Chuck Jensen, Levant Maine, FBI Gangstalker

Chuck Jensen, 
FBI Gangstalker, Levant, ME

So back to police entrapment, etc.

I spent some time on the beach just now and am drawn back to memories of a shipmate named Chuck, Chuck Jensen, or as I knew him Petty Officer 3rd Class, Data Systems Technician Jensen.

While serving on the USS Underwood FFG-36 went to the Persian Gulf together in 1987.

After my fraudulent divorce in the fall of 2012, and false death threat supposedly from Russians Alexander Tregubov and Egish Khachatrian, communicated to me by two beautiful Russian FSB honeypot traps or sparrows, both former prostitutes, Svetlana Macy and Genya Kosheleva, I retreated to America on October 13, 2013.

I was met at Boston's Logan airport by my 'pal' Adam Stanhope who apparently was working selling things on Silk Road under the protection of some police, likely FBI.

I stayed with Adam at his father William's home at 113 Oldham Road in the old Yankee town of Pembroke, MA for some weeks as we had discussed building a 'power drink' like business together, you know the '5 hour energy' kind that had become popular in the US while I was away on my second sojourn to Russia, that one clocking in at 8 years.

Adam Stanhope had once owned a home sort of across the street where I grew up in Kingston, MA, but had lost it to the bank being unable to keep up with his mortgage payments.  The street then as now called Wapping Road.

Adam got real weird real quick.  Claiming no money, he gets a $2000 trip ticket to Thailand leaving me in his garage and giving me password to his Silk Road business.  He operated this under the name NAWLINS.

I felt weird vibes from Adam, and from his two workers Michael and his son Andrew Chandler.

As a matter of fact one evening after making sure I had smoked my fair share of his high quality marijuana, then illegal in Massachusetts, now not, Adam brought in this old short white haired guy to meet me who was all sorts of happy to see me.

Never did get his name.

Adam said he was coming by to buy something, weed if I recall properly.  Adam sold a variety of narcotics called 'research chemicals'.  No cocaine or heroin, just weed or strange powders from labs unknown.  I do recall Adam showing me a huge ziplock bag full of blue MDMA or ecstasy pills.  And in some mo ths time I would see that same bag in Virginia Beach, for apparently such resources in the hands of our corrupt FBI are controlled and used on a project by project basis.  And in time I would learn, I was have to have been quite the project.  MK Ultra.  Manchurian candidate kind of stuff.  Still freaks me out from time to time, though it is interesting to what one might grow accustomed.

As to Adam's elderly short customer, I was pleasantly enjoying a marijuana buzz and considered this short old man not my business.  In retrospect I believe I was his.  Read my blog posts thoroughly and your conclusion might be the same.

In any case, I was still trying to figure out my divorce, the death threat aforementioned and was grateful for Adam's parents apparent hospitality, comfortable as guest in their mid sized home.

As described above, I met Adam's cohorts in his Silk Road drug vending business, one fellow whom I vaguely knew as we attended the same high school for Junior year, this being Silver Lake regional high School in Kingston Ma in the early 1980s named Mike Chandler and his son Andrew Chandler, or 'Drew' whom I did not.

After Adam showed me the big bag full of ecstasy, he later claimed that his worker Dree had stolen it and Drew suddenly gets a $1000 tattoo that covers half his body and looks like Genya were her cleavage larger.  This was all 'street theater' designed to confuse a target such as me.  I this did not know then.

I also recall one day Mike Chandler taking me in his truck to get my Massachusetts drivers license.

The whole ride I got these u relenting weird vibes from Mike.  Super weird.

I had gotten weird vibes from Drew.  Weird vibes from Mike.  Weird vibes from Adam.

In retrospect he, and they knew I was targeted and was being set up.

I left Adam's upon figuring out he was up to no good and was doing weird crap.  As I left Adam shouted, "What did you expect?  I'm a criminal!"  I had hoped for friendship and maybe a new business opportunity, though one legal.

My sister Lisa Macy picked me up as she lived nearby.  I stayed the night with her and her boyfriend in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, then off to my brother John Macy's at 401 Cumberland, Portland Maine for a few weeks.

Still reeling from divorce and love affair, at least for me, with Genya, I didn't do much but sit on my brother's couch, smoke pot, and enjoy his hospitality such as it was.  I went further north and visited friend Chuck in Levant, Maine.

This is where stuff got spooky, at least for me.  My car was broken into while in his faraway home tucked as it was in that odd corner of Maine.  Scared me.  Now that I know it was police, just nasty, not scary.  I had thought it was to do with Adam Stanhope.  In this I was correct, but there was a higher level of players who were moving Chuck and Adam as chess pieces.  Very creepy.

So Chuck and I had just reconnected perhaps a year earlier, via the Internet.  Matter of fact in a fb posting session, I had made a joke, and a gal somehow related, a cousin perhaps, to Chuck's nurse wife, named Amanda Kelley (although online she caled herself Amanda Kay) responded.

Later based upon this we had a short fling.  Sex as as weapon.  Should have known it my then.  Didn't.  Learned. Amanda was also a heroin addict and she reported to me later that her brother was selling the stuff in New Hampshire.

I stay with Chuck and family for some weeks.  Chuck does a couple of weird things including makes fb friends with the wife of an American guy I knew in Russia, NCIS agent Doug Boyce.  Chuck and this gal, Elena would never meet, much less become fb pals.  Not in this universe.  Not in any.  Not now.  Not then.  Not ever.

Thought hmmm weird.  Chuck's reaction weirder still.  Hiding something.  Deceptive.

One night at Chuck's out of the blue he tries to do a trick in the spy buisness called setting a 'false foundation'.  He calls me over to his couch to show me a YouTube video on Reptilians, strange shape shifters supposedly holding key positions in the US government.  I thought it odd, let Chuck no so and didnt think about it much til later.

In retrospect the idea was to plant that crap in my head in the hope that should I ever report my story as I do now years later having done the hard yards to connect dots, put it all together I would lose credibility by saying something goofy like 'the Reptilians are in on it'.

I suspect they're not, and have been added to the media of our world by CIA and FBI so as to take our attention away from the real human corruption that goes on throughout our government which appears to be well on its way to becoming something of a police state.  IMHO.


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