Recipe, 'How to make a Patsy'.

2008, Moscow.  Russian spy Anna Chapman comes on to me while I was CEO of Yellow Pages Russia.  I didn't take that large breasted bait and recall the vibe she gave off.

May 29, 2009. Kamenoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 Saint Petersburg Russia.  The roof of the building where I own an apartment and have resided on and off from 2006 catches fire.  No cause ever found.  

In 2014 American expat and likely CIA agent Jason Smolek tells me May 29 is JFK's birthday.
August 2011.  I am offered and accept a poisoned beer by Russian Alexander Valerievich Tregubov in a banya on Petrogradski Island and lose 35 pounds in a month.  He tells me how easy it is to kill a person and that he is a veteran of Chechnya and that he is sterile as a result of a war wound.  He seems so excited to make my acquaintance.  I would only learn why in several years time.  The weight loss makes me think I am dying.

September 2011.  I hold my mother's hand as she passes and goes cold from complications to COPD in an ICU in a hospital in Wellesley Massachusetts.  It is as though she gives me a lesson on what awaits us at the end and that I ought to be very busy with the business of living. 

October 2012, I am divorced by Russian FSB honeypot trap wife Svetlana Borisovna Macy as a result of a complex set up involving another woman, Evgeniya Viktorovna Kosheleva, and two Russian men, Alexander Tregubov and Egish Khachatrian. 

Spring 2014.  While staying as his houseguest, NCIS agent Doug Boyce tells me he was an American spy in Russia in 1999/2000 when we were 'friends' and served together on the Executive Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Saint Petersburg, Russia.  I had neither an active security clearance nor a 'need to know' when pal Doug made this startling revelation.  He then went on to share with me how CIA gangstalks and uses psy ops against targets in an effort to gain my trust.  I play along feeling something is not quite right. 
June 20 2014.  Then ex wife Svetlana Macy, the aforementioned honeypot trap admits to me in a long distance call that I initiated that she had never loved me, that she had loved Alexander Tregubov but as he was sterile and could not father the children she desperately wanted she had feigned becoming my girlfriend.  She admits she only stayed with me as I provided her a level of material comfort that she desired having grown up poor in the Soviet Union.  In a moment all that was wrong with our relationship became clear.  I had struggled for years to figure out why our relationship was mostly awful.  Svetlana makes these admissions after I learn on my own that she had set me up for divorce and was in a relationship with this Tregubov.  Two witnesses confirmed she had been with him in our apartment prior to our divorce and holding on to him with affection.  In the months prior to our divorce Svetlana seemed to admire this Tregubov as he had called to her as part of the con.  She told me he was the top graduate from his FSB psy ops course.  She was proud he graduated from one of the 4 such institutes in Moscow and not the lone one in their home city of Nizhniy Novgorod.  
July 2014. Russian, though ethnically Armenian, Egish Khachatrian tells me on a long distance call that I initiated, "Rick we will make you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too".
Summer 2014, an American expat and like me a US Navy veteran whom I had met in Russia in 2000, Jeff Letino, offers to meet claiming he has resources in Russia that might help me locate my missing son.  I learn this is a ruse to get me on the road to be followed and harassed by up to 40 FBI undercover vehicles.  I meet up with Jeff Letino in early 2017 after returning to Russia, confirm my suspicions that he likely was then and remains CIA and learn of his role in this complex assassination attempt. 
Summer 2014.  NCIS agent Doug Boyce tells me that he is a policeman and that I have misperceived much in my life.  This the morning after I sat in my car in his driveway at 313 Sage Road Virginia Beach VA having been gangstalked by up to 40 cars, likely FBI though I then did not know this as it was to me then unbelievable.  I had been in communication with Doug all night via text thinking incorrectly somehow I was being harassed by Russians, this going back to my dramatic divorce from the aforementioned Mrs, an FSB trained honeypot trap in 2012.  Doug's final text before his 8 am call was "I have a funny story to tell you".  Doug attempts to intimidate me to ensure I remain in the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area.  I choose not to be intimidated. 
July 2014.  I retreat from Virginia to the home I once owned in Victor NY pursued by up to 40 chase vehicles, likely FBI gangstalkers.
Fall 2014.  Omar Gonzalez a US military veteran scrambles over the fence and into the White House.  I watch from Victor NY and feel this is the answer to my question why so much weirdness in my life especially of late? 
2014-2016.  I am gangstalked in Victor NY and Denver CO.  Coy Ebell of Denver attempts to befriend me though his vibe speaks differently.  Coy claims to be hardcore republican and desires to be a congressman to help turn blue state Colorado red.  Coy works on Trump campaign amd invites me to join.  Trusting my sense of his negative and false vibe I decline and watch.  Later I learn Coy is likely undercover FBI and that these boys had been working using psy ops and gangstalking to push me down a path to have been a presidential assassination patsy. 
2017-2019.  I move back to Russia and reconcile with the Mrs.  She likely poisons me once or twice, moderate stuff if to compare with before.  I read up on the 'targeted individual' phenomenon.  I read up on 'gangstalking'.  In effect I continue the lessons NCIS agent Doug Boyce started with me in 2014. 
My theory seems sound.  I am likely a 'targeted individual' who has been 'gangstalked' from birth.  I begin to see patterns described by Ole Dammegard in his YouTube videos on terror events and assassinations.  His paradigm seems consistent with my own. 
In effect all these modern day mass shooters, terrorists, assassination pasties like Mark David Chapman (supposed Lennon assassin), Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma bombing), Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK assassination) were then likely never troubled lone shooter types, instead they were subtly pushed psychologically by CIA and FBI managed gangstalkers into those situations.
I was born and raised in Kingston MA.  My hometown featured Henry Meinholz a child killer and a child rapist police chief, Alan Ballinger.  Both found guilty and jailed accordingly.  What if these men had been pushed by black ops boys using psy ops and gangstalking into becoming the deranged monsters about which we read?  What if these men had been in manner described pushed so as to make my story that much more palatable for the masses.  Kingston, MA a breeding ground of creeps.  I believe the JFK assassination a result of conspiracy and Oswald a patsy.  A scam to mindf*** a generation and to empty the coffers to our esteemed military industrial complex.  9/11 the same. 
Imagine had Obama been assassinated?  What other draconian measures like the 'Patriot Act' would have been put in place?  Why did Joe Biden choose not to run for president?  In my estimation it was a la LBJ, he didn't think he'd have to.  I would be dead, my story used to mindf*** a generation and keep those coffers open.
I include photos of Jeff Letino and Doug Boyce.   My recommendation if you see them coming, cross the street.
Mar 1, 2019, 10:10 PM
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