Lying Eyes, a Trip to Tunisia, 'Street Theater, and Attempted Murder by Wife and Son

Lying Eyes and More

A few posts from our chat while she was in Tunisia, our son out in the LenOblast staying with the man named 'Vladimir'. 

'Vladimir' whom Svetlana revealed to me on May 9th, 2017 just prior to boarding that North African bound plane as a man with whom she had had an unlikely affair in August 2016.  She could not look me in the eye the entire time she told this fib. 

My son later told me he met this 'Vladimir' who said Svetlana was lying and they had never slept ttogether. 

Lets have some background material now from an earlier fb post: 

The idea as horrifying as it is elegant. 

One night during my post divorce affair with a young lady named Genya, in mid 2013, she told me in response to what I don't recall, "Your life is like that in a horror movie".

I didnt know what she meant.  I liked my life then as I enjoy it now. 

I would learn.  I would learn that Genya had been set upon me by bride and her Russian policeman boyfriend/handler. 

I would learn that I had been conned by Svetlana into believing I had put my family at risk.  All a con.  I departed Russia in October 2013.  I begged her to join with our son.  She agreed then never came.

Only 14 months later and after reporting her efforts as child kidnapper to the U.S. State Department my son joined me.  That was December 4th, 2014. 

I would learn within a week I understood that he had been sent with a task.  He was to be the answer to the question, "How would she do it?" 

This question whirling in my mind since December 2013 when Tregubov himself nefariously informed me via Skype "Svetlana has a plan to gain your U.S. assets".

The plan was to send my son a year later with intent to get me arrested on either drug charges or child endangerment charges.  Ive written about my experience getting arrested on child endangerment charges as a result of my son's efforts guided at a distance by his prostitute and criminal mother. 

I would learn in the fall of 2016 that which I had patiently waited for.  In Denver I found that chat most heinous and damning between mother and son.  This chat had gone on for 2 years!! 

Those two years in which they mysteriously never spoken with each other, not by phone, not by Skype.  When asked, they both claimed they had no contact for those two years.  This another lie.  That clue so powerful. 

And the next day Nick smashed his computer, claiming an accident. 

I would learn that she broke U.S. and likely Russian law when Nick would tell me of the images provided to him by her then 12 or 13 of me, his father in sexual congress.  She neglected to inform him how she got me into group sex bringing other women, Niki, Galina, and Irina into our bed, and getting fully naked with a Scotsman we knew in Siberia named Allan.  Her manner appalling then as now. 

Nick told me that she asked what he thought about his father and then left the thumb drive with him so as not to give it directly but by baiting him to have a look and see.  This after she handed me a CD with these files post divorce claiming there were no other copies.  She lied.  She does that.  A lot. 

I would learn when hearing this tale and the other one wherein Nick informed me that he was introduced to Tregubov the friendly bus driver who helped mom and my son while on vacation in Crimea.  True or not, I cant say. 

Both these tales told my Nick with a certain knowing grin suggesting there was much more than he was saying.  As though he were following guidance from afar.  Likely he was.

And I would learn more, much more; my kitchen accident on January 24, 2017 son and wife fighting in kitchen in what I learned was false, a bit of 'street theater' intended to draw me in so they might murder me and get away with it.  She had thrown dishes throughout the kitchen, never before and never since, playing as though she were in a rage for his self proclaimed substance abuse.  She laid out a double pronged and quite sharp knife sticking oddly away from the counter (this made no sense, and was not random in any way) , the floor was wet and yet that fight seemed contrived as all before and since that date between mother and son. 

I would learn after awakening from full general anaethstesia of the 15600 hz noise maker installed in my arm wailing away now for over 750 days since that accident of a plot so nefarious, so nasty and all in all not nice of what it means to be father. 





I married a Russian security service trained 'sparrow' 'honeypot trap'. 

I love her for all that she is and that which she is not.  Love is a choice at this stage and not simply a matter of emotion most passionate and thrilling.

We know each other 22 years.  We have a son, like her, well trained in matters of conspiracy and deception.

I returned to Russia with all this known but for the January 24th kitchen 'accident' and the illegal insertion of a heinous 15600 hz audio tone generator in my left arm.  I didn't believe Sveta on her own would pursue this in such manner after our 3 year separation.  I returned to Russia with vision and purpose yet no fury. 

We agreed to reconcile verbally though details remain, lies to be untold on her part.  Since choosing honesty over deception, my part has been easy, unexpectedly so perhaps. 

She quit her poor paying job.  I have paid all her bills since my return on december 26.  I even and separately invited the man who poisoned me in August 2011, and was my wife's lover, Mr. Alexander Tregubov into my family's life as I take the high road in this matter most precious. 

Stay tuned.  I must and will not veer from this path chosen.  I will set our son free from this heinous corruption and her too should the Lord allow.  The saying 'God helps those who help themselves' is my guiding light.  I shall see my family through this darkness. 

Svetlana is no longer a 21 year old 'sparrow' 'honeypot trap'.  She is a 45 year old unemployed housewife.  I am a man in early retirement.  The game is done boys.  Let her go.  She did her job.  She was faithful to your damnable cause.  Pin on her a medal and leave her be. 

She is the mother of my son, our son, and I will see my family free from this nefarious situation. 

I am father and I have say, I have sway.  Push me no further and release them.  God is watching and he more powerful than all your spies, corrupt cops, judges.  Face me.  Face the lord.  There will be an accounting here or on judgment day. 

My path is clear. 

That of Gandhi, Buddha, and Christ most dear; nonviolent, truth to power. 

And we shall as family quietly leave this damnable stage.


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