Police Break In after I Crowdsourcethetruth with Jason Goodman

Ah the pleasures of life under surveillance.   Yesterday I was interviewed by Jason Goodman on his YouTube channel crowdsourcethetruth.

Today my wife and I found books placed on our living room table that neither she nor I placed there.

My best guess.  Corrupt police gangstalkers  breaking into our flat and sending an unsubtle message.  And I'm a good guesser.

Oh boy.

Stay tuned.  I know you will.

"The final stages entailed psychological and physical harassment: moving things around at home (one morning the alarm clock goes off at 5am instead of 7am, and the socks are in the wrong drawer, there’s no coffee left…); damage to bikes and vehicles (eg slashing tyres); the spreading of rumours as mentioned above; ordering goods in subject’s name etc."


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