My Cup Runneth Over, 2014's Failed Presidential Assassination Attempt

Little pieces come together over time.  If one is to fill a cup with raindrops, one simply must wait for rain.  One raindrop by itself, laughable to this task, but many, oh so many, well them one may have a deluge.

And so it has been with me.  A raindrop here, a raindrop there, and me continuing to wait for rainy days with arm outstretched holding the cup aforementioned.

Meeting Russian Spy Anna Chapman in Moscow  in 2008.  A drop.

Sitting on the Nyhavn in Copenhagen, Denmark with Dana Mehnert in 2005 while a girl unknown stripped close by. Another drop.

A fire unsolved in the roof of Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 in Saint Petersburg, Russia on JFK’s birthday, May 29, 2009.  Another drop.

A facebook message with the NLP suicide message tag line ‘Hang in there’ from Canadian expat in Russia Kyle Patching in 2014.

An email from American expat Paul Leonard with two typographic ‘errors’, ‘fiends’ in place of ‘friends’ and ‘death’ in place of ‘dealt’, not typographic errors at all, but horrific NLP coded messages with evil intent, though deniable in 2015.  Another drop.

A text message from NCIS special agent Doug Boyce telling me he had a funny story to tell me late at night as I spent that night alone in my car in his driveway at 313 Sage Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia in 2014.  Another drop.

An unexplained facebook friendship between David Fleming, a New Zealander I had met in Russia and an American Silk Road drug dealer known as NAWLINS, Adam Stanhope in 2014.  Another drop.

An unexplained facebook friendship between Russian wife of NCIS special agent Doug Boyce, Elena Boyce, and out of work, alcoholic former shipmate of mine, resident of Levant, Maine, Chuck Jensen in 2014.  Another drop.

Alchoholic unemployed former shipmate and host of my January visit to his home in Levant, Maine, Chuck Jensen showing me unasked a youtube video featuring ‘Reptilians’ uncovered in secret service positions in 2014.  Another drop.

An admission of being in the employ of the CIA in Russia in 1999 by NCIS special agent Doug Boyce in 2014.  Another drop.

An email from my brother John Macy with one word when I asked him the cause of my trials and tribulations.  ‘POLICE’ in 2014.  Another drop.

An admission by then exwife, Russian gal Svetlana Macy that she and male friend who had poisoned me in August 2011, Alexander Tregubov had somehow monitored all my emails, calls, internet access and location since my move to Russia in 1996.  Another drop.

A supposed Trump campaign worker of Denver, likely an FBI undercover agent, Coy Ebell, nervously rubbing his face as we discussed my move back to Russia in December 2016.  Another drop.

Discovering a pocket full of narcotics in my shorts that I had never put there in my home in Victor, NY in 2015.  Another drop.

Discovering a baggie of narcotics I never bought amongst my personal papers in our apartment in Denver, CO in 2016.  Another drop.

An excited Russian exwife Svetlana asking me in our first Skype video call in a very long time, “Rick didn't you know that 80% of your expat friends in Russia were actually intelligence agents?” in December 2015.  Another drop.

Tracking two undercover Russian cops, man and woman trailing me, who once identified and photographed, the woman stared at me and slowly drew her finger across her throat in 2017.  Another drop.

Multimillionaire August Meyer laying out thin lines of cocaine in his luxurious apartment on a Friday night for just the two of us in 2011.  Another drop.

Text messages claiming a Russian prostitute, Evgeniya Kosheleva, had been beaten by supposed pimp/boyfriend Alexander Tregubov on Christmas night in 2011.  Another drop.

Russian Alexander Tregubov excitedly telling me in a Skype call that Evgeniya Kosheleva had poisoned me in August 2011 in December 2013.  Another drop.

My wife Svetlana Macy lying to me claiming I left Russia in October 2013 of my own accord and for no reason only to contradict herself and admit the lie in a few days.  The lie?  A fraudulent death threat proferred by Svetlana, Alexander Tregubov, Egish Khachatrian, and Evgeniya Kosheleva in 2019.  Another drop.

Egish Khachatrian yelling at me over the phone, “Rick we will make you into this generation’s Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too!” in 2014.  Another drop.

Me using self as bait to get arrested by Victor, New York police in 2015 to find out who was surveilling and harassing me..  Another drop.

A furious chat between my son and his mother discovered in the fall of 2016.  My son accidentally broke that computer the very next day when confronted.  Both mother and son claim they had no contact for the entire two years he was under my guardianship in the U.S. from December 2014 to December 2016.  They lied.  Another drop.

The 15600 hz low level audio tone I hear slightly louder in my left ear than in my right every day for over two years, 24/7, since an operation in a Russian hospital while undergoing a life saving operation to reconnect a severed artery due to a knife stab wound from my teen son after he and his mother participated in a hearty round of ‘street theater’ to draw me in on February 24th, 2017.  Another drop.

American expat in Russia James Beatty nervously moving hand to repeatedly touch and cover his lower face in our lone meeting in Russia upon my return in December  2016.  These in the deception discovery business are called ‘tells’.  Another drop.

American expat in Russia Aaron Bogott nervously moving hand to repeatedly touch and cover his lower face in our lone meeting in Russia upon my return in December 2016.  These in the deception discovery business are called ‘tells’.  Another drop.

NCIS special agent Douglas Boyce telling me how much I had misperceived in my life the morning he called using psy ops techniques to intimidate me after I had spent all night in my car in his driveway having been gangstalked and harassed by up to 40 undercover FBI vehicles and personnel.  This in 2014.  Another drop.

Stephen Gardner taking me out to bars and strip clubs on the day of our initial meeting in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the day he interviewed me so as to offer me a job.  Another drop.

Christian Courbois and Stephen Gardner falsely professing that they cared about me and were therefore holding for me an ‘intervention’ as I was led to the spiral that was my divorce in 2012.  Another drop.

Norwegian diplomat and high level employee at the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Henning Pedersen looking me in the eye and bragging how his superiors believed in him to perform any assigned task as we drank beers in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 2017.  Another drop.

Scotsman Adrian Terris sending me an email with one word spaced several rows beneath the email text, cocaine in 2016.

An unknown law officer of the Victor, New York court angrily knocking at my door at 1235 Honeysuckle Pass saying loudly ‘I know you're in there!’ although all blinds were down, doors locked, and car safely tucked away in the closed garage with an order for me to appear in court on the matter of child support in the fall of 2014.  This a clue to the level of surveillance I was then under though then unknown to me.   Another drop.

Army veteran Omar Gonzalez scurrying over the White House fence in the fall of 2014.  Another drop.

NCIS special agent Doug Boyce repeatedly asking me to consider as I reported my woes to him, incorrectly believing him to be my savior, “Rick, what juice is worth the squeeze?” in 2014.  Another drop.

A strip club gal after consummating her affection towards me with ten minutes of my entering that Russian club offering to provide hashish and to start a sexual relationship with me as I reminded her of her dead husband in 2012.  Another drop.

Albina Taptiga, a Russian prostitute then naked and in the comedown from making a three way sex video with myself and another Russian gal named Natasha, laying out and offering me my first line of speed, the amphetamine type, not the methylated version,  just after the death of my mother in early 2012.  Another drop.

A rich variety of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and email psy  ops laden spam intended to trigger sexual activities and drug use.  2013 to 2019.  More drops.

I collected all these drops and many, many more.  Now my cup runneth over.  IMHO these  folks above mentioned and others conspired in an effort to manipulate me into the role of patsy for an unsuccessful presidential assassination attempt in 2014.  My cup runneth over indeed.

This cup, now so full, supports convincingly the paradigm put forward by Dane Ole Dammegard who has identified multiple false flag events portrayed by our mass media as terror events and assassinations.  Ole is correct.  My full cup, my story, bear this out.


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