Crystal Aparts Psy Ops Fun from the CIA

Here's a bit of psy ops fun for you. 

This ad came up in my Facebook feed.  'Crystal aparts'.  I had no interest so began the process to hide the ad.  And what do you know?  I tried 4 times in a row and each time Facebook came back with a message claiming technical difficulties. 

I made a screen shot of the ad.  I waited a few minutes.   I went back to Facebook and was able to hide other ads.  'Crystal aparts' has yet to show up again.

If those technical difficulties were arranged by my pals in the security services who watch me 24/7 (which has got to be a sucky gig given my moderate existence these days) so that a la NLP the word 'crystal' would float around in my mind subconsciously urging me to venture once more into the underworld where different and often less than legal materials like ecstasy and a variety of stimulants are available, this feignt was just a bit too obvious boys. 

Keep trying.  I know you will. 

And before you shake your head ruefully have you ever had Russian spy Anna Chapman come on to you?  I have.  Have you ever had a senior NCIS agent tell you he was an American spy in Russia in 1999 while he pretended to be your pal?  I have.  Have you ever had the roof to your building mysteriously be set on fire on JFK's birthday?  I have. 

Crystal.  The word brings back memories of 2016 in Denver with my son.  He had been sent to America by my wife as a weapon.  Sound crazy?  It wasn't.  Google 'Charlie Tan' and 'Pittsford New York' sometimes even to see what a mother and son combination can do.  My tale is a bit less gruesome then theirs, though dark to be sure. 

I had been arrested in September 2015 in Victor New York on a misdemeanor charge of 'child endangerment'.  That's a story I've posted here before and likely will again.  In any case the court and I agreed that if I were not to get arrested for the 12 month period from December 2015 to December 2016 the charge would be discharged and my record would remain as it had for over 50 years, clean. 

Were I to be arrested again throughout that 12 month period, I would be sentenced to a year in a New York State jail, no trial, no press, and likely a shank waiting for me in prison so as to assure my silence on the matter of a failed 2014 presidential assassination attempt that, though organized by our CIA, had failed.  I was to have been, in the words of Egish Khachatrian, "this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald".

I had some advantages Lee didn't.  The Internet for one.  Maybe others, I'll let history decide. 

My son and I moved to an apartment complex in Denver located across the street from the Denver Ritz Carlson, Skyline1801, on the corner of Arapahoe and 18th street. 

And there my son began to receive in the mail parcels addressed to him for which he had no money to pay.  In time I would understand that the police, the FBI, were sending my son bags full of crystals of synthetic stimulants and plant material likely sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids.  I put in a 30 stop order at the local US post office as my son was being deceptive as to how and why these packages were arriving.  In 3 days the stop order was returned along with more bags full of chunky crystals.  As earlier, I flushed these down the toilet.  And fearing worse entrapment ploys from the FBI, as they had far more resources than I to combat their efforts, I took my son on a tour of the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Sedona and more to ensure that we were out of the state of Colorado where the FBI had invested much in terms of undercover agents, infrastructure, and more in their mad effort to complete their coverup of what I had, using self as bait, learned about the aforementioned failed presidential assassination attempt. 

I recall a civilized walk on those streets of Denver after our return, when that 12 month timer had expired with a short, stocky, bespectacled young man named Coy Ebell.  Coy was likely one of 19 undercover agents in place at Skyline1801.  Coy had assumed the role of earnest Trump campaigner.  Based on this false identity Coy had invited me to join the campaign.   His vibe was off the scale deceptive, and I politely declined, used self as bait one more time, and learned that what which Coy was up to.  As we walked to dinner Coy, whom in that conversation I jokingly called 'sheriff' and 'mr. policeman' to jab at him with what I had learned, Coy brought up the topic of choice.  He seemed to be providing himself moral cover.  He seemed to be saying that it was OK to send a teenage boy and a single parent destructive drugs by mail in hopes to entrap.  That I had made choices as I had, dodging, weaving, learning, seemed to have impressed Coy.  Perhaps favorably.  Perhaps not.  He had his orders.  He tried to conceal his emotions though failed.

Simultaneously a US state department employee named Stewart Devine emailed me claiming we had met at a job fair that I never attended.  Stewart's title, then as now was Diplomat in Residence for the Rocky Mountain Region.

Stay tuned.  I know you will.  ))


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