My FSB Trained Honeypot Trap Wife Svetlana Macy

My FSB Trained Honeypot Trap Wife Svetlana Macy

Svetlana, like Marina Oswald before her, had been made ready to lie to the world as to me, her husband Rick Macy, who was to be, like Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963, a presidential assassination patsy, though this in 2014, resulting in the death of Obama and the installation of Joe Biden.  Ever wonder why good old politician Joe Biden didn't run?  He didn't think he'd have to for CIA had a plan to eliminate Obama while blaming me as patsy.

Svetlana would have become famous, while I would have been dead.

Svetlana prided herself on the Botox injections around the forehead for these deadened bits of skin would be less likely to provide 'tells', giveaways as to whether or not the person is speaking the truth of lying.

And Svetlana had been lying for years which is largely why our family failed.  To begin, she had a lover, Alexander Valerievich Tregubov, who according to Svetlana, in a slip of the tongue in the fall of 2012 just prior to our divorce most fraudulent, was the top graduate from his FSB psy ops course.  Svetlana seemed oddly proud that he had attended one of the four such facilities in Moscow and not the lone one from smaller Nizhniy Novgorod from where they both hailed. 

This admiration of hers towards him bewildered me for he had represented himself as a pimp for a girl I was insistent upon rescuing from life in a bordello, due to the psychological effects of my mother's passing in September 2011.

He, Alexander, also as a policeman who provided her access as a prostitute in 1995 to one of the premiere hotels in Nizhniy Novogorod at that time, 'The Oktybrskaya' which is where she came knocking on my door and for $100 we became intimately acquainted.

This was my second time with a prostitute, the first a gal in Caracas, Venezuela.

If Svetlana is to be believed, I was her 75th and final client.  This may or may not be true for FSB trained honeypot traps such as Svetlana come complete with false backgrounds referred to as 'legends'.

Svetlana shared with me that she had amassed over $15,000 working in this manner.  And no hard feelings towards Svetlana on this matter.  Russia of the 90s was a dark place.

Now over 20 years later, their game continues.  Svetlana stole half of my Russian apartment, turned my son whom I of course love very much, as a weapon against me, his father.

Svetlana once a week speaks with our son during his stay at a
Tver based rehabilitation center.  Usually by phone, lately by What'sApp video.  Today claiming that she'd be busy with her elderly, overweight, sickly mother Nadejda in a Russian hospital, she advised me that for the first time since his nearly year long stay in Tver, he'd call me via What'sApp.  Svetlana informed me she would see her mother at 16:00.  Nick's call usually comes about 13:00.  Today he called at 12:00.  This implies he might easily have called his mother.  So why did he call me?  We spoke briefly about my understanding that he had been set up to attack me with the knife on January 24th, 2017.  His reaction muted.  This a bad thing.  I had wanted to protect him from that with which his mother had involved him at age 16.  He used the defense he no doubt plans on using with police, that I had grabbed his neck which I had not. 

He is completely in cahoots with his criminal mother as the damning chat I had found on his computer in the fall of 2016 in Denver described.  He broke the computer the next day to destroy the evidence of his complicity. 

I suspect therefore the reason for my unexpected What'sApp chat with my son was cheap psychological manipulation, intended to disincline me from reporting his participation in an attempt on my life, his father's life. 

I've been to the local prosecutor's office, there told to go the police station downstairs.  From there I was given a note with a time and an address of another police station with which to pursue this matter.  And so there I will be on my own in a foreign country, navigating the byzantine police, prosecutorial and legal systems of this land so far from home. 

And so I go see the Russian police on this matter.  My chances of success are slim, but what is a father to do?   


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