Jim Beatty, Steve Caron, only Steve Wayne responded saying he was sorry. 

Maiya Gardner sent me a long facebook message about how children are the most important thing and how could I have abandoned him.  I wanted to explain to her that it was at that time worse for me to be with Svetlana as the damage being done to Nick was huge in my estimation.  Later when I learned that Sveta was part of a organized plot to have high placed foreign men to have children with Russian women (Ksenia Bezrukova whom I met in a salon and had an affair with, Polina Panfilova with whom I had an affair in Moscow while I was At the end of my stint as CEO of Yellow Pages Russia.  I was seeing other women at this time - Nargis.  After I broke up with Polina for her stealing $15000 from the training company as I had sent her to our accountant to get these funds.  I was relieved and used the excuse that the worldwide financial crisis had killed the training market and ended the relationship.  I had been careful with Polina to tell her that I would not leave Sveta and Nick. 

Recently Polina had been liking every one of my fb pictures until I concluded that she had been assigned to have me fall for her as I would not leave Sveta and Nick on my own.  Polina said that she never told her mother, Svetlana Borisovna, my first secretary in Russia. 

I took the job in Russia at Millicom after having fallen in love with Svetlana Chuloshnikova. 

Possibly Polina was directed to come at me so that I would divorce Sveta. 

Before I fell in love with Genya Kosheleva, I was also seeing two other women. Nargis a Tadjik I met in a banya with Tony Czura and David Fleming when starting my Yellow pages gig.  I kept seeing her at the Kazachiy banya for 2000 rubles a go, even when she was pregnant with another mans child.  That man died shortly after the baby was born. 

I met Katya Erokina at a salon on Kanal Griboedova 10, near the old Jensen office.  She said that she came to Piter with her boyfriend and that she dumped him for cheating on her.  She had an amazing body and said that she was half gypsy and half tartar. 

When I was in Thailand (having after finally been divorced from Svetlana largely as a result of her fraud with 'Tregubov' and Genya Kosheleva, the Uzbek national, Russian girl I had been allowed to believe that I had rescued from a life as a whore at the Marata 56 salon) and having decided never to return to Russia (as the deception with Genya was palpable although I did not understand it totally until after my return to Russia and my final departure on October 10 2013)  Ksenia Bezrukova, already a mother of a child from a US Marine stationed in Moscow, (a Hispanic named Rene) offers to leave her child with her mother and come live with me in Thailand.  I was shocked at the time and while strongly attracted to Ksenia, understood that any relationship with her would be difficult and potentially tragic.  So I kept in touch with her but did not invite her to Thailand.  Ksenia now lives in Southern California with Rene and their child. 

Polina Panfilova has a child named Viki from an African American US naval officer whom I believe she met in Hawaii while visiting an older man.  They are presently not married but are awaiting their US passports. 

Doug is currently an investigator with the Naval Investigative Service.  We served on the Amcham together.  Doug revealed to me that while many thought that I had been a spy in Russia, that he had actually been one. Doug revealed to me many secrets as to who killed JFK (the Cubans) and like Jon Poilot recently has befriended me and

Doug reports to the secretary of the Navy as he informed me.  And as I sit in his driveway, I feel protected.  But he and Lena have two children.  As I was needing him before I applied to the US consulate he replied that he had lost his phone for several days.  Doug never loses anything.  Doug and I spent time on a trip to Florida bonding.  Doug has been helpful in advising me in how to survive the continual onslaught from 'Tregubov'.


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