CIA Would be Killers of Obama Now Selling Israeli Weed in the USA

3 guys, American expats I had met in Russia in the late 90s and 2000s.  

Stephen Gardner, Dave Eggers, Jeff Jones.  

All likely CIA.  

All likely conspired to set me up as patsy for a failed 2014 assassination attempt on Obama.  All to install Biden a la JFK & LBJ in 1963.

All three men were extremely, extremely nice to me.  Oddly so in retrospect.  

Stephen hired me to replace him as the commercial director for a majority American owned Russian fixed line telephone company called PeterStar Telecommunications.

I had once before been hired to replace a sales management professional.  His name was Dana Mehnert and the company was Harris Corp in Rochester, NY, and the role I filled was Area Sales Manager covering half of Europe.  Scandinavia, Finland, Greece and Turkey.  Even Ireland.  And a few months later added to this was Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Dana had sent me to Russia in late 1995 or early 1996, this I don't recall.  Dana had been promoted to Director of European Sales, a position now held by a fellow named Chuck Spyra whom I had known as a young product manager.  Chuck is also a bodybuilder.  We were never close.

Nor were Dana and I.  But I was younger, with a young wife, a mortgage to pay, and I had been sold on the idea of working for a larger company making military radios than a smaller company making spook radios, that is to say 'surveillance receivers', these used by the NSAs of the world supposedly to spy on their 'enemies', but the more I dig it seems they spy on us all, the 'five eyes', etc. and certainly they spy on me and have done for a very long time.  This isn't a paranoid ramble, honestly would be more fun if it were perhaps, then I could drool, say things like 'gibber, gibber, hey' wear a tin hat, and have all sorts of fun.  No instead I learned over a period of some years, let's say from 2011 to 2017 that I am and have always been what is termed in the vernacular, a 'targeted individual', and I've been 'gangstasked' by professionals from CIA, FBI, MI6, FSB, and the Norwegian, Danish, German, Canadian and New Zealand versions of these bully boys.  


Back to Russia.  Back to these three gangstalkers likely from CIA, Stephen, Dave, and Jeff.  

Stephen interviewed me on Line 16 of Vasilievskiy Island of Saint Petersburg, Russia on a cold day in February 1998.  

I had been living and working in Siberia then on a two year contract with Luxembourg based Millicom International Cellular tasked with setting up the commercial departments for a regional cell phone company then called Kemerovskaya Mobilnaya Sviaz, now owned and part of the National Russian cellphone operator TELE2.  

It was an odd interview in retrospect.  I remember being impressed that Steve was very tall at least 6 foot 5, wore a Rolex watch, and had an Irish smile that bore a resemblance to my own.  

In addition to being interviewed by Steve on that day, I was interviewed by two Russians, Vladimir Akulich, then general director of PeterStar, in effect Stephen's Russian boss, though he also reported to a New York office of 71% PeterStar shareholder PLD Telekom.  My third and final interview that day was with a well educated Russian man Leonid Reiman, then 1st deputy general director of the local PTT, a former Russian monopoly that had been at one time parent and a shareholder in PeterStar.  

Mr. Reiman is of note as he, one of the smartest men I ever met, later became under President Putin Russian Minister of Communications, and was the mind behind one of Russia's great national cell phone companies, Megafon.  Megafon is of note as while they started after earlier movers Mobile Telesystems (MTS) and Vimpelcom under the Beeline trademark, Megafon was first to gain appropriate and necessary licensing in all 88 or 89 of Russia's regions.  I should know how many there are and forget.  

I was younger and took the day of interviews seriously.  I had fallen in love with the romantic idea of being one of a select group of American expats working in the fledgling Russian telecoms market.  Felt like a Cowboy in a world of Indians.  

After these interviews which felt like formalities for it felt like, and for reasons then unknown to me, that the job was mine.  It was just a feeling.   

Stephen Gardner was personable, open, and in some ways endearing.  Stephen that evening took me out to bars, strip bars, and even a bordello.  I was surprised of course, but happy, thinking what a cool guy he was, and that so was I.  This life in Russia so much more fun than that of the American middle class rat race that I had left behind.

In this thought, this perception of me being a cool guy, or that Stephen was, I was dreadfully incorrect, but would only suspect 14 years later, and know for sure 16 years later.

In time, I had considered Stephen friend as well as boss.  We were in Russian telecoms together representing Metromedia International Telecommunications, Inc's (MITI) shares and commercial interest in PeterStar.  PLD Telekom had been on the verge of bankruptcy and had its shares bought by MITI.  It was a reverse takeover of sorts as PLD was running better quality assets with a lower overhead than had been MITI.  So MITI bought PLD and flushed away a good deal of their own management to be replaced by the team led by former PLD Telekom CEO, James Hatt, earlier the head of legal for British concern Cable and Wireless.  C&W being a telecoms offshoot of the British Empire.  British Telecom was and remains the national phone company of Britain while C&W managed the phone lines of the British Empire external to Britain.  

Stephen and I were married a week or so after each other.  Both to beautiful Russian women, me first, Stephen thereafter in a week or two following.  As a matter of fact Stephen was best man for my legal Russian wedding, that is to say the wedding that takes place, that took place at the Russian government entity responsible for weddings called in short for ZAKS.  It stands for something Russian that I don't recall.  Another likely CIA boy Matt Igel, also an ex Army Ranger who I think attended West Point, played the role of my best man in Russian church wedding the next day, July 13 and 14, 2001.

As an aside, though consistent with some of the themes presented in this blog post, Matt Igel unexpectedly asked me to organize his bachelor party.  I did.  I understand now the intention was to give me a CIA nudge into debauchery which given all the prostitutes and strippers I interviewed for the event was a simple task.  

Stephen and I shared our bachelor party which I thought at the time cool, now in retrospect part of the story that was to be rolled out to the public about me being sex crazed had the presidential attempt on Obama in 2014 been successful and both he and I dead.

The psychological manipulation applied to me by CIA boys like this despicable Steve Gardner were by me written off though now in retrospect I see them for the nudges into sexual debauchery that they were.  Sex is a funny thing like drugs.  A little push here, a small sample there and a man might be off to the races so to speak.  At my, rather at our bachelor party Steven took great pains to get me into a romantic with two 17 year old girls, one named Nastia, I recall her dimples.  The other Natasha and I recall her rear end.  As it was a party my bachelor party the three of us got very well acquainted in that bedroom of that apartment rented one night for just such this occassion.   The girls had been invited by a British man of Russian descent named Thomas whose last name escapes me, a friend of Stephen's.  After this bit of fun Stephen said he had for me a surprise in the other room full of our male guests.  I needed to be naked for this event, and I took it as a challenge.  There was little I wouldn't do to prove what a cool guy I was.  Stephen had been a UCLA graduate, a frat boy, while I had served in the Navy, getting my BS at night so perhaps by accepting this his 'challenge' I was making up for things I had chosen to miss earlier.

And so with eyes shut naked I laid on the center stage of the living room of that apart and suddenly felt a mouth around my pens, flaccid not hard.  And with eyes now open saw it to be a man, a popular guy think he was Australian Keith Mullin who had a senior role at BP.  He he now in the Far East, I recall his quite attractive blond Russian girlfriend.  I remember even better my reaction, jumping to my feet, more than a little horrified that Keith had begun a comical attempt to fellate me in a room full of our mutual acquaintances.  

Had I been funnier than Keith perhaps I ought to grabbed his head and pumped his mouth, but this thought didn't dawn on me til later.  Would have been a hoot no doubt.  

Boys will be boys I thought as I quickly retreated to the nearby room where my clothes awaited.  I saw the encounter as humorous and thought well done Steve. 

Years later when I realized Steve was CIA, along with Christian Courbois, another American CIA boy in Russia for many years, and many others I saw these two events quite differently.  The two teen girls, Nastia and Natasha, though legal, were an attempt to give me experience with younger girls in the hope that later on I would go for sex with even younger girls thus breaking laws and moral codes.  And in doing so set myself up to me hated as a child abuser.  So sick that which CIA and Stephen and others were up to.  The world has dark corners and I've been forced to look into them to understand these circumstances of my life and those of my parents.  This unexpected of course.  Who expects the Spanish Inquisition?  

Similarly Keith's play action fellatio was provided me, as I would learn in time, what pimps call seasoning, as they train their whores to engage in a variety of sexual acts some unbecoming, some not.

Enough about Keith Mullin and my penis.  

Back to Steve Gardner.  A day or two before or after our joint bachelor party he and I took our wives to be, his named Maiya with broad Slavic cheeks, not to my taste but an excellent body, a good education (though apparently morals akin to those of Steve, lower than low) and my Svetlana an FSB trained honeypot trap, this according to how we met in 1995 for $100 and by her own words a former prostitute, went out together to celebrate at Golden Dolls.  

Golden Dolls was and remains an upscale strip club located on the second floor in the middle of the main drag of Saint Petersburg, Nevskiy Prospect.   We were all drinking though Stephn appeared more inebriated that the rest of us.  In retrospect this may have been an act.  Not sure.  The evening was an exercise in 'street theater'.  Of this I am sure.  Stephen ordered the 'ice special' which was a naked attractive girl on our glass table with an ice cube that she ran over, around, and inside her feminine private parts.  Not so private at that moment it must be said.  

She was a good looking girl in her 20s.  After a few minutes of thus with her pushing her vagina closer and closer to the apparently drunken face of Stephen Gardner, his bride to be, Maiya, got up in a rage of fury and left the club.  I recall being amused by Stephen's 'fuck it all' behavior.  We sat longer and in time all went home.  My recollection was that I was impressed by how these American expat men I had met in Russia like Stephen behaved in manner mysoginistic towards women even those like Maiya they were intent upon marrying.  This impression had, in retrospect, been made with intent far less than noble.  

Now I realize this 'street theater' event, like the other two, was nothing but a psy op meant to program be in manner most subtle so that I to would follow his lead, act bearishly towards women thus helping to cement what would be part of my legend as a mysoginistic sex crazed drug addled fuck in the case that the Obama assassination event had gone as planned.  And Svetlana for her part as my wife in this CIA/FSB plot most sordid, played her role as distant, spoiled wife, giving me reason aplenty to over time slip down that slope of debauchery, frequenting bordellos, having sex with over 400 Russian women, and cementing what would be my most mortem reputation.  

And if I had slipped as they pushed towards the unthinkable, sex with children, and survived the upcoming unseen presidential assassination attempt and ended up in jail, who do the convicts hate most and often shank?  

They hate child molesters, and that is exactly as what I would have been as perceived.  None would know or give a damn about the CIA setup, so invisible as to not be noticed.  

Those who have sex with Stephen then attempted to in manner denial push me towards.   That was summer 2001.  Another more vivacious attempt in that direction was made by Mark Brady the man who fed me MDMA, ecstasy, the first time before he rolled out computer images of preteen girls dressed all made up as women.   

I recall being high on ecstasy, this being my first time, and overcoming the rolling waves of pleasure, being highly suspicious of Mark and why he was showing me these images and why he mentioned to me unasked they had been produced in Ukraine, close and accessible from my home base in Russia.

My conclusion as to Stephen Gardner, CIA and Mark Brady of Iron River, Wisconsin, police informant for FBI is that they sought to use psy ops to nudge me into crossing lines, child pornography OMG, that apparently even these low lifes employed by CIA and FBI won't cross as they seek to entrap targeted individuals like me and to manipulate men so as to make mass shooters, terrorists, men like Tim McVeigh, Lee Harvey Oswald and others.  

Further Stephen a few years after our marriages invited me to join him to smoke some hashish just prior to attending a Roger Waters concert held at the famous Saint Petersburg Palace Square outside the Hermitage.  I recall the concert well, even with the facts of hashish at play in my mind, as it was the 30th or 35th anniversary of 'The Dark Side of the Moon' album.  And so Roger Waters played the album live in its entirety and I was pleased to attend with my Role wearing UCLA graduated pal Stephen Gardner.  Little did I know.  And as to the hashish, Steven took me to the small downtown apartment of another American expat residing in Russia, Jeff Jung.  Jeff had hash and became one of my two favored suppliers of hashish in those days of 2010/2011/2012/2013.  Jeff, like Stephen, likely CIA and likely employed by CIA.  

The idea here was to give me the ball so to speak and to later see me run with it.  I hadn't thought much of it.  It was only hashish.  And one or two hits during the day kept my mood improved and likely allowed me to stayed calmly married to disloyal Russian FSB honeypot trap Svetlana Macy with whom I had a son, and who unknown to me had been plotting behind my back for years with the Russian man, her lover, who would poison me in August 2011, Alexander Tregubov.  

If you see Stephen Gardner in his new role as Marketing Director of Israeli Company, Tikun Olam realize he is CIA, he is there for a reason, and find another company with which to do business as you'll never know his true motivation when he smiles and shakes your hand as he once did mine.   Let me be your cautionary tale.  


Dave Eggers I met in Saint Petersburg, Russia a few months later in 1998.  He was then a Ford Motor company finance executive.  Ford was in those days opening a brand new small scale car factory to take advantage of the growing Russian car market.  The factory focused I believe on manufacturing the Ford Focus, which I suppose sounds amusing, this unintentional.  

Dave quickly became popular with the boys employed by Jensen Group, an American owned Russian property investment company located at Nevskiy 32 in the heart of Saint Petersburg.  I always had a feeling about Jensen Group and the American expats that there worked.  In my mind I thought of them as members of a cult, the cult of Steve Wayne,  the owner.  This thought made me chuckle and while I knew these boys I was comfortable being at something of a distance.  In my mind working in Russian telecoms far cooler than Russian real estate.  Not saying I was correct, this was just my opinion.  

I lacked imagination in those days the late 99s and 2000s to recognize that Jensen Group and Steve Wayne himself now married to Valerie Rockefeller had been a CIA investment and Harvard grad Steve Wayne himself in the employ of the boys at Langley.

Dave Eggers would bike around town and I recall him bragging getting arrested by Russian police, thrown into a slammer for a night as a bum as he reportedly had no cash in his pocket and was perhaps somehow picked up for a Russian version of vagrancy.  Not sure it was many years ago.  The story seemed to please Dave.   I think in hindsight perhaps this was done to construct a cover much like another CIA agent, Paul Leonard, a good friend of both corrupt NCIS agent Doug Boyce and Head of Secuirty for the London office of Marsh and McClellan, Dan Mead, these two I believe also CIA agents although to date only Doug Boyce has this admitted to me.  

Paul put on a show over staying his visa, getting thrown into a Russian jail for 5 days before being deported.  This long bothered me as Paul was smart, smarter than me, and so very quick.  There was no way he would make such a mistake were it not intentional.  My best guess and it is only that a guess was that he with another CIA agent in Russia Christian Courbois who had immediately worked his way into being my friend most charasmatic back in the summer of 1998, were working to add noise to my field of perception so as to make it more difficult for me to sort wheat from chaff, to see and to differentiate true signals from false.  Paul had supposedly sent some sort of fabricated Russian high tech out of the country using Christian Coubois' mail service named Westport.   Christian I recall complained of this.  This all a charade.  'Street theater'.  

Back to Dave.  Dave always had a weird tone to his voice when we'd speak.  I wrote it off as I had nothing with which to compare it as I had been targeted my whole life and without my knowing had interacted with gangstalkers unknowingly for years.  Lying, while human, is an act perhaps somewhat unnatural which results in 'tells' from the liar.  The great Paul Ekman has studied this field and I have as a matter of necessity, encountering deceptive person after deceptive person, especially when my gangstalking went into high gear in Mid 2011 through 2017 have spent long hours reading up on the topic, watching YouTube videos to better identify practioners of deceit so as to protect myself.  In retrospect the tone of Dave's voice always contained a sort of untrue ring to it which I in those days wrote off.  

Dave unexpectedly invited me to see the Ford Motor plant then just opening (now closing for commercial reasons).  He personally drove me to see the factory the night before the grand opening.  I thought how lucky was I.  What a pal.  I hadn't realized this was a feignt, a manipulation to cause me to trust,, to care for, to like the criminal I know now as Dave Eggers.

Dave soon thereafter asked my help regarding some aspects of his employment contract and would I be a friend and perhaps cut and paste for him some paragraphs from my expat employment contract so that he might better negotiate with Ford.  I readily agreed,  happy to be of use to my friend. Dave and I also served on the American Chamber of Commerce of Saint Petersburg together with self admitted CIA spy Douglas Boyce and another two men I believe to have in those days been in the employ of CIA, Jim Hitch, head of the Baker and McKenzie law office and J. Christian Moore earlier head of the Coudert Brothers law offices in Saint Petersburg.  This contract review request was likely another psy op manipulation.

Later while living in western New York employed yet again by defense contractor Harris Corp my wife and I were invited to spend a weekend with the Eggers, Dave and his wife large breasted, pixie faced brunette Nadia.  I recall we played golf and they were renting a nice hone in Wellesley, MA, the New England town in which my mother would die several years later, perhaps poisoned by these CIA criminals so as to push my buttons and keep to schedule.  Obama would be in office only so long.  And the plan was afoot to install Biden.  Why do you think he didn't run?  That crap about his dead son simply another politicians lie.  While visiting Dave Eggers and wife Nadia they prepared a cold Russian soup called Okroshka.  I never cared for Okroshka but as a good guest finished my bowl.    Immediately after the Okroshka I alone began to vomit it all up.  I was of course full of apologies.  I see now I was poisoned so as to detract my perceptions, my third eye from detecting the betrayal and the criminals all around me.  It worked. Though now I know and am wary, more wary than in those earlier trusting days.

I've been poisoned at least six times as part of this adventure most horrific.  I've described some of these circumstance the most dreadful and cruel of these happening in August 2011 at the hands of Russian Alexander Tregubov when he handed me a spiked beer.  I lost 35 pound over the next four weeks.  Felt I was shitting myself to death.  Excuse my directness for nothing else conveys the horror of that weight loss, so immediate, so personal, so frightening.  

A few months back my Facebook account was hacked and a message sent from my account to that of Dave Eggers whom I have since blocked as I have all those CIA expats like Matt Igel,  J. Christian Moore, Jim Beatty, etc.  The message said something to the tune I know you poisoned me.  Up to that point I hadn't.   I had only suspicions.  Thanks CIA.  


Jeff was an American expat in Saint Petersburg whom I had met a few times but our times didn't so much overlap.  He worked for a company called Dixon Valve and I believe was ex Navy having attended the US Naval War College as well as holding a staff position of some sort that was political in nature.  Jeff was always exceedingly nice to me and would often bring up the topic of sales.   This he did to keep me in my comfort zone as in those days my mind was focused on my career which in turn had been based on being a salesman and I considered myself a good one.  

Jeff would later email me which surprised me for we were not close.  His attentions towards me recalled another exmilitary guy Jim Jacquet who when in Saint Petersburg sought me out and was also unusually friendly.  These emails continued to 2016 when unexpectedly Jeff became COO for the US operations of Israeli medical Marijuana producer Tikun Olam.  

I was surprised and told him so.  By then I was living as single parent in Denver smoking legal weed most days to keep self calm as day by day I was learning that I was under continual surveillance as I had been in Victor, NY and had a hard time getting my head around the fact that it was the FBI gangstalking me.  Jeff responded in one line emails amicably enough.

In 2019 when I learned that 2 years prior Tikun Olam had hired Steve Gardner as Marketing director for its US operations I sent Jeff a note of surprise which went unanswered.  A few weeks ago the US operations of Tikun Olam hired Dave Eggers as acting CEO.

Seems to me CIA is stacking this company with a few of its operatives.  To what end I can't say.  Maybe this is even good for this company having CIA support.  This would of course be consistent with he support offered Israel by the US since her beginnings in 1948 when my dad likely OSS flew in Operation Magic Carpet delivering Jews from places like Yemen and Ethiopia to the 'promised land'.

I've been to Israel one in the early 90s on business.  I saw Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  I saw the difference between the Israeli side, developed, organized,  nice.  I saw the Palestinian side, quite the opposite.  Didn't know what to make of it for years.  Listening to the press regarding the middle east always confusing.  The paradigm I use of late is Israelis as European settlers just as we had once upon a time in North America.  The Palestinians in the role of the American Indian.  We all know how that went.  I expect no different in that far away land.
.and as to Steve Gardner, Dave Eggers, Jeff Jones, all talented men, all deceptive, dishonest.  Their characters and likely willingness to gangstalk me and likely conspire to assassinate Obama in 2014 suggests they would have little problem performing unscrupulous tasks in other matters.  My advice?  If you see them coming, cross the street.  Find another company with which to conduct commerce.   My two cents.  Earned with blood.  And a few tears.  


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