Ah Colorado

Ah Colorado.  My home from April 21 to December 25, 2016.  My son and I lived in apt. 205 at the downtown Skyline1801 apartments on the corner of 18th and Arapahoe, the entire time under 24/7 corrupt FBI surveillance as they were tasked to complete a coverup for that which I had learned in 2014, that a plot to assassinate Obama with the role of patsy planned for me.  I dodged, weaved, and left Virginia for New York in late July of that year.  In some weeks time an Army veteran with PTSD would scramble over the White House fence and into that property.  His name, Omar Gonzalez, driven there no doubt by black ops boys using high tech toys to make him hear voices and more. In Denver similar folk broke into my place, and worked hard to entrap me. Don't believe me, ask Coy Ebell of Denver. Him likely undercover FBI. You'll know it as I did, by looking in his eyes as he furtively lies.  Ah Denver. Ah Colorado. Whatever my narrative was and remains, you are a place always close to my heart. Maybe someday a second round.  Time will show. She usually does.  Maybe always.



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