3 Road Clues on CIA Attempt to Kill Obama. WTF?


We don't always get the complete picture of situations in which we find ourselves in life.

As I consider my own life no one walked up to me and said Rick Macy you are a targeted individual and we at the CIA and related national agencies are going to team up gangstalk you, surveil you, misdirect, and confuse you using the good old fashioned classics, like motherhood and apple pie, those of money, power, sex, and drugs to turn you into a US presidential assassination attempt patsy again our first black president.

I had to piece that together via clues, little bits of information that were presented to me over the course of many years.  It was up to me to crush old paradigms and to connect those dots.

There was, of course, no intentional help from those in my life set upon gangstalking me, many of whom I've mentioned by name in this blog, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, my interview on YouTube by Jason Goodman on his 'crowdsourcethetruth' channel.

I usually refer to 4 of those clues when presenting this story, when attempting to present this narrative, this story, my story, a story most unusual and frankly unbelievable.   It goes like this:






And from that launching point I go into further detail about being pursued, harassed, and gangstalked by approximately 40 unmarked FBI vehicles in the summer of 2014 and more.

I also describe as part of my narrative uncovered, how 4 individuals introduced to me, with criminal intent and under corrupt police guidance, powerful stimulants legal and not, in the months surrounding my mother's death in September 2011 as I held her hand as she passed in a Wellesley MA ICU.

Those individuals, stimulants, and locations were:

1. multimillionaire August Meyer, cocaine in Saint Petersburg, Russia,

2. naked bisexual prostitute Albina Taptiga, amphetamine, in Saint Petersburg, Russia,

3. Silk Road vendor NAWLINS and family friend Adam Stanhope, MDPV in Kingston, MA, and

4. police informant of Iron River Wisconsin Mark Brady, MDMA (ecstasy) in Pembroke, MA.

I then sometimes describe the most revealing of 2 phone calls, both with my then ex-wife, Svetlana Macy, who like Genya Kosheleva, had been a Russian FSB trained prostitute honeypot trap whom I met on my second business trip to Russia on behalf of miltary manufacturer Harris Corp. in the summer of 1995.

The first phone call of significance was on June 20, 2014 wherein she informed me and confirmed that which I had learned a month previous on my own by connecting dots mostly provided by the man who poisoned me in a Russian banya in August 2011, Alexander Valerievich Tregubov.  Alexander had presented himself to me in August 2011 falsely as pimp and lover to the aforementioned FSB trained Russian honeypot trap Evgeniya Kosheleva.

Other dots to be connected were provided by the eyewitness accounts of bisexual Russian prostitute Albina Taptiga and Vladimir Soloviev, half brother of Miss Kosheleva of being present at meetings in my Russian apartment between my then wife Svetlana Macy and her lover Alexander Tregubov as they plotted my divorce, my poisoning, the kidnapping of my young son, extortion attempts against me that would fail, the theft of my property, planned attempts at police entrapment in the US, and to top it off a false death threat made against me by Alexander Tregubov and Egish Khachatrian communicated to me by Russian honeypot traps and former prostitutes Evgeniya Kosheleva and ex-wife Svetlana Macy.  This death threat resulting in me abdication my life in Russia in October 2013 and retreating to the U.S. where over the course of 14 months I would not see my son, would begin to unwind that which had been wound so discretely and so thoroughly, this attempt to, using MK Ultra and other CIA techniques and tactics, mold me into a presidential assassination patsy.  And failing that into a criminal so as to jail me, shank me, kill me, and close this story so none would learn of the very high levels of corruption in the U.S. government and indeed in this world.

In this call Svetlana told me:

1. She had never loved me.

2. She wanted from me a child as Alexander Tregubov, her preferred lover, also trained by
FSB, was infertile and incapable of impregnating her (Alexander had told me oddly and unasked that he was infertile as a result of an accident while serving in the Russian military in Chechnya.  This he told me with a sort of glee that I would only later come to understand.  And then telling me how easy it was to kill a man, offered me a poisoned beer which I accepted, drank, and within 4 weeks had lost 35 pounds feeling I nearly shit myself to death.  This poisoning was confirmed by NCIS agent Douglas Boyce and his contacts with Russian police in 2014 that indeed this Alexander Tregubov had poisoned me.)

3. Svetlana only stayed with me thereafter as I could as our new sons father provide her commercial comfort the likes of which she never experienced growing up poor and beautiful in the Soviet Union.

4. Svetlana informed me that she and Alexander Tregubov had somehow monitored my whereabouts, emails, phone calls, Internet access continually from 1997.

The second phone call of note was in December of 2015 wherein Svetlana Macy asked my smiling (this was a Skype video call) "Rick didn't you know that 80% of your expat friends in Russia were actually intelligence agents?"

So with that as background of a sort let me share with you 3 clues, or perhaps more accurate to say 3 more clues about my 'targeting' and 'gangstalking' by corrupt government actors.  These clues were each in the form of road signs and point directly to our U.S. government and no other.


1. In late July 2014 after Svetlana Macy's revelatory June 20th phone call described above, and approximately a month of being pursued, harassed, and gangstalked by up to 40 unmarked FBI vehicles, and finally witnessing an arson attempt by landlady at 3205 Sandfiddler Road Virginia Beach by FBI gangstalking informant landlady twice bankrupt, divorced, disabled Shari Faller, I departed Virginia Beach by car near midnight to head for the home I once owned at 1235 Honeysuckle Pass, Victor, NY.

I had learned more than a little as a result of this vehicular pursuit.  My headlights had been adjusted down so as to make night driving that much more difficult, while the high beams of my pursuers brighter, higher and as a result noticably intimidating, all the while being of course deniable.

My GPS map, a Garmin unit, popular then, and affixed to my windshield just under the rear view mirror was being spoofed by a GPS jammer, my location as presented unreliable and jumping hither and you with no relation to my actual location.

My cellphone, a cheap flip phone, disposable, was remotely accessed and spoofed, ironically likely by a Harris Corp. manufactured Triggerfish or Stingray unit, this demonstrated to me in two ways, 1. some of the FBI vehicles pursuing me had odd visible antenna arrangements, and 2. even though I had manually shut off location services using the settings menu, a radar display like looking icon appeared at the top of my cellphone display.  This ought to have disappeared when shutting off location services.  It's reappearance and my inability to turn it off proof positive of FBI cellular spoofing targeted at me.

I therefore stopped at at convenience store on the way out of Virginia Beach to go old school, and purchase a ring bound paper based colored map of the East coast so as to reliably navigate from Virginia to Western New York state.  While parked I noticed a highly reflective decal had been stuck to the lower part of my driver's side door.  The decal wouldn't be noticeable in the day time for its color was gray like that of my 2006 Hyundai Sonata.  It was near midnight, I noticed the decal, wondered for 2 seconds, then pulled it off.  All the while in the odd company of a female gangstalker likely set there by FBI to maintain surveillance of me.  I recall her vibe, unnatural, unpleasant.  Our conversation minimal.

Here comes the clue.  To depart the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area going North, one must exit the area via use of a tunnel.  With my GPS dancing this way and that I used my new paper map to head to the tunnel and head North.

As I got close to the tunnel, a road crew type LED sign, clearly placed there by those in authority for such an interstate road, blinked, stating the TUNNEL CLOSED DUE TO CAR ACCIDENT.

I felt this was a bluff.  I called it and drove through.  No car accident.  No bits and pieces of smashed cars.  No ambulances, firetrucks or police cars.  The sign a lie.


I made it to Victor, NY.  I found that the FBI had worked on my tenants, Alice Calabrese and Dylan Chase, to damage my home in a denial attempt to push my buttons psychological, to pull my levers mental in hope of getting me perhaps to cross lines, break laws.

Having escaped Virginia, and having shared moment by moment all the bizarre gangstalking events with corrupt NCIS agent Douglas Boyce, Douglas, playing me as he did asked me over and over "what juice is worth the squeeze?"  I am sure he enjoyed deceiving me, playing the role of trusted friend, and potential savior when in truth he was one of the many government employed criminals at CIA, FBI, etc. working hard to push me into the role of presidential assassination patsy.

I gave Alice and Dylan their 30 day eviction notice in accordance with New York State law.  Alice ultimately signed and accepted her notice.  Diminutive Dylan, and by this I mean short, for he was quite short, never signed his notice, though they both vacated my home within the 30 days prescribed by law.

I spent those 30 days in two hotels, mostly the Royal Inn on Route 96 in Victor, NY.  I spent a few days earlier in a small nearby Western New York town called Avon at a hotel called the American.  And in both hotels FBI gangstalked me, going so far at the American Hotel to put an irritating pepper spray on my bedsheets, forcing me in my last night there to sleep on a bare mattress.  The hotel owner clearly knew, and enjoyed it as he could barely hide his smirk in our few discussions.

While at the Royal Inn I got the answer to Doug's question "what juice is worth the squeeze?"  What made it worthwhile for 40 FBI undercover cars to harass and gangstalk me in Virginia, and to pursue me to New York?  What made it worthwhile for Virginia Beach landlady Shari Faller try to entrap me with an arson charge?  What made it worthwhile for Silk Road drug dealer Adam Stanhope to attempt to involve and thereby entrap me in his online narcotics business under the vendor name NAWLINS?

CNN broadcast the news of troubled Army veteran Omar Gonzalez scrambling over the fence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and into the White House with a pocketknife while Obama was within the property.  I had my answer to NCIS agent Douglas Boyce's question, "what juice was worth the squeeze?"  A presidential assassination attempt in which I was to be patsy, just as Egish Khachatrian had unexpectedly told me in manner most angry and aggressive.


Only some months later would I learn the paradigm put forward by Dane Ole Dammegard, that most assassinations and terror events had been organized by our security services in order to instill fear in the population, increase security budgets, remove guns from populations, and ensure that the top 400 wealthy families who run the world, destroy national governments in favor or a far more profitable globally governed world.

Omar Gonzalez, like Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy McVeigh and so many others, played, manipulated  into the roles of patsies.  Assassin's to be blamed.  Bombers to be feared.  Terrorists to be hated.  And the government narrative not to be questioned.  JFK.  9/11.  And so many more.

I understood why narcotics had been brought into my life, why I had a series of commercial successes in business, followed by failures.  I saw why I had been selected as honor recruit in Navy boot camp, then discharged honorably with an undesirable RE4 reenlistment code.  I saw why in the same year I was selected as outstanding sophomore of my high school, I was asked not to return at the end of that year.

I had the answer why the Notre Dame like fire on the roof of my home in Russia on JFK's birthday in 2009, on May 29th.  It was to be blamed on me.

I learned of the 'targeted individual' paradigm, and that apparently I was such a man from birth.  This due to my father being in the OSS and his killing unintentional of an Arab attacker in the middle east after World War 2 while he was a pilot for Alaska Airlines flying Jews from places like Yemen and Ethiopia to the new state of Israel in Operation Magic Carpet.

I couldn't fathom the complete reality in which I found myself.  I didn't yet know the cause of my problems was CIA.  I clung to the incorrect paradigm that somehow all the gangstalking I had experienced was of Russian origin, or started with criminals related to Adam Stanhope and Mark Brady, men who I'd later understand had under corrupt FBI guidance introduced me to MDPV, a strong stimulant, and MDMA commonly known as 'ecstasy'.

I also knew by then by my ex-wife's June 20, 2014 phone call admission that she was a beneficiary of whatever surveillance it was that I was under, Russian FSB or criminal.  Keep in mind when I met Svetlana in 1995 she presented herself as a prostitute, then 21, and in 1997 admitted to me being part of a Russian criminal gang that had taken advantage of alcoholics trading vodka for apartments, taking advantage of drunks unfamiliar with new property laws of the post Soviet Russian landscape.  I imagine those homeless drunks died frozen on the street.  Svetlana was cold and hard.  She had to be for she grew up poor and beautiful in the Soviet Union.  She remains tougher than me to this day for I was raised a middle class American boy in a small town.

My goal then was to gain guardianship of our then 13 year old son, and to get him out of Russia, away from his mother who it could be argued was evil.  Extortion. Prostitution. Showing our son Pornographic images of me his father while 13, a felony in either the US or Russia.

I needed a detective, to detect.  I trusted no one.  I had used self as bait in Virginia to learn Svetlana was watching as was Alexander Tregubov and corrupt NCIS agent Doug Boyce.  So it was up to me to be Batman of a sort.

Mark Brady shipped to me more stimulating crystals, not MDPV as it was by then illegal, but an analogue A-PVP still legal though providing similar euphoric effect followed by paranoia.

I accepted the package, stuffed it away in my garage.  I believed part of the reason my fraudster ex wife Svetlana had sent my son was to use him as a weapon against me a la Charlie Tan and his mother of Pittsford, NY (Google that, it is a dark tale).  I knew that she knew this parcel was on its way from Mark Brady in Iron River.  I even recall the second post office vehicle making an odd delivery run that mid December to ensure I received that package.  The FBI, the local police, my ex-wife hoped I'd injest this research chemical, lose control, cross lines, break laws, and bring truth to the odd prediction made in Russia by her lover Alexander Tregubov, that I would end up in an American jail.  This information communicated to me by Russian prostitute honeypot trap Evgeniya Kosheleva so excitedly.

Immediately upon the receipt of the package which I was told weighed 70 grams, a new sign appeared upon the local highway heading to hub Rochester, NY, just North of Victor, NY.  The sign a flashing LED sign advising drivers to YEILD due to road work ahead.  Oddly the term YIELD was misspelled as YEILD.  New York state contains a fairly well educated work force.  This sign remained for several days, and  spelling remained, unfixed.

In my time with Adam Stanhope in fall 2011 where he introunced me to MDPV and again in fall 2013, Adam educated me in the production of MDPV freebase by adding drops of ammonia to the MDPV crystals to yield a yellowish oil of MDPV freebase, a material bit coin fan John McAfee celebrated online as the most sexual of drugs, calling it the 'tan MDPV'.

So this YEILD road sign, an exercise in psy ops, just as the one had been in the Norfolk tunnel, this one to subconsciously push me into doing as Adam Stanhope had taught, to make the strong yellowish when wet, tan when dry stronger version of A-PVP (MDPV and A-PVP quite similar chemically).

I ended up trying a bit of the material, enjoying it's sexual component alone, at home, using self as bait to see who was watching and what would happen next.  This material so strong, I flushed most of it now he toilet.  I had tricked my ex-wife to send me my son, and didn't need such strong narcotics laying about the house, a house I suspected under surveillance, police or criminal, I then not knew.


In April 2016 Nick, my son and I moved to Denver.  I didn't completely understand all the corruption, gangstalking, and entrapment I had encountered in Victor, NY being fraudulently arrested on a child endangerment misdemeanor charge that carried the it up to 12 months in jail if found guilty.  My son had planted 30 small pot plants, and when directed by me to throw them out left them on the kitchen table in clear sight of the cops via our sliding glass back door whose curtain was oddly pulled back, which it never was.  The cops came due to a 911 call from my phone that I never made.

The 911 operator called back asking had I made the call and did I need police assistance.  I replied in the negative to both questions.

I knew my son had been sent by his mother as a weapon and had waited for him to reveal his hand, their hand.  Interestingly the day after my September 2015 arrest my fraudster Russian ex wife Svetlana Macy sent an email to my son stating that he would have to live with a foster family if he desired to stay in America.

How and why would she pick that day to email our son such a topic?

This a clear indication that she was in the loop with these cops most corrupt, and I had clearly been painted as the bad guy from my CIA pals in Russia to FBI, to local cops via fusion centers.  No doubt there is a FISA warrant from a secret court with my name on it due to the fraud we call 9/11.

I had held my ground, demanded a trial when offered 12 months of parole, a harsh punishment for a 49 year old tax paying, home owning, white man for this, a first offense.

The Victor, NY court demurred and changed terms to don't get arrested for 12 months, get a few weeks counseling, and the charge would be summarily discharged.  I agreed.

I had hoped for arrest and trial so as to expose the corruption, gangstalking, and entrapment I experienced so the one world might learn of the what had happened to me in Russia and America.  I thought hard and considered that as I had experienced corrupt cops, a corrupt NCIS agent, who was also CIA, FSB trained folk in Russia including Russian spy Anna Chapman, a corrupt court, that my chances of success were small, at best single digits small.

And I wanted to be dad, not some press hero on Anderson Cooper or Oprah Winfrey's TV shows, should I succeed and expose the Obama assassination attempt that failed in 2014.

Then I noticed the weird vibe from the neighbors, especially from a young supposed Trump campaigner named Coy Ebell.  Coy was friendly, his stewardess wife just a little too friendly.  Weird vibes abounded.  Coy invited me to join the Trump campaign.  I thought better if it and declined.

The Skyline1801 apartment complex decorated its roof in the rainbow lights signaling gay.  I thought this and Coy both psy ops.  Coy Ebell was an undercover FBI agent whose task was two fold, entrap me, and cover up that which I had learned, that FBI had taken part in the 2014 failed assassination attempt on Obama that was to have killed him, installed Biden, and blamed me.  Just as CIA had done in 1963 with JFK, LBJ, and Oswald.

And then my son began to get packages of research chemicals in the mail, arcane stimulants, synthetic cathinones, synthetic cannabinoids among others.  I asked how he was paying for these items.  He had no money.  He didn't answer.  I put in a 30 day mail stop order at the post office.  In 3 days it was returned with more bags of crystals and plant matter coated in God knows what chemicals.  My 12 months were not up regarding the earlier charge.  This felt like a set up and it was from FBI as I would learn.

As things seemed darkest some road construction began downtown and now I would see the 3rd sign.  We lived on the corner if 18th and Arapaho.

A constructions sign with bold black letters on a white background had been placed on 18th street that could be seen coming in Arapahoe from 17th.  The construction sign said NO RIGHT TURN and was placed where there was not the possibility for a right turn.  The sign another psy op designed to get in my head to trigger me to something stupid.  These games they played.  A cars license plate parked in front of the building said NIKS MAT, Russian for mother of Nick.

Psy ops all around, first in Virginia, then in New York and now in Colorado.  I was beginning to see the elephant in the room as the corrupt CIA and corrupt FBI.

So knowing the risk I was under, because of the drugs someone was sending my son, I would be at risk for another child endangerment charge or worse in any case going to jail for 12 months where no doubt rough treatment up to and including a shank to silence me awaited.

So I thought, tactically took Nick out of the Denver high school, enrolled him in online high school Penn Foster, and took him and self out of Colorado on a tour of the west seeing Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Arizona, Salt Lake City and briefly California.

We returned to Denver the day after my 12 month court agreement expired.  If I were arrested again, and I wasn't, I'd have rights to a court case, publicity, and a defense.  The personnel at Skyline1801 were oddly relaxed upon our return, this in stark comparison to the uptight postures of their bodies prior to our departure as FBI worked desperately to entrap me.

I had finally found those last days in Denver the chat between mother and son on his computer with much hate and venom directed at me.  I asked him the next day and he broke the computer.  An accident he claimed.  I knew better.

We left Denver for St. Petersburg Russia where my ex wife Svetlana Mary and I co-own apartment 7of the beautiful building at Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35, site of the Notre Dame like mysterious roof fire on JFK's birthday on May 29, 2009.  The significance of this date unknown to me until I was informed, unasked in that summer of 2014 by an American expat I had met in Russia in the 2000s, Jason Smolek.  Jason likely CIA.

I returned to Denver to clean out that apartment, #205, in April 2017 as the 12 month lease expired.  I learned from Tommy the tall black security guard that immediately upon our departure 19 apartments were simultaneously vacated.

What were the odds of that, but for that those apartments had all been rented on behalf of undercover FBI agents intent on surveilling, harassing, and gangstalking me with intent to entrap me, and cover more foul corruption in our dear FBI.  This accounted for the weird vibes from so many of our apartment neighbors, and why I chose as before to 'sit in the tall grass and watch'.  This term taught me by former boss Tony Czura, former director of Swiss concern SGS and bagman paying millions in cash bribes to Muammer Khadaffi once absolute ruler of Libya in exchange for fat contracts.

Even today after reconciling with my wife she gets real quiet when I ask why she had no contact with our son, her son for two years.  The look on her face would be enough to convince most courts of her guilt.   I don't push her.  I know her.  She is an FSB trained honeypot trap trained to lie to the world in the case that Obama be dead and I as well as patsy.  She'd have thrown me under the bus and with her botoxed forehead would have provided few tells with the lies she would have with mindf***ed the world.





All 3 signs proof of the excesses of the state, of the FBI.  And each one a lesson in the psy ops, the dark arts in which they engage to create terrorists, lone shooters, bad guys. 

I learned what Oswald, McVeigh and others didn't.  FBI is working to make false flag terror events to scare the population, to get our guns, to get bigger budgets for better houses on the beach.  9/11 a scam just as the JFK assassination had been years before in 1963.  We are run by criminals.

What a story.

Signs.  Watch for them.


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