How do the CIA and FBI Create Terror Events and Patsies?

How do the CIA, FBI and other security services create patsies for terror events/assassinations?

Ole Dammegard has done some very credible research in this area which suggests we are all being scammed by our security services a LA the JFK assassination, 9/11, the Norwegian terror event, this recent NZ terror event and so much more.  I can strongly recommend Ole Dammegard's YouTube videos in these matters aforementioned.

I had my own experience being targeted by these security types and I leaned a lot.  I'll share a bit of that learning here with you now.

If you think about it and I do, it is a fairly simple matter for CIA and similar mafia like intelligence agencies to run the world (an excellent book by Douglas Valentine 'CIA as Organized Crime' is excellent IMHO).  Simple at a high level, of course there is complexity and real work to be done in execution.  Though the idea itself a simple one.

Let's consider how the CIA might use psy ops techniques to create pasties for terror events/assassinations.

An organization like CIA has not only institutional knowledge but also generational knowledge.  For those invited to join, massive opportunities in learning await.  Learning about what?  Technology, history, politics and more, but most importantly human psychology.  Carrots and sticks.  What is real and what is illusion.  And how to play with people, targets, using that knowledge.

My NCIS friend Douglas Boyce, opened my eyes on a number of things including a likely conspiracy to assassinate Barack Obama in 2014 that failed, when Omar Gonzalez somehow made his way unimpeded into the White House that fall.  You would have to ask Doug Boyce about that.

My pal NCIS agent Doug Boyce and others whom I have met especially in my years as an American expat in Russia are what we those of us raised in the middle and lower classes as sheep of a sort for civilization requires slaves of a kind (this I heard recently somewhere and cannot and would not take credit for such a phrase no matter how inciteful).

I recall Doug telling me in that horrific summer of 2014 we need garbage men.

And I recall that morning after staying all night in his driveway having been pursued by up to 40 FBI vehicles, how he texted me saying he had something funny to tell me in the morning.  He would call, and he would start off, “Rick I am a policeman…”
He would continue in that unsettling conversation telling me how much I had misperceived in my life...

I had only a few weeks earlier told Doug Boyce in what he called my Marcus Aurelius moment about Adam Stanhope of Pembroke Ma and his attempts to seduce me into his Silk Road drug dealing as ‘Nawlins’ upon my escape from Russia in October 2013.

I had been fooled to believe I was under a death threat organized by then ex wife Svetlana, Egish Kharchatrian who would tell me in the summer of 2014, "Rick you will be this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too.", and Alexander Valerievich Tregubov, a pal of Egish's and my ex's.  His number is +7 921 776 9391 if you want to ask him.

Alexander Tregubov is of note as he poisoned me by spiking my beer when we first met in August of 2011.  Long story that one.  As a result of drinking that beer, I would lose 35 pounds in a month.  3 years later in  2014 senior NCIS agent Doug Boyce via his army buddy Dan Mead, head of security for the London office of Marsh and McClennan (MMC), and his contacts in the Saint Petersburg, Russian police department would confirm that indeed I had been poisoned by Mr. Tregubov in August 2011.

Adam Stanhope, supposedly now deceased, though he may be hiding in Thailand, was a friend of my younger brother John and had attended Berkeley, at a young age and later had held a director level position at Reuters in Boston and had for a time owned the domain

Adam, while brighter than average, and a likeable sort, by then had suffered an opiate addiction and had become an online drug dealer under the account NAWLINS.  He used the US mail to distribute benzos, synthetic cannabinoids, and synthetic cathinones as part of his business as an online vendor.  Like Ebay but with a kick.

Adam invited me to stay with him at his parents home in Pembroke MA after I left Russia under fraudulent death threats in October 2013.  He had been kind enough to pick me up at Boston's Logan airport.  And as I stayed as his guest for some weeks in the fall of 2013 he would make a business proposition to join him in his Silk Road venture.  I would decline.  I recall asking him wasn't he fearful of arrest.  He responded confidently that in that case he would fake his death and move to a home he owned under his wife Taki's name in Thailand.  He informed me that when he sold the website, he intentionally failed to pay the IRS its due as he kept the proceeds offshore.  He then used those proceeds to buy the aforementioned home in Thailand. 

I told Doug about what had happened, that Adam was selling drugs online under the American NAWLINS on the dark web.  I was cautious but having known Doug for then 14 years maybe 15, and thinking he knew me as we had served on the American Chamber of Commerce executive committee in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 2000 and as he had once offered that I join him at that porcelain factory he had once run in Russia.  Doug was in 2014 at a high level in law enforcement, a GS15 special agent at the NCIS reporting to an undersecretary of the Navy.

Perhaps he could offer guidance how to report Adam Stanhope to the proper authorities, the police while keeping self safe.  I was worried by Adam's potential criminal connections as a result of my car having been broken into that winter.  Chemicals had been sprayed all over the dashboard and steering wheel.  I recall my fear as I carefully cleaned that car the next day.

Adam Stanhope told me prior to my leaving his father’s home at 113 Oldham Road in Pembroke MA, “What did you expect?  I am a criminal.”

Doug’s response surprised me, perhaps shocked me is more accurate.  I have since learned as I would in a few months time use the DEA’s online tip service to report Adam Stanhope.  This is what Doug should have told me to do. 

Instead, Doug told me to clip letters, words from newspapers and magazines, glue them to a piece of paper and send to the Pembroke MA police department in a common envelope with no return address. 

Kind of like want madmen do in films. 

It felt wrong so I did not follow his advice.  I was then in those days listening and suspending judgment on Doug’s words. 

I was getting a weird vibe from Douglas though I wrote it off in my head never suspecting that Douglas was or would be involved in a major criminal conspiracy.

Only a few weeks earlier Doug had broken a cardinal rule I had learned in my time in the military when he told me that he had been an American spy in Russia in 2000. 

I had neither an active US government security clearance and certainly no need to know.
So I simply listened further.  I liked Doug then and I still do today though I know him for what he is as many like him must be, corrupt policemen. 

I would learn in 2 years time how corrupt the FBI is as well when I would move son and self to Denver CO. 
I would meet Coy Ebell, a man who IMHO is an undercover FBI agent and a whole bunch of other undercover FBI agents, perhaps as many as 20, as well at Skyline1801 apartment complex at 1801 Arapahoe Street in downtown Denver across the street from the Ritz Carlton where I resided with my son from April to December of 2016.

And there I tested some theories as to why my son had been sent to me in America by his FSB trained Russian mother in that December of 2014.  I enjoy my son, love him as any father would, but I trust him as much as I trust his mother which is to say that I do not.

In December 2015 my then ex Svetlana Macy (we would later remarry on 9/11 of 2018 of all dates) in our first Skype call in quite some time would be positively beaming as she would tell me another secret, she would tell me that 80% of my expat friends in Russia had been in the Intel services of western nations. 

This was so engrossing as I had waited to hear from someone, not necessarily her, but someone and at some point for I had come to that conclusion on my own after having left Russia and having email and chat conversations with some folk I knew from my time in Russia. 

Those chats and emails loaded with NLP laced suicide suggestions from authors as varied as my former expat pals Paul Leonard and Kyle Patching.  They and others involved are listed below in more detail.

So based on my experiences and Svetlana’s ‘80% rule’, it seems this list would be more or less accurate in describing those fine folk who I knew and believe to be working for intelligence agencies of the countries listed.  Again, these are my believes based on my experiences.  To date only Douglas Boyce admitted that he was an American intelligence operative in Russia.

My equation is sort of like:

Anna Chapman, Russian spy, who came on to me while I served as CEO of Yellow Pages Russia in Moscow in 2008 (2 years prior to FBI outing her), +

Douglas Boyce’ admission  of being American spy in Russia +

Svetlana Macy telling me 80 % of my expat friends in Russia were intelligence agents +

my experiences with these fine folk =

American Conspirators

Douglas Boyce, NCIS in Virginia Beach, Va

Paul Leonard, American entrepreneur in Canada

Paul Smith former US Consulate General in Saint Petersburg 2000

Bruce Parker former US Consulate General in Saint Petersburg 2012

Dan Mead, Head of Security for Marsh McClellan Company in London

Christian Courbois expat consultant in Saint Petersburg, Russia

James Hitch former head of Baker and McKenzie lawyer offices in Saint Petersburg and Kiev

James Beatty, CFO Jensen Group Saint Petersburg Russia also residential of Denver Co

Steven Wayne, CEO of Jensen Group Saint Petersburg Russia

Stephen Gardner, chief marketing officer of Tikun Olam (an Israeli cannabis company) and my former boss in Russia, residing in Sarasota Fl

Steven Caron, owner of Sindbad Travel Saint Petersburg Russia

Tatiana Dick, attorney, daughter of Sir John Dick, Isle of Jersey

Karan Young, head of Montessori school Saint Petersburg Russia

Jeremy Curtis-Diakonov English Teacher and former pastor Anglican church Saint Petersburg Russia

Michael Mondini living in Mexico

Michael McCall

Matthew Igel, former head of Kelly Services in Russia and Switzerland

Alden Greene, US State Department, Morocco

Aaron Bogott, American expat residing in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Greg Bernstein, US State Department

Charles Voss, Saint Petersburg, Russia

James Connell Jr, US State Department MIA hunter

John Von Achen, deceased, former speaker/trainer

Dave Eggers, former Ford executive, acting CFO Tikun Olam

J. Christian Moore, former head of Coudert Brothers law offices Saint Petersburg Russia

Kurt Stahl, American Executive former CEO of American Medical Center Saint Petersburg Russia

Jonathan Sparrow, head of Cisco Systems, Russia

British Conspirators

Adrian Terris, former CEO Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages

Nicholas Sweeting

Michael Jacklin

Richard Peers, Football Coach Moscow Russia

Patrick Naughter, Hotel executive in Saint Petersburg and Moscow Russia

David Whitford, former CEO of Baltic Communications Limited, Saint Petersburg Russia

Stiiv Knowers, retired Anglican Priest residing in Tallinn Estonia

Peter Owen Edmunds, deceased, former Chairman PeterStar Telecommunications Saint Petersburg Russia and Russian Towers

Norwegian Conspirator

Henning Pedersen, senior executive Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Canadian Conspirator

Kyle Patching, former real Estate executive living in Saint Petersburg Russia

Australian Spy

residing in Russia
Christine Smoley, student

This list is based on my experiences and reflects my resulting opinion.

Over time I have had ample opportunity to reflect on how Intel agencies position their people overseas, especially the ‘illegals’ like for example Jonathan Sparrow head of Cisco for Russia.  Why wouldn’t CIA put their people in these senior management positions?  It would make no sense not to.  And the Russians know in very good measure which foreigners work for western intelligence.  Of this I have little doubt.


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