Kyle Patching, Canadian CIA (CSIS), Patrick Naughter, MI6, and a Plot to Kill Obama

Meet Kyle Patching.  Canadian.  Likely Canadian CIA, CSIS.

Meet Patrick Naughter.  Irishman.  Likely MI6. 

Kyle pretended to be my pal from 2006 to 2016.  I learned he was actually likely a Canadian spy employed by their spy agency whose initials are CSIS.  Kyle used to send me NLP (neuro linguistic programming) suicide messages (instructing me to hang myself, what a pal) which were a huge giveaway as to why he had portrayed himself as my 'friend'. 

The more likely reality is that he was part of a complex program to assassinate Obama with me in the role of 'patsy'.

Kyle had been introduced to me by an Irishman named Patrick Naughter who resided for many years in Russia and who currently manages a Hilton in Moscow (Patrick and I even went to Berlin together to see U2 some years ago). 

Patrick is likely in the employ of MI6 and, like Kyle Patching, likely conspired to assassinate Obama in 2014 with me in the role of 'patsy' a la Lee Harvey Oswald. 

Stephen Gardner about whom I recently posted introduced me to Irishman Patrick Naught in spring 1998, and Patrick in 2006 in turn also in Saint Petersburg, introduced me to Canadian Kyle Patching.  All with one goal in mind, to con me down a path of debauchery so that I might star in a leading role as patsy in a 2014 assassination attempt on Obama.  In this they failed.  Had they naught, they would have in manner heartfelt claimed before FBI investigators what an oddball I had been.

The unsolved roof fire of my domicile in Saint Petersburg, Russia at Kamennoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 of May 29, 2009, JFK's birthday, would have been laid at my by then dead feet to help formulate the narrative that I had been a deranged lone gunman type.  I only learned in the summer of 2014 from another American expat I had met in Russia named Jason Smolek of the significance of the date of May 29th.  But these CIA boys, of which likely Jason Smolek was and remains one knew and had planned long in advance that fire and so much more. 

I have had time for thought and due consideration of these men, CIA, MI6, CSIS, and the sorts of positions that would be held by such men, what we commonly term, spies.  They would be in positions of authority, and indeed they were and remain.  Patrick Naughter would brag about sleeping with a local Russian prostitute named Tatiana Kim, she of Korean descent.  I can't say whether or not he slept with her.  I know I did.  And if he didn't then why did he claim to?  Answer, to influence my behaviour towards debauchery. 

I have a term for men like Kyle, Patrick and Stephen who reside and resided in Russia and engaged in such nefarious plots,  I call them scumbags.  Were you to know Kyle Patching or Patrick Naughter as I do you might be tempted to agree.

And just as in 1963 when LBJ, CIA and their cronies mindfucked the world as to the assassination of JFK, 2014 would have been similar.  The difference being that in 1963 they killed JFK, blamed patsy Lee Harvey Oswald.  In 2014, they failed to kill Obama and perhaps in large part due to the strength and power of the Internet, and using self as bait, I upset the apple cart and eluded that darkness for which they had planned for me, for my entire life as a targeted individual.

They went with another attempt and using psy ops methods and black ops boys like NCIS agent Douglas Boyce, and his two pals, also likely CIA agents, Paul Leonard and Daniel Mead, pushed veteran Omar Gonzalez over that White House fence in the fall of 2014 in an unsuccessful attempt on Obama.

You ever wonder why Joe Biden didn't run for president?  I dont.  I think that he believed he wouldn't have to as he planned to follow a dead Obama much like LBJ followed a dead JFK.  And all that noise Biden made about not running due to the death of his son?  Politicians lie.  And karma is real.


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