Christian Courbois and James Beatty. American Expats I met in Russia. CIA? You Decide. I Already Did.

Got a story for you.

"It's a story of a lovely lady, who was bringing up three very lovely girls...."

Just kidding. (If you recall the early 1970s American sitcom that that tune goes to, give yourself five points)

It's actually about two American expats in Russia, Christian Courbois and James Beatty.

Bright boys.  Went to good Universities and came over to Russia shortly thereafter.  Christian got his hands on a postal service license and started a postal delivery company called 'Westpost' and James started an outsourced accounting company called 'Emerging Markets Group' (EMG), today run by another American expat by the name of Thomas Stansmore, a trained attorney.

We were all great friends for many years here in Saint Petersburg.

I recall 'bumping into' Christian at 'Mollie's', a bar on the end of Rubenshtien Street here in jolly old Saint Petersburg, Russia back in the spring of 1998.

I don't recall the circumstance under which I had met James.  Though I do recall James, not really knowing me, invited me unexpectedly in 1998 to his Saint Petersburg wedding to a beautiful Russian woman named Vika, or Viktoria if to be more formal.  And at the Beatty wedding we, by this I mean Christian, James and I, enjoyed together Bolivian marching powder in the bathroom during the wedding reception.  James might have provided it, I can't be sure.  I know that I didn't as I had no such connections as I was new to the city and focused on work and career and not debauchery.  I recall thinking what cool guys.  Wow.

Thomas came to this city after me and was running the DeLoitte office I believe.  How we met is another story for another time.

That was 1998.  The year of our initial introductions.  Later Christian invited me to the grand opening of the 'Coyote Ugly' strip bar on Litieniy Prospekt.  Christian also later invited me to a speaking event featuring Dmitri Nabakov, son of famed father Vladimir Nabokov, who authored the classic 'Lolita'.  I would later guess these were nasty little psy ops manipulations and not simple invitations.

Christian and James frequently invited me to 'banya parties' where there would be beautiful Russian working girls aplenty.  I thought this must have been what university was like.

I had not attended traditional university.

I had served in the military achieving my bachelor degree at night.  And as to these 'banya parties', I partook, no lie.  I assumed we all partook, and in this I might be mistaken.  Don't know.  Can't say.

So again we met in 1998 and apparently were friends until my departure for Moscow in 2001, though we would socialize frequently as I had cause to visit Saint Petersburg frequently from 2002 to 2003 as I was responsible for a small cable tv and internet provider long ago sold off.

I left Russia in 2003 for New York State only to return to Russia in early 2006.  Christian and James had remained in Saint Petersburg and we began to see each other socially.  In fact, brother Christian immediately invited me to a bordello where I was led to believe we both enjoyed the same lady, a young though of legal age brunette.

In hindsight it were almost as though Christian had a task to get me into a bordello as quickly as possible upon my return in 2006. Hmmmm.

At the time of my return, Christian and James supposedly invested $20,000 into an inadequate second floor bar located on Bolshoi Prospekt about five minutes walk away from where I had invested in a city apartment at Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35, scene of a mysterious roof fire on JFK's birthday - May 29 of 2009.  That also another story for another time, although I have previously posted here on fb as to that matter.

The bar failed in some weeks maybe months as I recall.  While it was open one night Christian calls my cell and asks me to go over, have a drink, and see if the waiter provided a receipt or not.  I agreed.  Why not?  Christian was my friend and friends do things for each other.

I forget if I were given a receipt or not but reported my findings back to Christian.  Then there was this odd moment while at the bar when a young man came up to me and asked me had I earlier worked as the commercial director of PeterStar, now part of Russian cellular giant MegaFon.  I replied that I had and I recall the emotion, something a bit dipped in regret as I had really liked that job and I did not have that position anymore.  I had liked working at the phone company.  By then my work was the Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  Quite a different and smaller business, though my position was superior as CEO and not the level below as commercial director as it had been at the phone company.

The vibe from the fellow at the bar felt somehow forced and disingenuous.  I didn't think much of it, finished my beer and returned home.  Never been one for hanging out in bars so much.

Today in retrospect, was that question designed to make me feel somehow less, perhaps lonely, so as to push me psychologically to seek out female companionship?  Don't know.  Can't say.  Can say that in 2014 I would get lessons in psy ops from a talented and senior NCIS agent named Douglas Boyce.  Those lessons intimate, late at night and in his beach house.  Lovely place.

And about that time in 2006 James mentions to me that he and Christian were discussing the idea of renting a small apartment for the purpose of cheating on their wives and might I not also be interested in getting in on that opportunity.  Nothing ever came of that though I recall thinking, what cool guys these two.

Fast forward to the winter of 2011/2012.  My Russian wife and I were hosting a party in our apartment and had both James and Christian on the guest list.  Christian appeared to be drunk in manner that I had not witnessed with him before.  He stayed the night on one of our couches.  I would learn later about the gangstalking term 'street theater', and I was getting a mindful of it that evening.  And many, many times before.  I had no idea of such things.  Had no reason to.

In May of 2012 James Beatty and I along with another American expat, Steve Caron, were invited to a wedding on the isle of Jersey.  We flew to Paris as a threesome, rented a car, and drove across France, took a ferry and made the wedding.

Some weeks later Svetlana and I would begin the process of divorce.  Our expat group was small and I had been led to believe tight.  In this I would later learn how incorrect I was.  Christian Courbois and Stephen Gardener invited me to an 'intervention' claiming how much they cared about me as we were such good friends and they didn't want to see me divorced.  I thanked them and got divorced.  And I recall from that meeting the vibe from the two of them, a vibe of insincerity.  I didn't think about it or react, simply noted there was deception and falseness in both their voices.

I left Russia in October 2013 under a con of a death threat organized by my then Exwife Svetlana, her Russian boyfriend Alexander Tregubov, Egish Khachatrian, Evgeniya Kosheleva and a few others.

I returned to Russia in December 2016 as I had at a distance, all the way from Denver, reconciled with my exwife Svetlana.  We remarried this past September.  9/11 actually.  Just a coincidence that.

Since returning I have met James Beatty once at a restaurant where we had beers together, one for him and one for me, or perhaps it was coffee.  Not sure.  Don't recall.  What I do recall were James continual tells, touching his chin and face throughout our brief meeting, something I had never witnessed him do before.  This action, this face touching is called professionally a 'tell' or a giveaway when someone is uncomfortable and deceptive.  Google Paul Eckman.  He has done great work in this area of human behavior.

I said as we, James and I, as we live only a few blocks from each other it might be nice to see each other again socially.  James put me off claiming he was far too busy.

I called Christian.  His voice was stern as he asked me how did I get his cell number.  I replied you gave it to me twenty years ago.  He perks up with 'we can't be friends'.  A very short conversation, that one as I recall.

We, Christian and I did unexpectedly run into each other in the summer of 2017 at a restaurant Abrikos.

Christian was making a mad dash to escape any interaction with me.  I called his name.  He stopped.  We shook hands.  The palm of his hand was wet, so wet.  Mine, dry.  He claimed he had to run, and so I let him.

Christian by then was also divorced.  I had hoped he would have been pleased to see that I had overcome the effects of my divorce and rebuilt my little family, such as it is.  We certainly had things in common or so I had thought.  I was incorrect.

After being informed in 2014 by another former American expat met in Russia, this one Douglas Boyce, now a senior NCIS agent living in Virginia Beach that he had been CIA when we knew each other in Russia in 1999/2000, I of course connected dots as one might.

All my American expat friends absolutely refused to meet with me since my return to Russia in December of 2016.  All of them.  Each and every one.

A year earlier, December 2015, in a video skype call with my then exwife Svetlana, she in Saint Petersburg, and I in Victor, New York she asked or rather informed me, "Rick 80% of all your expat friends were also intelligence agents.  Didn't you know?"   Hmmmm.

I would later learn that I had been targeted, subject to Psy Ops manipulations, NLP and active measures all intended to push me into debauchery.  And to what purpose?

NCIS agent Doug Boyce would tell me in the summer of 2014 that I had misperceived much in my life, just before he confirmed that I had been poisoned in August 2011 by Alexander Tregubov, causing my tremendous weight loss that month of 35 pounds.

In time, I learned that I had been gangstalked.  I had been targeted.  And two of my gangstalkers IMHO were Christian Courbois and James Beatty.  So the only question I have for them and to it I think I already know the answer, is, a la Doug Boyce, were or rather are you boys also employed by the CIA?

Another question comes into view.  Did they all conspire to gangstalk me as part of a failed presidential assassination attempt in 2014?  Recall veteran Omar Gonzalez scrambling over the White House fence in the fall of 2014, this just after I am pursued and harassed by 40 FBI cars in the US.  That of course is another story.

Christian Courbois.  James Beatty.  CIA.


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