False Flags Abound

Another Day Awaiting my Twitter Appeal.  

I had posted my opinion as to the events not long past of a shooting, supposed or real, in New Zealand.  
I can't say for I wasn't there.   

A thing I learned back during the Russian-Georgian war was about media and it's seemingly effortless ability to tell stories and have you believe them.  I read somewhere how watching TV induces an Alpha state of some sort making one susceptible to suggestion and what not.

I had just earned a little over $1,000,000 from the sale of the then vibrant, now dying Saint Petersburg Yellow Pages.  I held options on 7% of that company.  The remaining 93% were held by Tony Czura, Nick Thornton and David Fleming all former executives of the Swiss company SGS.  Tony had been for a time CEO and had bragged to me of making large cash bribes Co rained in suitcases to the ruler of Libya Moammer Khadaffi. Those stories then impressed me.  Now less so.   Maybe I am growing up.  Not sure.

As to the Russian-Georgian war I was on vacation in Massachusetts when the fighting started.  Perhaps it was August, I don't recall.  My son small then, only 7.  My wife then as now a beauty, and then as now duplicitous for what else can a Russian FSB honeypot trap sparrow be?  I'd joke and call her Mata Macy or Sveta Hari.  I don't think these jokes she liked much but what to do.  Humor is a great salve when one ached as I had do to a relationship with such a woman.  

I recall watching the American news, ABC, CBS, NBC. They portrayed the Georgians as glorious freedom fighters and the Russians as bad actors, Bond villains, the bad guys.  

We returned to Russia, Saint Petersburg where we lived then as now.  We turned on the TV to Russia's 1st channel.  State run.  Well produced.  Certainly as entertaining as its American counterparts.  And frankly I enjoy the advertisements more for cultural reasons, juxtapositioning, and having been raised on American TV in the 70s and 80s.

This Russian 1st channel presented quite a different view on the Russian-Georgian war.  The Russians, heroes defending their motherland.  Good looking white boys under arms.  The Georgians presented as swarthy, dark skinned criminals, thugs, a people never to be trusted living amongst the hills with goats and sheep.

The lesson I took and it struck me hard is that if I haven't seen it myself first hand then like the Fleetwood Mac song, it is 'Second Hand News'.  And when such news, when any news is presented, the presenter or more likely his bosses, their owners (keep in mind only about 6 or 7 international corporations own most all the American media) will do the thing most human and slant that news so as to manipulate, so as to sway, so as to pursuade.   

And as I learned in the Virginia Beach home of NCIS agent Doug Boyce in the spring 6 years later in 2014 that the dark arts of psy ops, of manipulations have been studied for generations and are in use by our most 'venerable' of institutions, corporations, churches.  This after Doug admitted he had been CIA when we met in Russia in 1999.  

I had been targeted, this Doug mostly let me find out on my own, though he gave clues and 'tells' aplenty.

I lived under FBI surveillance from October 2013 to December 2016 while living in the US having retreated from Russia due to a lie told me by my Russian princesses Svetlana and Gena.   Both FSB trained honeypot trap sparrows.  

One got me into Russia and married me.  

The other led me to divorce.   

Both lied to me and said I was under a death threat from two Russian men, one a supposed pimp, Alexander Tregubov (the man who gave me a poisoned beer in August 2011 causing me to lose 35 pounds in a month and twisting the directions of decisions I took over those next months and years), the other Egish Khachatrian, a supposed human trafficker engaged in the importation of young Russian and Uzbek girls from economically devastated Soviet city of Angren, Uzbekistan to Europe's 4th biggest city, Saint Petersburg, Russia.  

I have therefore learned some things in my 54 years on this planet.  People lie.  NCIS agent Doug Boyce in a moment of clarity and what I believe was honesty told me "Rick, everybody lies, all the time'.  And Doug as a GS15 in the NCIS is a bright boy.  He does know some things.  And yes he likely conspired with CIA and FBI in a failed attempt to assassinate Obama, install Biden, and blame me back in  2014.

2014 was as you might imagine a heck of a year for me.  Actually all those years from 2008 to 2017 were unusual especially in retrospect knowing I was under surveillance being gangstalked and being set up for entrapment so that I might be in the immortal words of Egish Khachatrian, "this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald".  Ouch.  Unfun.  

So all this stuff I see going on, New Zealand shooting, the burning of Note Dame and more.  My gut says these things are false flags meant to irritate to upset our populations.  Google Ole Dammegard on YouTube.   His video 'Terror, are you kidding me?" eloquently presents the paradigm to which I presently hold.  Our security services run false flag terror events to spread fear.  Our media companies spread lies.  And 400 wealthy families benefit while the rest of us live paycheck to paycheck under surveillance unimagined. 

I live under Russian police surveillance 24/7.  Some days I put on a show.  Most days not.  The gangstalking and psy ops by FSB on behalf of their mates at CIA was heavy in 2017.  Even got my left arm stabbed and chipped with a device that rings out a constant high pitched whine at 15600 hz 24/7.  Been listening to it for over 2 years now.  These boys are mean and they play for keeps as the stakes are high.

The Stasi had 1 in 6 citizens gangstalking, informing, spying on their neighbors.  I don't know the statistics for modern day Russia nor her earlier set up as the Soviet Union.  And with the abundant post 9/11 funding provided by the feds for local police departments in the United States, fusion centers, and the greatest hoax of this century, that of 9/11 I wonder what the statistic is of number if police informants per police officer.   I found the number once.  It was quite high.  America is a captive land where the strongest, biggest mafia is our police forces.  Ed Snowden showed us the tip of that iceberg.  Imagine what we don't see.  And as I've been targeted, gangstalked, surveilled and implanted I've seen and experienced a bit more than most.  

And so I write.  So that others might know.

What does a moral man do when one encounters dog poop on the floor?  Does he pass it by or does he clean it up.  My blog here and my patreon page are my initial attempts to clean up this mess.  And by God there is a lot of poop to be cleaned.  

Keep watching.  I know you will.  ))


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