May I Present My Russian FSB Trained Honeypot Trap Svetlana Macy

Svetlana Borisovna Chuloshnikova and I. 

We married in 2001, and again last year in 2018 on 9/11.  She divorced me in 2012 as part of the plot to assassinate Obama that failed in 2014 about which I post here on facebook.

I had met Svetlana in Nizhniy Novgorod on my second trip to Russia.  She knocked on my door as some girls did in those days.  And for $100 we became intimate.

I fell in love with her, this exotic product of the Soviet Union, a Russian beauty.

I intended to save her from a dark path.  She told me I was the last of 75 clients with whom she had had intimate relations for money.  She told me as we began to cohabitate in that Siberian city of Kemerovo in 1997 that she had been part of a gang that traded vodka for apartments with alcoholics which left those newly homeless folk to die cold in the street. 

My intention was to lift her from that sort of life into the American middle class dream. 

Instead she enveloped me in what was the darkest and most sinister of worlds.

Truth be told, she was only playing her role, much as she does today.  I was targeted long before Svetlana.  Svetlana is what is called a 'honeypot trap'.  And much like Russian spy Anna Chapman who would come on to me in Moscow in 2008 or so, Svetlana's intention to me was never let's call it, traditional.

I recall our trip to Thailand when she took me to one of those massage parlors where they offer more than a Bob Kraft like happy ending.  No sir.  These Thai places as you likely know are full service establishments.  And so there all soaped up and bubbly I consummated that act so familiar and pleasant with a Thai girl unknown with Svetlana as audience and witness.  She would both in Siberia and Saint Petersburg bring other girls into my bed.  I thought it fantastic at the time.  I had no idea I was being what they call 'seasoned'. 

Svetlana's payoff?  Fame.  A downtown apartment in the fourth largest city in Europe, maybe a million of so in stocks, maybe a house in the US, and a son, the son I could give her that lover and pimp Alexander Tregubov could not.  For he was sterile.  As he told me he was wounded in Chechnya and while he could perform the sex act, could not impregnate.  I could do both. 

Alexander told me this in August 2011 when we first met, the afternoon he gave me a poisoned beer.

Svetlana confirmed this in the summer of 2014 just after NCIS agent Doug Boyce told me that he had been an American spy when we knew each other in Russia in 1999 and 2000.

And now as then, I intend to take this Russian beauty from the darkness.  I choose to love her.  I simply had no idea it would be so difficult or take so long, and would perhaps cost me my life.


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