Jon Pouliot Jr, FBI informant and Jason Smolek, Likely CIA Agent

Meet Jason Smolek and Jon Pouliot, Jr.

Jason is an American man I met in Russia.  He was the one who told me that the date of a mysterious and as yet officially unsolved fire on the roof of the building where my family and I live at Kamenoostrovskiy Prospekt 35 in Saint Petersburg Russia May 29, 2009 was JFK's birthday.  I believe Jason to be in the employ of CIA hence he cultivated a relationship with me while in Russia a la Doug Boyce who admitted to me his employment by those fine fellows in the summer of 2014.

Jon Pouliot, Jr. was, like me a US military veteran, enlisted.  I met him at 3205 Sandfiddler Road in Virginia Beach during the summer of 2014.  John portrayed himself as an ex Geico employee who sold marijuana and pharmaceuticals locally and less than legally.  John was in my opinion an undercover FBI agent intent upon gas lighting, gangstalking and police entrapping me. 

I reported both these boys to the FBI who as I have learned engages in gangstalking to create 'terrorists' so as to get bigger budgets.  Myron May and Timothy McVeigh might be good examples.  It seems our security and intel folks had planned to add me to that list.  Awful.  Be careful if you see Jason or Jon.  I learned.


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